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Everything posted by abcdf

  1. I opened a ticket on the bug tracker on the matter if you want to contribute with your findings as well.
  2. AI managers criteria when they pick their starting eleven/bench players is too heavily based on reputation a current ability. They will always favour players with high reputation/CA with respect to other factors. Why is this problematic? Firstly because this is completely unrealistic, and secondly because it hurts the development of young players. Many managers in real life give a chance to their youngsters even if their CA/reputation is obviously lower than the team average. In FM they do not, even if it would clearly be sensible to play them and develop their qualities instead of some 35yr old dude next to retirement. Think about Gavi or Pedri. A situation like theirs would never be happening in game. They were given the chance to play first team football since they were 16-17. I have never seen a 16 or 17 in FM having a CA/reputation in line with Barca's first team, therefore in order for managers to pick them they would have to consider factor OTHERS than just reputation/CA, such as potential ability. This is clearly not happening in game. And it is, in my opionion, another reason (together with AI not offering/loaning youngsters) why player development becomes severely problematic in longer term saves, and you see teams filled with older players. This happens because youngsters are NEVER given a chance to play first team, especially in bigger teams where clearly an higher reputation/CA is needed to be even considered in the team's rotation by the AI. So they just end up rusting on the sides of the team, not being loaned and not getting first team football. You made it more difficult to develop youngsters since FM22, but you did not improve the AI in order for it to be able to handle this increased difficulty in an efficient way. Right now the situation is pretty much game breaking in my opinion
  3. In FM21 it was just as bad but players developed easily, so no matter how awful the AI was in handling their youngsters, they still developed. Now it is more difficult to develop players, but with the AI being awful at managing their team, you end up with a database full of 30+ years old and no breakthroughs
  4. Agreed 100%. Most game breaking bug at the moment IMO. I opened several tickets on ridicolous AI squad management, I encourage you to do so as well with your findings in order to have those issues fixed asap
  5. Yep, been noticing the same issue. Managers prefer to call up older players. Probably because their team selection criteria is too heavily based on reputation rather than actual performances/potential
  6. I uploaded two savegames on Owncloud, one with the transfer market still open ("No loaning transfers open") and one with the market closed ("No loaning transfers closed") As you can see Inter and Atalanta (just picked two random teams, the problem is so widespread...) have XXL first teams because they failed to loan many 19-20-21-22 year old which are clearly inadequate to play in their 1st team but would be good players (and most importantly, could get the development they need) in lower leagues or in weaker Serie A sides, instead of being left to rust on the side. They tried to offer those players for loan, but encountered very little to no interest. I assume that the fact that the team loaning the player almost always want the wages to be payed by the other team does not help in this regard. But whatever the reason this is clearly a bug, together with the fact that often youngsters are not even OFFERED for loan by the AI, and probably a game breaking one, responsible for teams being filled with old players progressing in the game. I hope this loan madness is going to get fixed in the next updates because it has really put me off from playing the game so far just because how bad AI prospects' management is. Let me know if you need more info or data on the matter.
  7. Yep, it is a problem I raised as well. Terrible squad management from the AI. Many young players that maybe are too good for the reserves team but not good enough for the first team are just left to rust on the side, without the AI trying to offer them for sale of for loan. A lot of good prospects get wasted by this absurd behaviour from the AI
  8. Yeah but as you can see some teams put none or very few of their prospects on offer for loan at the start of the window, not even the best, especially when the side has a B team
  9. I raised the same issue, it is definetly a problematic aspect of the game as it impacts heavily the development of players in longer term saves.
  10. Same thing here. Barca B, playing in the third division with a team full of 120-130 CA players, the entire team is unavailable for loan. As a result, those players will not develop.
