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Posts posted by pedrosantos

  1. 5 hours ago, El Payaso said:

    I have been for ages wondering why there are so many instructions, such as 'get further forward', 'take more risks' and 'move into channels' when in possession and attacking and then you cannot basically give any instructions for the players on how to defend, like 'drop deeper', 'sit narrower' etc. 

    Touché :applause:

  2. 3 hours ago, WizbaII said:

    I think I understand what OP is saying. For example, I want a forward who sometimes runs in behind and sometimes comes deep. What is the best role for this? I think it's a complete forward. The description for a complete forward says that he "transcends tactical instruction and should simply be allowed to do their own thing." Fair enough, but then there's a Support version and an Attack version. The Support version plays more like a DLF and the attack version plays more like an AF. Kind of confusing. This is not what the OP is describing, but the point is that sometimes there is a disconnect between what the FM player wants and the options available to the FM player.

    To get more on topic with what OP is discussing, maybe it would be helpful to have more tactical options available to the manager for movement, instead of having to rely on roles and duties.

    For example,

    While in our own half [get in behind] [play with back to goal] [come short] [move into channels]

    While in the opponent's half [same options as above]

    While in the opponent's third [same options as above]

    And there would be an ability to select an instruction twice, if you want a player to favor that instruction more than the other ones. There would also be the ability to select multiple options. For example, you could select all the options, then the player would choose the one that they think is best in each situation. One play they are holding up the ball, the next play they think they see an opening so they run in behind.

    Right now, the only way to access some of the instructions above is through setting roles and duties, and that can make it hard to get a player to do what you want without them also doing things you DON'T want. Or they might only do SOME of the things you want them to do.

    That is precisely what i have been asking for in the new features forum. Instructions options should be attached to defensive and attacking both transition and organization.

  3. 1 hour ago, jmlima said:

    Biggest change (IMO) is female football. 3d is not so much a change as a (hopefully, I mean it's unity so...) refinement  and instructions (as can be seen by the removal of shouts) are being nerfed until further notice (or progress update that actually shows anything being added rather than removed). Oh and, for better or worse remains to be seen, the interface is also being changed.

    Thank you, i am hoping tactical instructions will be revamped and also some new features such as Goalkeepers making a penalty 

  4. Posted something like this 1 or 2 years ago, not with such detail as this (excellent effort :applause:). The tactical setup lacks options with and without the ball (defensive transition and organization; offensive transition and organization), as you posted, options that also could be linked with player roles and duties, as also lacks options regarding pressing.

  5. I think it would be nice to have agents offering players to our team because as a manager I have a specific style of play or because of a specific tactial setup.

    By offering I also mean when approaching the agent, his feedback could either be positive or negative because of these reasons.

  6. Hello SI,

    Now that we all done with FM24 (:D) and looking forward for the première of the complete new edition, here is a minor contribution with requests

    Tactics / Match Engine:

    a- Revamp tactical team settings for a better irl approach to the 4 moments of a match (defensive organisation, offensive transition, offensive organisation, defensive transition);

    b- Repair the closing down glitch in player instructions and upgrade team and player closing down options (example: close down space, close down ball), instead of just keeping less and more;

    c- Allow tactical option for Full Backs (FB), if the team attacks from the right flank allow left FB to stay back / if the team attacks from the left flank allow right FB to stay back;

    d- Introduce GK provoking a penalty;

    e- Introduce player trying to dribble GK;

    f- upgrade set pieces for a more user friendly UI (the fm24 new feature is confusing, needs to be polish)

    Transfers and Loans;

    a- Introduce possibility of buying a percentage of economic rights of a player;

    b- In loans, introduce the possibility of a buying a percentage of economic rights of a player in a future sell;


    Thank you


  7. 1 hour ago, un_noob_666 said:


    First of all: AMAZING job! Huge thanks and congrats!

    Now comes my problem: The facepack does not work. I also use the sortitoutsi megapack and the plaers added with this database (or the ones that were recreated because they existed in the game) do not have a face on them.
    Any idea of what to do?

    Check the ID number of those players, get a png file from google, might be necessary to change the size of the picture. Place the new png files inside the folder which contain all your faces. Upload that folder with fm xml, reload your skin and that's it.

  8. 6 hours ago, Hoofenballen said:

    Hello Everyone


    If youre playing 4-4-2, how are you getting on with it in FM24? Are you using it primarily to defend space in two banks of four? are you trying to bring back old school wing play to a tall striker in the box? Maybe going for something that resembles a Leicester title win or A Fergie era Man Utd tactic?


    Would live to see your 4-4-2 set up if youre using one



    I have been using a flat 442 since fm21 or 22 at Porto, very happy with the results. The main idea is to defend as 442 and attack as a 433 (41221), very easy to set up, just push the left winger to the touchline and make him get further and the right winger plays as wide playmaker, cutting inside and running with the ball through the centre.

  9. 2 hours ago, MichaelNevo said:

    Yes I still add to the existing countries, all you need to do is post here to tell me who you'd like adding :D or alternatively on the steam workshop.

    Amazing :) If you are willing here is a list:

    Fernando Couto - FC Porto (Central Defender)

    Jorge Costa - FC Porto (Central Defender)

    Fernando Gomes - FC Porto (Poacher)

    Paulo Ferreira - FC Porto (Right Fullback)

    Nuno Valente - FC Porto (Left Fullback)

    Carlos Manuel - Benfica (Central/Right Midfielder)

    Diamantino Miranda - Benfica (Right Winger)

    Humberto Coelho - Benfica (Central Defender / Libero)

    Tamagnini Néné - Benfica (Poacher)

    Fernando Chalana - Benfica (Left Winger)

    Rui Jordão - Sporting (Poacher)... although he started at Benfica

    Manuel Fernandes - Sporting (Complete Forward)

    Pauleta - Santa Clara (Poacher)


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