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The Golden boy

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Everything posted by The Golden boy

  1. You think this is all mad? When King Bhumibol Adulyadej of Thailand died in 2016, the official mourning period was a year (the whole country had to observe 30 days of mourning, which is akin to 30 days of what's happening on the BBC right now, the football season got called off and entertainment venues shut or reduced there hours). His body lay in state for close to a year, and he wasn't cremated until over a year after his death. His successor was crowned 2 and a half years after he took the throne. All in a country where it is illegal to criticise or insult the monarchy.
  2. I'd like to think the Queen's last words to a serving PM was "so, I hear you like a***".
  3. Can we not Weekend at Bernie's her for the 625 days so she gets the record. Also so I know when to get out of the country to avoid all the hysteria.
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