  11. Another very weird example, Liverpool making almost their entire U-21 squad unavaible for loan for no logical reason. As you can see, players like Baturina (21 yo, 135 CA, 166 PA) will get absolutely no development by playing in the reserves league. It would be sensible to loan him as often as possible to develop him
  12. Thank you Zachary. Did you already notice this issue internally? Because with the fact that it is harder since FM22 to develop players, many miss the chance to do so just because they lack quality playing time as a result of the completely absurd transfer behaviour of AI teams. The impact of the issue is pretty big on the overall game world in longer saves
  13. I agree 100% but the problem here is that they do not even try to offer them for loan. Then another side of the issue is that they're unable to loan them even when they do offer them partly because of the wage issue you outlined
  14. I've just opened two tickets on the bug tracker for what I feel are two of the main reason youth develpment is broken: The AI does not loan their players enough to get them to grow properly, partly because the do not offer them for loan and partly because there is super low demand even when they do offer them. If you have findings on the matter please add to the posts
  15. This issue, together with the other one I just logged, are in my opinion the main reasons for why we have poor player development in longer term saves. I have seen this more often in France, Germany and Spain, nations where there are B teams, it's a bit better in England and Italy. I attached a screen of PSG 2nd team, full of potentially world class players, they are not offering a single one of them for loan! And all those players have a CA that ranges from 120 to 135ish, so they clearly get no benefit from playing in the 2nd team, in the amateurial 4th division of french football. Why the hell are PSG not offering these players for loan? Does not make any sense. As you can see, not ony they do not offer them, they explicitly make the UNAVAILABLE for loan for absolutely no reason. Please SI take this issue seriously, I already logged it last year and have seen little to no improvement on the matter.
  16. I think this is a one of the main reasons as to why we get poor player development in game. AI often DO NOT offer their youngsters for loan, but when they do, they encounter very little demand for them from other AI teams, often being unable to loan a single one of them. Most of them are not even "wanted" by a single team. I tried also with an enourmous amount of leagues loaded and still, most players are unable to make a move on loan. That results in them sitting in the reserves team forever and not developing to their full potential. Honestly, I've barely ever seen a team in reality unable to loan one of their young players for a whole transfer session. Let me know if you need screenshots/savegames or the issue is already on your records
  17. I agree, there were many formations that were perfectly in line with this new DM-CM paradigm that were still removed apparently for no reason, 433 2 dms and 5-4-1 diamond being a perfect example.
  18. Thank you Zachary, we’ll wait for updates on this then.
  19. Yes but there are far less options in “supporters objectives” than there were in the “club vision” panel. just to be clear, are you sure it actually is like you are saying or is it just your idea? thanks
  20. Well I have actually seen it happen quite a lot that AI managers do not resort to their attacking formation from the start (especially when they play against a stronger side or have not high “attacking” tactical attribute) and switch to it in the case they need to chase a match in its last portion. Maybe an idea could be to differentiate between the “attacking” formation managers can use from the start of the game and an “extremely attacking” formation they resort to in extreme situations, that could actually include different and less balanced formations from the “starting” ones
  21. It happens a lot because in real life players do develop in second teams as well and are ready to become first team players right off the bat. In the game they don’t. If they are too good for the league they are playing in, the do not develop at all.
  22. I understand the reasoning behind it, with the whole DM CM thing that makes perfect sense. still I would appreciate to see more variety in formations, especially I don’t understand the reasoning behind attacking and defensive formations being the same as regular ones. I mean, when teams try to take the lead in the last portions of a game they often tend to try very offensive tactics and do not care about being balanced (like 2/3 attackers, offensive midfielders and no DM’s) and with things being this way I do not see that happening. Managers can only among the same set of formations they did at the start of the game. the same with defensive ones. It is not rare to see managers throw in 6 defenders in an attempt to maintain the lead in important games. i do not think the current system is able to reproduce this
  23. My problem with the last paragraph is that AI teams, especially in nations where B teams are a thing, do not understand when players become too good for the B team, and do not offer them for loan leaving them to rot in the 2nd team. So they do not get playing time in the first team and neither they get loaned out. Moreover, in the rare cases they do decide to loan them, there is an incredibly low demand and they almost every time do not manage to get them loaned. I especially noticed it when players reach like a 130-40sh CA, major league teams just do not make any loan offers for them. This is particularly noticeable in big teams such as Barcelona or Real Madrid, where a high CA is required to get any playing time in the first team, and players often do not manage to reach an acceptable level to make it just because they do not get loaned. That gap never gets filled. Have you noticed these problems as well? Can we expect to see AI management of this particular aspect to be improved?
  24. Hello, thank you for your response! Any idea if it could be corrected in the next updates?
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