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Everything posted by 2feet

  1. Years go, I asked for the staff attribute history of changes. Nothing happened.
  2. They may have removed the weight attribute because players might now physically change appearance as they age and grow? And it was difficult to calculate what the attribute should state for any given year so that it matches the appearance? Just a guess
  3. Edwards is CEO of football for FSG, who own Liverpool FC, amongst other teams Richard Hughes is Sporting Director of Liverpool FC
  4. In preferences you can currently display players names during a match But it would also be useful to see the players role and duty displayed there along with the players name too. Then you could easily see... oh that's my segundo volante making a run there... or that's my support striker dropping deep Its much easier to understand when you can see the roles displayed Also because when youre designing a new tactic you might use a team whose players names you are not familiar with
  5. Posted a request for a player trait map years ago Something like the current squad planner, showing traits which indicate the behaviours and directions of players in the formation Maybe it will turn up in the new version? When you consider how much of an influence traits have on what your players do, and how traits (I believe) over-ride player instructions... and when you add to that the fact information on your players traits are currently splintered across profile screens, and cannot be viewed in one single place for an over-view.... So in view of all this then I think its fair to call this a flaw in the game design and should be addressed urgently.
  6. Physical? Technical? Mental? He is often isolated out near the touchline, in a one on one with the defender. If he could get past the defender more often than currently, it would be very helpful. Then they could get a cross in much more often. So for my scouts, what type of CWB do you think I should get them to search for?
  7. you can only search for one type you need to add an 'OR' option to the search criteria so we can search for multiple personality types in a recruitment focus EG i want to find any players with the following personalities: professional, model professional, fairly professional but I can only search for one personality type Thank you
  8. Thanks One of my dilemmas when trying to make a good tactic is: 1) the player roles should function together cohesively and complement eachother versus 2) give your best players their best roles, so maybe 6 of the roles in your tactic should be those that your best players are strongest in If Im a championship team like hull, and my three best players are Liam Delap (Pressing forward), Tyler Morton (DeepL Playm), and Carvalho (Inside Forward), then the tactic I create should have those three roles in them. Right? But what if the best tactic would mean I should amend Carvalhos Inside Forward role to Inverted winger? Despite him not being as good at that role? And besides all that, how do I practise and work out a good tactic? Just play a season and keep adjusting team instructions and roles until you luck across something that seems to work?
  9. In all honesty I don’t think it’s really possible to learn how to make tactics through the game alone. ive played a few years and still my knowledge is pretty minimal, the game doesn’t really guide or help you. you look at your team comparison and work out what your players are good at and bad at. You pick a custom formation based off that. It works for a while, it stops working, you don’t really know why, you try to change get things, you don’t really get anywhere, so you try to use data hub to find out what’s going wrong but it’s just a mass of information and you don’t know what to do about identified data showing where your team is poor. There is no conclusion from the data eg we see this pattern A is bad, therefore you should do these changes B to address it. its very much like: ok my shot taking is not accurate but… how can I fix it? no idea there are tons of options on the team instructions but it’s not clear or understandable how they relate to the data hub results and which team instruction changes would improve the data hub results Eventually you steady the ship but maintain a mediocre run of results. Therefore you are left to resort to thr randomness of forums to find answers there, but there’s a limit to what people can advise because they can’t see all your players So its a frustrating game that seems a bit poorly designed, hopefully the new version will improve this kind of experience
  10. I get so tired of the FM UI after a few days, so I would like to try a different skin for the first time please. can anyone recommend a top 3 of skins for someone like me who wants a quicker and clearer interaction with useful layouts please? what are the most popular skins too please?
  11. Hi On a player profile screen you can choose different roles and see which highlighted attributes are key and which are desirable (green are key, blue are desirable) On individual training you can do a special focus to increase attributes eg endurance training focuses on workrate and stamina. These focused attributes are in blue i find this confusing because it makes the important attributes stand out in blue, and I get used to this, so when I go back to the profile screen I think blue attributes are key in this context too (but they are not) so recommend changing focused training attributes to a different colour (not blue)
  12. every match day i go to finalise my starting 11 and there are always only 5 subs allocated, so i have to manually add in the other 4. anyone know how to fix this please?
