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Everything posted by abcdf

  1. Looking at the amount of views and disappointed comments on this thread I really hope that SI are going to prioritize this issue over anything else and release a timely update to at least improve these issues. But maybe I am just delusional
  2. Michael, honestly. I have been hearing this stuff on and on from November 2022. The exact same issues are still there. And we’re left with the same indefinite answer “it will maybe be fixed at some point (nobody knows when) in the future”. this is not acceptable anymore. I think your customers deserve a somehow exact timeline on when will these issues will be fixed. We paid upfront for your product based on what was presented as a “headline feature”. Now you’re telling me like it’s nothing that you have no clue when will the fact that this headline feature does not exist in the actual game be fixed. If you cannot/don’t care that much about fixing this side of the game, just say it. cmon man. Cmon
  3. Bro I have never heard an apology for not delivering on this forum. And I have been posting outrageously evident bugs for years. And I can bet my a*s we are not going to see another reply from the devs on this post until FM 25
  4. No I am whining because they did not deliver what was advertised. And guess what? The bugs are not fixed, because if they were, they would have been more than happy to release a changelog. Honestly I have been posting here for years about the same issues over and over again. All I got was just promises, “it’s being looked into” etc. but at least we will get women’s football next here so they can get the badge of an “inclusive” company. No matter that the game is broken in some of its core aspects. HURRAH
  5. Ok so we’re altrady saying that in order to deliver what was advertised by THEM they will need some more weeks after full release. Great. And on some other post they called me whiny because I said that not posting a changelog after full release was a least a bit suspicious. great, just great.
  6. I remember it being there every single year honestly, last year included. Seems like a lack of transparency for its own sake
  7. This is just beyond ridicoulous, what does it mean no change log? So i am going to assume it’s just a cover up for not fixing any of the bugs of the beta.
  8. I cannot find the list of bug fixes that came with the full version release. Is it available? Has the AI squad rotation issue been fixed?
  9. Yeah, it would be interesting to know wether it’s a training/development issue or it’s just that regen “spawn” with super low dribbling and crossing to begin with
  10. I refuse to believe that in 2023 where we can basically fly planes into space with AI a software company worth hundreds of millions cannot fix regen fullbacks having low crossing, I just can’t.
  11. What I find honestly ridiculous is that developers did not even bother replying to this thread to give us some kind of answer as to why this issue has been there for like 10 years. I mean, people took time out of their life to basically do THEIR job and report on a bug that is so obvious and it does not even get acknowledged. Incredible
  12. Probably one of the bigger issues regarding AI managers at the moment. Most of the development/squad building issues cascade from this issue
  13. Squad rotation is probably one of the biggest components of the issue. AI does not rotate, even when their key players are super tired
  14. @Kyle Brown could we get some sort of answer?? Is this being looked into? Is it going to be solved?
  15. Same issue as FM 23, I lost hope at this point. It was the main issue to solve, they did not manage to do it
  16. I really hope we are going to get some answers from the developers on the matter. This is completely unacceptable, borderline scamming your customers. There is literally ZERO difference in squad building, if anything it got worse. We deserve an answer.
  17. Been an issue for years, apparently it is impossible to solve for the developers. I don’t even know what to say at this point
  18. Players like Gavi and Zaire Emery have basically never been used in the first 15ish games of the seasons. Their managers have been basically using the same lineup (with higher CA players) for the entire start of the season.
  19. what does it mean you are not going to see examples in two seasons ahahah. The behaviour of the AI is the same from the first day of the game as it is in 2050. And I still see the same issues that I saw last year with how the AI approaches squad building.
  20. Now, have you guys noticed ANY differences in AI squad building. It honestly looks EXACTLY as terrible as last year. I cannot notice any differences, still the same issues. Youngsters left to rust on the sides, AI managers only caring about CA and reputation when picking players, AI teams not loaning unused youngsters. I do not understand how this could be presented as a headline feature and 2 seasons in I literally struggle to see any difference with fm 23
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