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Posts posted by Maviarab

  1. Ability to continue saves, unimportant to me as play with a multitude of databases and edits....I guess the 'majority' just play the simple base game...I could never do that.  Women's football, I watch the WC games but otherwise, not exciting to me.  New game completely...definitely and long, long, long overdue.  Hopefully with this all the stupid interactions and nonsensiical rubbish has been removed or seriously updated along with it.  Graphical...fantastic.  Been my biggest bugbear over FM.

    I said a while ago I thought thast the introduction of the women's game might coincide with a whole new game, engine etc.  Good stuff, a move in the right direction.

  2. 56 minutes ago, FMReccster said:

    Not sure where to post this, more Feedback for FM24 but here we go:-

    1. VAR/Offside Line.. I have tried to fine this (incase it needs to be activated) but cannot within the game. Replays show the goal > VAR Review > then offside but we (or I) dont then get a  VAR/Offside line showing how close it was.. Thought i'd be nice to see (like we get on the telly).. If it already in the game, please elaborate on how i get to activate it
    2. Create an Assistant Manager alongside your manager. So many Manager these days have there own staff, and it feels a little weird that when you take over a job or "link" an already existing staff member (within reason) to you, i think this will just add a little dimention to the game, where your Assistant follows you through the game, through clubs both ups and downs.

    Bought FM23 just after Xmas and been playing it for like 4-12 hours a day where i can, i havent played it since FM20 and even then was only playing it because i was bored of the games out (so wasnt that keen on it)

    Thank you.

    Tick show offsides replays...this will show you the line (sometimes lol)....

    Staff will leave a club if you resign/take another job....whether you want to re-hire them is entirely another matter heh.  All comes down to your rep and whether they have you as a favored persona or not and what value.

  3. 10 hours ago, Daniel Evensen said:

    I love this idea, by the way.  This is very creative!

    Heh thanks.  Can imagine I'd be stuck at some clubs for a while while waiting for specific ones to become available.  Currently collating a list around the world of said clubs, actually a lot easier said than done.  I like the idea though as forces to choose/pick clubs you may not have done previously, obviosuly this restriction elimiates the vast majority of 'big' clubs too...looking forward to it, just waiting for Dave to finally finish and release v3 of his around the world.

  4. 10 hours ago, BenArsenal said:

    Exactly. In fact it feels like international football has regressed in FM23 compared with older FMs. We used to be able to talk to players about lack of playing time and advise them accordingly if they want a call up. That appears to have been gone.

    Not appears...it has, period.  If international football hadn't been abandoned enough over the last god knows how many years, they have actually removed one of the features that did exist.

  5. 1 hour ago, Neil Brock said:

    With all due respect, receiving questions after winning a competition with them referring to you not having won said competition would be a bug. 

    In relation to updating all the text, it's not something that can be done all that easily given the game is translated into sixteen different languages and there are hundreds of thousands of different text strings in game. But appreciate that if things get repetitive then it can be frustrating. 

    If you have any examples where you don't feel the text works correctly and is wrong feel free to flag. Likewise if there are any press conference questions and answers, with how that would effect the gameworld that you have in mind please feel free to suggest in the Feature Request section above.



  6. 4 hours ago, chemik said:

    So, the way it works seems to be, FM really does not want you to rotate players and will do everything to punish you (anyone who isn't a regular starter or better wants to leave for more playing time even though they're getting 36 games or more a season).  But, if you don't rotate, and you're playing in Brazil for example where sometimes 3 matches happen in one week, you will get highly fatigued and injured players almost non-stop?  Are we saying that IRL, players want to play every game back to back and want to be out for 6 weeks a season with injuries?

    A question on this actually, how many starts does one need to be considered a "regular starter"?  Is that the same as "Important Player"?  Why don't you get credit for starting them in really important Cup matches when you actually need your best players?

    IIRC it's 75% of league games started.  Not from the bench....started.  Never, ever promise players playing time.  Always go for squad player every time unless it's someone you really, really want to keep and have no option to keep him.

  7. 9 minutes ago, alian62 said:

    It was either outsourced or something like that .

    Doesn't matter whether was outscourced or not, that isn't the reason.  Whoever is doing it, has been told to not do certain things or remove things that once used to exist.  That isn't a graphics designer choice, that's an SI choice.  They only doing what they are told to do.

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