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Everything posted by animal31

  1. I wont be implementing the CPLs u21 rules in any way, itll simply be you get 3 u21 spots on the bench
  2. This project has ruined my brain I was sitting at my computer, not playing football manager, and a window popped up for some program. I instantly had an anxiety attack thinking oh no my database crashed again when it wasnt even open
  3. Right off the bat, any US database is probably going to cause a failure because if how the two mods interact with the canadian teams that play in the US auch as the MLS and teams like Thunder Bay chill
  4. What is your set up when starting the game? Is this from a fresh launch with no other files?
  5. So the first thing of note is that you can view the EUFA nations league rules by changing their country to say Serbia, adding rules for Serbia, and then selecting "add new competitions at bottom" and then convert to advanced rules This will show you had you can promote and relegate In addition, you wont need to add it to Reuinion, you can just add it through international rules You're grabbing specific teams for the group stage, and then relegating them, but still grabbing the specific teams. You'll want to select the option "Use team rule in year - end year offset" and make it zero, then add "Get qualified teams for comp" for all other years. Then, instead of relegating, use the "qualify team for competition (With positions)" rule in league fate action to qualify teams for each competition Try downloading my Canadian database and checking out the "Canadian U23 Premier League" and see how that works, its basically the same thing In regards to the crash, you may need to add ranking information rules. I was having that issue earlier this week Let me know how this all works for you
  6. Peep that title change baby Its here https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3039047864
  7. I found the fix and so far so good, im gonna let it sim over night as a final stress test
  8. I love that the last possible league I have to edit is now causing a crash lol
  9. Is anyone willing to reconstruct the European competitions to just add another team flat out?
  10. This version that will be uploaded this week? No, it works fine
  11. All 12 levels of senior competition work perfectly until at least 2040 Theres still some Football Manager weirdness, but not much I can do about that. I can mitigate the issue of low level teams turning professional but I can fix it, no one seems to know what causes it
  12. Looks like all of the game breaking bugs have been ironed out, and the game runs until at least 2037 with no issue. Now I just have to convert to Advanced rules and add the finishing touches
  13. Im having the same issue. Level 10 teams are turning semi-pro despite not making any money, does anyone have a fix that doesnt hard code teams of a certain level to be amateur?
  14. Ive documented my testing here But basically if you create too many supporter objectives, the game will not load if there are too many of them loaded You can give them to a team not in a league, and its alright, but once that team enters a league, it crashes. And it appears to be the number of objectives in general, like the game cannot load 100 or 200, or whatever number of objectives, as you can delete a single one from a single team and it loads fine Im sorry I dont have more details, it takes a really long time to test, so I dont want to go into specifics about how many objectives you are allowed to have, or if it crashes when teams add them over the course of gameplay. I just loaded by database, set all leagues to playable, and spent hours trying to find the changes the made it crash, and it was supporter objectives every time
  15. Ive pinpointed a failing database down to the sigular edit that caused it to fail Winnipeg FC being added to League 3 Prarie With Winnipeg FC in L3P, the database crashes when I remove Winnipeg FC, the database doesnt crash When I remove the Supporter objectives and restore the team to the League, it doesnt crash I am frustrated lol
  16. Im in that really awkward stage where im testing things for hours and hours, without doing in actual work, trying to fix the broken parts. Its slow, and its not sexy, but it means its coming out soon
  17. If youre asking for one thats compatible with this the honest answer is I have no idea, as I dont test for compatibility But there is this one
  18. According to my most recent test, Valour gets relegated in 2031 Canadas best player in 2050 is a goalkeeper that came out of Waterloo for Borussia Dortmund, presumably because of the link up with Waterloo United/BVB International Academy Waterloo. And while a majority still come out of MLS academies, many national team players have come from teams like Victoria Highlanders and TSS Rovers
  19. Can you try verifying Football Manager from your steam library? I just tried it on my machine and it loaded fine, it might be a problem with your install
  20. Theres only like 4 teams that ive made myself but you can use those Of the other teams theyre all real life teams or coming expansion teams so im pretty sure youre free to use them anwyay
  21. Ive been on vacation so i havnt been able to respond to this But this is actually an error with college teams. If there are too many teams with a certain club objective of like "sign players under the age of 18" or whatever it may be it wont load a save file if there are too many leagues loaded. It might be helpful to restart your save with less leagues and saving reloading before you hit continue This will obviously be fixed in the update once released which should be in the coming weeks. Basically I just removed the objectives. Again im sorry for such a wait but if you want a better fix you can edit the file to remove club objectives from U Sports teams
  22. Im sorry for such a long delay Despite needing to do less work, ive somehow made more work for myself, and have taken longer on this database than the last Ive definitely taken the fact that I released the FM22 version at the beginning of the year as a security blanket, and have been working less efficiently that I would have liked. But its coming, its almost done. Im just going over last minute game design for the rules of the competitions before fully implementing them, and making sure my database is perfectly sanitized to be imported into FM24 when the time comes so I dont have to undo so many mistakes as I did this year
  23. So a dumb thing about me is I have no idea how Quebec works cause I cant speak french but apparently in Quebec "College" refers to schools for 17 and 18 year olds, as a grade 12, grade 13 situation prior to going onto University, as their highschools end at grade 11 So, despite saying ive added CCHA schools to the game, that doesnt include Quebec colleges that are a part of the RSEQ, as they are basically super highschools
  24. To give my thought process behind the 8+3U21+1U18 bench rule First, theres a U21 mandate in the real world CPL, but I think its a bit silly to have in game in the year 2050, so I just made it a number of U21 in the squad, Minutes is a fairly complicated rule, so to keep things simple, I just give teams extra slots for U21 players if they want them, while still having a full squad of O21 players. Second, The MLS, Bundesliga, and EPL are all 5 from 9 subs 7 bench is effectively dead, good riddance. With 8 on the bench, you can carry a GK, LB, CB, RB, MC, LW, RW, and STR. Instead of having to double dip your wingers, or fullbacks, or just not carry a goalie, 9 lets you cover the case where you play with 2 different midfield spots, like a 433 or 4231, which is really powerful But in Italy its 5 from 12, which is backups for your entire 11, plus a 3rd striker, or 3rd keeper, or whatever you want to do, however they also reportedly want to do 5 from 15, which is nuts, In my mind thats too much, so I compromise on 5 from 8 or 9 So first, you get your 8, to cover the 442 positions that you need to. If you want to carry a backup for every position, you have to have a U21 in the squad somewhere, up to 3. If you want to then also carry your 3rd striker or 3rd keeper, or whatever else you feel you might need in a given match, you must have a U18 player in the squad somewhere. which also counts as a U21, which bumps that number up to 4 Without any youth in your squad, you're basically playing 5 from 8 With 4 youth however, you can play 5 from 12 Hopefully that makes sense
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