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Posts posted by Maviarab

  1. Needs to start 75% of games and play(?) 60+ mins.

    Most of his appearances have been from the bench and you have promised (as he expecting) to be challenging for places.  He ain't challenging on the bench.

    Long-standing issue in FM (I keep saying this about things it seems lol)..solution, don't offer promises.

  2. 15 hours ago, StevehFC said:

    Wouldn't blame anyone if they used the in-game editor for stuff like this. 

    One could argue it's a neccessity....wonder why it keeps going up in price every year?  Beta test the game for us, tell us about issues we don't care about and won't/can't fix (because after years, it's one or the other isn't it?)...oh and give us your hard earned for an editor so you can fix them yourself....


  3. 31 minutes ago, Chooxen said:

    Let's get it in line with reality, there is absolutely no way these rules function like this in practice.

    The reality is in the UK you can't bring foreign under 18's to the UK.  Just accept that is the LAW....want to smuggle and hoard 16 year old Brazillians then start a save in Spain.

    Again, the problem is with FM not explaining things properly, and in REALITY, very, very, very few 16 year olds would sign pre contracts for 2 years later.  Also now under Brexit (whether you like it or not is quite frankly not relvent), is that the vast majority of those kids would never get a work permit now anyway.  Kids who are already here don't matter, and many will not get that work permit extended.

  4. 36 minutes ago, Ozilva said:

    Let me get this straight, do you want him to show why Casemiro is a better player than the current one on FM23?

    I want to know what is the methodology used to make him so bad.

    I paid $60 on a game that I need to research on player attributes? This site has some attributes based on methodology, not media players.

    Casemiro has 5 Champions League, he won the best CDM of 2023. He has always averaged 7-8/10 in all games, he is a completely constant player.

    Look at Casemiro stats for the current season in real life, United won 75% of the games they played and won just 30% of the games they didn't play. He was definitely the most positive signing of this season. Most underrated and unmarketing player. Now you're telling me that Fabinho and Thiago from Liverpool have the same attributes as Casemiro? That's right? ROFL

    How can Liverpool and Chelsea, teams that are in the middle of the table, have players with better attributes than Newcastle, Spurs, Arsenal and United, teams are fighting for the title, and go to the CL? Newcastle have the lowest number of goals conceded this season. But VVD, who has made endless mistakes this season, is the best CB in the game. Really?

    Varane won 5 CL, won 1 WC, he is 28 years old at the height of his career, in a team that is disputing the title and with few goals conceded, he played in the final of the current WC. And it has worse attributes than VVD(30 yo / end of career) that has only 1 CL, played a pathetic WC, and is in the middle of the table, conceded 5 goals from Real Madrid.

    I'm not a United fan, I'm just citing that the game I bought is completely wrong in terms of player attributes. It has no methodology. Teams like Berlin, Napoli, completely weak. Arsenal in first place in the PL, strongest league in the world, and pathetic team next to Chelsea and Liverpool. In every season I play, the teams fighting for the title are Liverpool and Chelsea, which is a complete lie compared to real life. So instead of asking anyone who paid $60 for the game for a link, do your homework properly.

    I think you're misunderstanding three key things here.  Form, Confidence and unfortunately, not all the best players win stuff.  Doesn't mean they have/should have bad stats.  Liverpool (for example as you like to keep bringing up VVD), hasn't suddenly become a bad player, just going through a patch right now as is the whole team.  The team/players are not bad.  Newcastle are an outlier and for sure will be nowhere near the top of the league next season and a lot of their players are over-hyped.

    As for Casemiro, i detest he went to United but it is what he is and will agree, he is the best DM in the world right now and his stats are underwhelming.  Stats alone though, do not make a player.

  5. On 27/02/2023 at 21:49, SavoNFFC said:

    Getting a bit frustrated with this, got Forest in the top 4 in the third season during the Jan window and I've found 4/5 promising youngsters from clubs such as Partizan, Roda, Gremio. So not exactly PSG or City and they have absolutely no interest in the move.

    Makes absolutely no sense.


    On 28/02/2023 at 09:28, Baodan said:

    I fully agree that this unwillingness to change clubs has been tuned to an unenjoyable extreme.

    With that said I also believe that young players from the EU should be harder to persuade to switch to foreign outside leagues (even ones such as the EPL).


    On 01/03/2023 at 22:28, CoffeeFueledCurmudgeon said:

    This. Plus bothering to scout, analyse, and tap up the agent all seem to give a better idea of whether or why it is or is not likely to be viable.

    It may still be a little overtuned, but I'm looking at real life transfers and genuinely not seeing that many young foreign players choose to move to the UK either given a lot of examples given are of UK clubs not being able to sign young foreigners.


    Well part of the issue here is they need to be 18 to move to the UK, unlike many places in Europe where it is only 16...

    Also Brexit...

    The main problem lies in the game not actually telling you this, or giving a good enough explanation as to them 'not being interested'.

  6. 22 minutes ago, Weston said:

    I thought in FM22 you would get asked in interviews why you resigned, no? Even though you didn't really.

    Couldn't say in '22 as before this years, not played since '18 but from what have read/watched on the Toob of more recent versions, you should be fine once your actual contract has expired. (On this, this is just another example of issues within FM, when your contract finished you should leave, not be put onto a rolling contract and terrible interactions but..meh).

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