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Everything posted by Mahzun_Savas

  1. C.F. Badalona End of Season Report and Youth Intake Review Stumbling we made it Segunda Federacion - Group III The second half of the season did not go nearly as well as the first half of season, there was no great start and we gave up our lead. However no team really wanted to take control of the league. So we 3 games to go we were 2nd 2 points behind Poblense. We were playing them in the third last round of the season so everything was in our hands. Win the last 3 games of the season and we would be champions. Things looked great when we battered Poblense being 5-0 before they scored 3 meaningless late goals. So top we went. The second last game of the season was against Atletico Levante and things looked great when we lead 2-0 in the second half but we blew the lead to draw 2-2. I was certain we would not be winning the league now however to my amazement we were still top. Poblense had lost their game against bottom half opponents. So going into the last game of the season we needed to win against relegation bound Imperial. We started off well to be up 2-0 inside 20 minutes but Imperial still had some chances. However the second half we quickly added 2 more goals then a little while later a 5th goal. We were going to be champions. Imperial got a late goal which changed nothing. We had many good players but the main star was right winger Toni Larrosa who scored 14 goals and had 11 assists with an average rating of 7.3 Youth Intake The preview was quite decent with 2 A ratings so I was hopefully of a good intake And when the Youth intake came itself it was good although I was greedily hoping for more
  2. C.F. Badalona Midseason Report A remarkable start Segunda Federacion - Group III I was expecting a tough time meeting expectations of getting a playoff spot although the season preview had us 6th. However things went extremely well at the start with 8 wins in a row to put us top where we have stayed until half way through the season. The squad has quality but seemed a little thin with 15/16 year old players filling out the squad. However 16 year old Jofre Fabrega has held down the CAM position and played very well. Another 16 year old, Oscar, has held down the CM position with equally good performances.
  3. Doesn't the affiliate agreement end if Roda gets to the top division?
  4. They are affiliated with Villarreal but they are not their B team. They are a separate team. Lots of teams have affiliate agreements.
  5. I have travelled to Spain to take on the challenge of turning Club Deportivo Roda into the greatest club in the world.
  6. My attempt with Livorno 1915 has ended. I will be launching another attempt soon.
  7. Livorno 1915 Season 6 End of Season Report and Youth Intake Review Disappointing again, getting worse not better Serie C/B - League Table The second half of the season saw our form plummet such that we ended up finishing 12th missing the playoffs again. Perhaps the young players are just not as good as I thought they were. I will need to go back to the drawing board and try and work out how I can get more out of the squad. We are simply conceding too many goals. Youth Intake - Players 1 Players 2 A much better intake than the preview suggested with some promising players
  8. Livorno 1915 Season 6 Midseason Report I have my team back Serie C/B - League Table It has been a much better first half of season than last seasons bad performance. We have been in the playoff spots all season and currently sit in 9th. Injuries have marred the first half of the season so I hope to keep some players like attacking midfielder Roberto Staiano (YP2H) on the pitch for the second half of the season. Strikers Luigi Landi (YP2A) and Alessandro Nunziatini (YP3C) have broken into the first XI. Lorenzo Campagnolo (YP1C) is now my best CB in his second year of being a starting player at 20 years. Cedric Konan has been the best player so far this season with 5 goals and 9 assists. Serie C Cup We lost in the first round. Youth Intake Preview - Preview A very poor preview, last season the reality was better than the preview, hopefully it will be the same this year.
  9. Livorno 1915 Season 5 End of Season Report and Youth Intake Review A big step backwards this season but I still think the future is bright. Serie C/B The second half of the season was really up and down until we eventually finished 11th, one spot out of the playoff spots. The last two games of the season when we were out of playoff contention and not in danger of falling in the the playout I played a team full of youth prospects and the gain a win and draw. This has shown me I need to play even more youth prospects in the side. Youth Intake The youth intake was a lot better than last year with two elite talents. This included a RB who will go straight into the first team squad as back up right back. My Profile I managed to complete some more coaching badges and now have the Continental C licence and I am studying for the Continental B Licence.
  10. This just happened, lol. Completely out of the blue given our otherwise bad form.
  11. Liverno 1915 Season 5 Midseason Report Not the first half of the season I was expecting Serie C/B - League Table We started the season with an excellent win on the first day of the season but then things went bad. To my surprise we lost the next 5 league games to be 2nd last on the league table. We did turn it around and ended up the first half of the season in 11th. I am hoping the 2nd half of the season will be good enough to get us into the playoffs again but bettering our 4th place from last years seems impossible. I made the decision to get rid of a few players to clear the way for young players who are now good enough to be playing for the first team. Primarily central defender Lorenzo Campagnolo (YP1C) took his place in the defence and has been quite good. Right fullback Carlo Deodato (YP1B) would be playing regularly as well but he is behind on of our best players Alpha Camara. Camara can play CB so I might move there and play Deodato more. Two youngster who were at the club when I joined Cedric Konan and Guilio Falomi have developed well and are both in the first XI and among our best players. Serie C Cup The first round of this competition came straight after our 5 games losing streak in the league and winning it helped turn around the season. We for the first time managed to win in the 2nd round but lost in the 3rd round. Youth Intake Preview - Preview A better preview than last year and hopefully we will get a better intake. If not I might try another HOYD although it is probably just the lack of facilities that are at fault. The new board will not upgrade them unfortunately.