  13. thank you! I still get confused about saving a routine, and saving all routines, and what they are named.
  14. 1) Start of season: I set up a set piece: balanced, mark near post only, hybrid marking, corners attack near post, etc Then, during the season, i play a team for whom the pre match report says they do not mark the far post So i decide i want my attacking corners to go to the far post. I just want this far post attacking routine for this one match only. Then after the match to return to the regular routine. How do i do this? 2) what is the difference between Save Routine and Save All Routines? 3) what is the green circle next to 'Routine 1' on the set piece screen? Thanks, Im new to FM 24
  15. I saw a video by Zealand saying highlighted Green attributes are key for the role, whereas highlighted Blue attributes are only important (lesser) I always thought it was the other way around?
  16. I suggested cutaways a while ago, like a miniature small tv-screen pops up in one corner showing a close-up of the sidelines with the manager issuing their instructions to the player. What we watch in the cutaway scene presents many possibilities for interesting gameplay. How the player reacts could indicate if they have had difficulty understanding the new instructions. Examples: They may become confused if you're telling him to do something contrary to his player traits. Or confused if he is tired and struggling to focus. Or may become more motivated if the player feels he will be more effective with the new instruction. So you would have to watch what happens in the cutaway closey and get a read of how the issuing of the instructions went. And do you issue the shout from a distance or do you call the player over to you on the sidelines? If you call him over then does your team then suffer for him being temporarily out of position? If so then your timing of when to issue the shout becomes very important, only call a player over if there is a gap in play. If you issue the shout from distance, then does that limit what you can tell him, due to the distance, and only being able to use gesticulation. When you look at it, there are really so many variables with the concept of a shout, and Im not surprised the developers need to take time to get it right. But l'd love to see something like this implemented well in the future.
  17. “Our Design team wanted to create something that would help to build a sense of exploration for every player to reveal the depth and detail of Football Manager. In this system, the tiles are a way of building curiosity by providing a snapshot of information, while clicking through into cards rewards your interest with further detail.” Why not just allow the user to have the exact information you want on the top layer? Because if you can do this, then the user can easily make an assessment of the data, and can pick out patterns and make connections. It’s harder to make connections or see patterns when you have data that might be 'connectable' spread-out on different pages, within sub-sections. If you can 'pluck' the data you want to examine, and dump it all on one page, then you can cast your eye over it all in one place, and then spot any connections or see any patterns in the data much more easily, because you now have in front of you a SINGLE OVERVIEW of different insightful data. So I think users will want to be able to layout data about their teams on one page, with they key data they choose. So please ensure users can customise layouts, because I do think customisation is key to making tiles work. Like how we currently have customisable Columns and Views. So if tiles can incorporate graphics into what we see on our customised pages, that would be fantastic. You could have specific information from the Data Analysis Hub now appearing within a customised page layout for your team, a bit like the customised columns we currently have, but now with Data Hub analysis results mixed in with it too. Could be awesome.
  18. The Screen Between Match Highlights: Personally I would like to see a lot of thought given to maximising screen space. Allow the tiles to be customisable so you can really PACK information in, with the information you want, and eliminate info you dont want. I want to maximise every centimetre on the screen so I can really PACK data in. This would enable me to have all the data INSTANTLY READABLE in ONE VIEW. This would be data that I believe has the strongest influence on how to win the game, and that I have customised the tiles to show. I want to reduce the need to click, then click again, then *sigh* click one more time, to get to the info I want. For example, I can already observe from looking at the subs icons.... does the height of the shirts need to be so tall? Could you not shrink the shirt icons and pack other data into that area instead? And looking at the screenshot, my first Q is: where are my subs, what do they look like, which of them could I bring on to influence the game? I see there is a little Subs option bottom left that appears to be switched off so curious about where the subs would be displayed if turned on? Also: "I think we should replace Stones with Akanji" Please give me a 'why?' button, and allow me to have a conversation with my assistant on the side lines. You know, like we see football managers doing in real life. Wouldn't that be cool? Also 2: It would be great to be able to select a player from the overhead view of the pitch by clicking on their circle as they move about.
  19. