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  1. Okay pretty embarrassing here....at some point when clicking a million boxes and simming a year out to see what could possibly be the issue, I changed # of teams to add to round to 0. Well then of course it won't setup the match! The core issue shown by the screenshots was resolved via using "Year Offset From Game Start Year" instead if "Start Year Offset". I imagine Appy's suggestion would have worked as well.
  2. Edit: I figured out that using the "Year Offset From Game Start Year" instead of just the "Start Year Offset" was the solution to avoid the error in the editor. Weird, but good to know! Hi all, I've been working on a database that I hope will include a Super Cup between winners of two competitions from the previous season. One qualifying comp has history, the other is brand new. When verifying the rules, the editor can only find one team (from the history of the first competition), despite my setting that the Super Cup should start one year later, after both competitions have new champions. Anyone run into this issue before who have been able to figure out how to offset competition start years? I feel like I didn't have this much trouble in my old FM18 builds but those files are long gone... and I'm sure I'm missing something very obvious. The Super Cup takes place in July, while the competitions it pull from are completed during the previous May.
  3. Gotta say this is one of the most fun databases I've managed. Thank you ZZ for putting this together!
  4. Thanks for the recommendation. I'm planning on rebuilding the NACL anyways, so this shouldn't be a showstopper for me. Hopefully they fix it for you soon though.
  5. All, this has been fixed in 23.3! I'm able to test AR without the error popping up in USA databases. Thank you FM team!
  6. I bought this game to create a custom database and now I'm running into this same issue. It seems pretty widespread based on the comments here and other posts and kills the functionality of the editor.... Is this actually being worked on, or is this something I need to accept will never be fixed and get my money back? Other references to same issue: A B https://steamcommunity.com/app/2066750/discussions/0/6204299339034854487/
  7. Ah excellent! That worked. Thank you for the help (and making this tool in the first place!).
  8. Yes of course. Thank you! new added clubs.xml
  9. Hello, I've used this generator to create 350+ clubs - I generated the xml and imported to the editor, but then none of the new clubs can be found when searching by any criteria (ID, name, nation, etc.). Is there anything else needed to ensure this is all parsed correctly? I encountered no errors in the process nor in importing. Example of part of the xml and the search in the editor attached. I'm excited to get this to work, it's going to be such an incredible timesaver!
  10. Figured it out! I had been trying to qualify the teams to different rounds in the same stage, but I was instead successful when qualifying them to separate stages instead using the Group Stage's Qualification Rules. Also discovering that Top and Bottom position should both be the same in the Qualification Rules since both group winners are position 0 unlocked the final key. Mods can lock this, but if anyone needs help building something similar in the future, I'd be happy to help.
  11. Has anyone here ever tried to/successfully setup a 6-team competition like this? 2 groups of 3 teams Winners of each group advance directly to Final Second place teams play a third place game Third place teams play a fifth place game I can get the Final to happen no problem, but figuring out how to assign other group places to different knockout round has been tough. I have setup third place games after a semifinal knockout, using the convenient Index of Next Round options, but a separate Group Stage has no similar function. Any tips are appreciated!
  12. I managed to work this out - pretty simple mistake in hindsight. I asked for the parent competition to be completed, but needed to include all the child comps on the requirements page. So you were right on to what my issue was.
  13. Did you ever figure this out? I'm having an identical issue in my build and have tried messing with gaps between the competitions, setup dates, competition dates, and many other advanced editor options but I'm still never able to get this playoff to start.
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