  12. Livorno 1915 Season 4 End of Season Report and Intake Review Best ever finish in the league Serie C/B - League Table The second half of the season was worse than the first half as we finished 4th in the league. It should have been 3rd but an injury to starting goalkeeper Biagini meant we had to play hopeless back up goalkeeper Albeiri who put in shocking performances in the last two games of the season which we lost. Serie C Playoff By finishing 4th we qualified for the second round where we meet Carpi. In a desperation move I decided to play 17 year old Victor Frascadore in goal as I thought he could not do worse than Albeiri. He did not do worse but he did no better and we lost 5-2 in a game we were better everywhere but on the scoreboard. Disappointing end but we have next to no chance of winning games without Biagini in goal. Youth Intake Review - Players 1 Players 2 Our worst intake with no elite talents and the top talents not looking particularly good. My Profile - Profile I am now studying for my National B licence for which a new board allowed me to study. Transfers - Transfer History
  13. Livorno 1915 Season 4 Midseason Report Best first half of the season sees us very close to top spot Serie C/B - League Table Had a bit of slower start to the season with my tactic changed too much. An change to the tactic has seen us climb up the table to third 1 point behind 1st place. I am hopeful that we can win the league. Striker Luis Henrique continues to be our key player with 13 goals so far in the season. Our excellent players include attacking midfielder Lorenzo Sabattini and central midfielder Daniele Bartolini. Serie C Cup Once again we lost in the 2nd round. Youth Intake Preview - Preview Terrible preview with our new Head of Youth Development, hopefully the reality is better than the preview.
  14. Livorno 1915 Season 3 End of Season Report and Intake Review A promising season that ended in disappointment despite best ever finish in the league. Serie C/B - League Table Good form throughout January and February put us in the fight for 2nd position but we faded badly to finish 7th, up from 8th last year but with 3 less points. Our change of tactic to 5-1-2-2 from 4-2-2-2 meant our defence was much better, conceding 51 goals down from 76 in season 2. However we also scored far less goals with 67 down from 88 goals in season 2. Serie C Playoff Very disappointingly we lost to Rimini 2-3 in the first round of the playoffs. We were the better team in the match everywhere except on the scoresheet. Best Players Cedric Konan - Our young model citizen had very good and show remarkable improvement as he had 14 goal involvements. Luis Henrique - Our main striker managed over 20 goals for the second year in a row despite us scoring far less goals this season. Daniele Bartolini - Played as our long CM with aplomb until a serious injury all but ended his season. He just made it back for the playoffs were he played well again. Youth Intake Review - Players 1 Players 2 The poorest intake yet with only 1 elite talent and 3 top talents. The elite talent is a LW when I have not been playing with a LW. The elite talent is Martino Barsottini and the best of the top talents is LB Luigi Ficagna. I now have two players called Luigi Ficagna. If my Head of Youth Development was not retiring I would have not renewed his contract. My Profile - Mahzun Savas I received a boost when at last the board agreed to me taking my National C coaching course which I completed by the end of the season. They refused to let me do my National B coaching course because of the financial state of the club. Transfers - Transfer History There were of course no transfers in but a few loans out.
  15. Livorno Season 3 Mid Season Report Comfortably in the playoff positions but no where near 1st who are runaway leaders Serie C/B - League Table Lost the first game of the season but bounced back quickly to get as high as 2nd but settled to 6th by the end of the first half of the season. A change of formation to a back 5 has meant we have conceded a lot less but also scored a lot less as well. The loss of prolific striker Simone Rossetti to an ACL injury has not helped matters. Serie C Cup. We won the first round before losing the second round for the 3rd year in a row. Youth Intake Preview - Preview Described as an excellent preview as usual but in reality very poor. 6 wingers/wide midfielders predicted when we do not play with wingers seems pointless.
