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Everything posted by lukavski

  1. Is it possible to add some Leagues Recent Results in the game processing panel (Continue Panel)? I believe in older versions other leagues' results were available in the calendar. But in this version the only information available are some news and managers being hired by International Teams. Thanks!
  2. Hi! I created a custom competition with a League Format where every round is played at a random neutral venue in a Host Nation. I achieved this by playing with Stadium Pools option, asking for 30 random stadiums from my Host Nation. But when I configure my dates I can only pick 16 Stadiums (Stadium 0, stadium 1, stadium 16, etc.) Is there a way to pick more than 16 Stadiums? Or a better way to set the same configuration (Random Venues from Host Nation in League Stage). Thanks!
  3. Keysi is right. If the only information you provide about your crashes is "it crashes in random situations", then the best course of action is not using the skin. He wasn't rude.
  4. Did you find a solution to this? Thanks.
  5. 2. I can't find the panel or code that gives this text colour. Does anyone know? Thanks!
  6. Hi! 1. Is there any way to configure this panel to show me the "Player overview popup panel" when I hover any player's name with my cursor?
  7. It's amazing how much you have improved previous versions. Best skin so far. Loving it!! Thanks a lot for sharing it. It must have taken a lot of work and time to make. I really appreciate it. Your skin makes the playing experience A LOT better.
  8. Great! That's good to know. I also believe clearing cache and deleting cache folder was the solution.
  9. Deleting AppData/Local/Sports Interactive worked of me. I don't know if its the same thing. But after deleting that folder, clearing cache and verifiyng my game files in steam, my file worked again.
  10. I never open FM23 o FM23 Editor. I did everything with the FM24 Editor, it can open your FM23 file normaly.
  11. I guess that confirms is a data compatibility issue. Files must get corrupted when combining some data from both versions.
  12. Did you try to export and import the file? Sometimes this works. Yes, the data conversion from FM23 to FM24 seems to be the problem. I also have a continental league file verified in FM24 (from FM23) that never starts in the game. I'd wait until december for a fix before rebuilding everything in FM24.
  13. Really helpful. I had the same experience with my database. Deleteing Cache, and everyother database solves the problem if you don't combine/merge the file with other FM23 files.
  14. This is what I did: - Deleted cache file in /appdata/local - Erased documents/Football Manager 24 Folder. - Reinstalled the game - Loaded and Exported my FM23 file with the FM24 Editor, imported it again and verified it. - Loaded a game with that database alone.
  15. It seems there are issues between some ID from FM23 files in FM24. It's not related to a particular custom competition or country, but to the data itself. When the File gets corrupted any new file in FM24 with that same data merged, no matter what league you are customizing, will get corrupted too. So, maybe some IDs are clashing or not randomizing? The weird thing is that the same corrupted file can work if you make a clean reinstall deleting all cache and files. Most likely duplicated or previously (FM23) merged files are causing the problem when converted to FM24. (I'm guessing).
  16. Yes, when the file is working, I can merge the data with any new FM24 file. I think you are right, it must be some ID conflict between some FM23 files and FM24 data.
  17. Yes, it's from FM23. I couldn't combine it when it got corrupted. It didn't matter what league I was customizing, or what country, the new file got corrupted too. I will try to merge it now with the file working to test it.
  18. News! I made everything again (EXACTLY as I did it before): Unistalled the game, erased all data and cache, reinstalled it with only my file in "Editor Data" folder. Now the file works. So, maybe the whole game's compatibility with the file's specific data gets corrupted when combining the file with some other custom data in a new save? That's my guess... There must be a compatibility problem when the game tries to process the file in a new save. And it doesn't seem to be a problem with competitions or structures, but rather with the data itself (Teams, players, etc).
  19. Ok. I tried to recreate exactly what I did to make the file work and now it doesn't work. I don't understand. Back to the beginning again I guess...
  20. Yeah I had configured it in another folder (another drive also). I moved the file to the default folder, then exported the file with the Editor, imported it, verified it and saved it with another name. That's all I did (besides reinstalling the game and verifying the game's cache in Steam).
  21. Ok. Now it works. I believe the problem occurs when you configure a non-default folder as the main folder for data in the game. That's the only change I made besides reinstalling the game. (Also, I exported my file, Imported it and verified it again just in case).
  22. Well, no luck. The game still crashes when selecting active leagues... I'm playing in Steam/W11. I only loaded my custom league.
  23. That's weird! But good to know it's a local problem. I will try to reinstall the game then.
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