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Everything posted by bosssssss

  1. someone can tell me what is the name of this panel? pls
  2. Hello , can someone tell me what is the panel to change the font text from this panel? pls . I already searched on team squad.xml and don't there is no code called "font" ...
  3. hi guys , how can i put this "tablet" : looking like a real tablet like this: Someone can help me? pls
  4. Can someone please help me with this? I already tried to use the file(scouting centre report card) of another skin and it's still the same, don't appear the positions/duty/roles and the Pros/Cons of the players on scout report .. Someone knows what i doing wrong? pls scouting centre report card.xml
  5. Hello , can someone tell me how i put the position/role/duty here on this space on the scouting reports? pls
  6. someone can help how i put this to show all and the attributes too? pls
  7. how i put the player faces here on the tactics panel? pls
  8. but i don't have that , that image i found in the google only xD
  9. hello , someone can help me how i can put the faces of players in the squad view like this in my skin pls
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