  16. Livorno 1915 Season 2 End of Season Report A much better season than the first season with lots of goals both scored and conceded. Serie C/B - League Table After our brilliant start we were on top after 5 rounds but the rest of the season showed we were not that good. We ended up in 8th position which qualified us for the Serie C Playoff. We ended up having the best attack in the league but also the 3rd worst defence. Serie C Playoff In the first round we drew Arezzo from Serie C/B who finished behind us in 9th place. We had beaten them in the league only a few games ago so I was confident we would win. However the game ended 0-0 with us going through as the higher seed. In the second round we drew Potenza who had finished 4th in Serie C/C. It was a tight game but we ended losing 4-3 when they scored in the 96th minute. So ended our season Best players - 2nd half of the season In addition to the 4 players from the mid season report Cedric Konan - This young player was at the club when I arrived and has done very well when he has played. He played more in the second half of the season due to injuries and loss of form of Mirko Formichi. Konan has model citizen personality. Alpha Carmara - Our right back got better as the season went on and ended up having a brilliant season. Unfortunately he wants to move to a bigger club so I think I am going to lose him this summer. I have plenty of depth a RB so it will not be a massive blow. Losing players In addition Camara mentioned above I am going to struggle to keep my starting goalkeeper, my best centre back and my best attacking midfielder as they are coming out of contract and do not want to sign on again. This is going to put a lot of pressure on the squad and hopefully the younger players can stand up and play well. The big blow is probably going to be losing my goalkeeper as my back up is pretty bad and the two young goalkeepers I have are no where near good enough. My Profile - Profile Unfortunately the club board has not let me do any coaching badges because they do not want to loose me to a bigger club, a bit frustrating. Also all my requests to upgrade anything to do with getting better youth intakes has been rejected.
  17. Livorno 1915 Season 2 Youth Intake - Players 1 Players 2 Called an excellent intake but certainly not again. One elite talent, Luigi Landi, a striker which means I am now a bit overrun with strikers. No talented goalkeeper that I really need. The best of the top talents is also a striker, Giacomo Barsottini. I also like the look of central midfielder Lorenzo Lucatti.
  18. LIvorno 1915 Season 2 Mid Season Report Serie C/B - League Table We started the season brilliantly to be top of the league after 5 games but inconsistent form since then has meant we are now 6th. This is a massive improvement on last season but I want more. Serie C Cup Just like last season we won in the first round before losing in the second round. Disappointed we could not go on a good cup run. Best Players Mirko Formichi (YP1A) - The star of my first intake has taken his place among my best XI and with 9 goals and 2 assists in 18 games has been excellent for me. Felipe Curcio - The attacking wing back has been brilliant with his 3 goals and 9 assists and the highest average rating in the team. Luis Henrique - My best forming striker with 10 goals and 4 assists Guilo Giordani - On paper my best player and he has not disappointed with 8 goals and 3 assists. However I am going to lose him at the end of the season as he will not sign a new contract. Youth Intake Preview - Preview Called an excellent intake again but it looks a bit disappointing to me. I don't have an urgent need for a striker, really need a quality young goalkeeper as I think I am losing my first choice at the end of the season.
  19. Livorno 1915 Season 1 End of Season Report A very solid first season which started off very badly but became better the longer the season continued despite a little stumble in form in the last few games of the season. Serie C/B - League Table We started off the season with 1 point in our first 7 games and things were looking very bad. However we steadied things and looked better over the next few months and I started to think that we might be able to scramble out of the playout stops. However a brilliant February and a good March saw us fly up the table to get as high as 10th, a play off spot. However we stumbled a bit in the last 5 games of the season only managing 3 draws and losing to the top two teams to fall to 13th. I am still very happy with the season overall, I really don't think we would have done anything in the playoffs even if we had scraped in in 10th position. Serie C Cup The managed my first win under my control as we beat Entella in the First Round but we lost in the 2nd round. Youth Intake - Players 1 Players 2 The intake was decribed as excellent but I feel that is a bit too high a rating given there was only one elite talent. That player Miko Formichi looks like he will be a very good player, I have already given his his debut and I am sure he will get lots of game time next season. There are some other reasonable prospects among the intake but probably not ready to play for the first team yet.
  20. I am giving this a go again. This time I have travelled to Italy and taken charge of Livorno 1915.
  21. Carshalton Athletic Season 2 2025 - 26 A better season than season 1, made the playoffs but no promotion. League Table and Results 1 2 3 How we lined up My best two players were my midfielders Tom Beere and Ewan Clark My finances are in quite good shape because I was able to sell a clause of my former star player Sam Logan for $1.1million. I have let a lot of the players from this season go and I am looking at upgrading on what I let go. However so far I have not been completely successful. Next season only promotion is acceptable to me.
  22. Carshalton Athletic Season 1 2024/25 Review The season started fairly well and that meant we never were in the relegation places but half way through the season we were just above the relegation places in 18th place. However a much stronger second half to the season saw us rise to a high of 9th were we finished the season. League Results 1 2 3 How we lined up Our star player was undoubtedly box to box midfielder Tom Beere with his 14 goals and 11 assists being vital to our success. 16 year old Amarri Eyles was our striker and he scored 26 goals and 6 assists in the league. I am not sure how long we will be able to keep him. The youth intake was woeful, I did not sign one player from it.
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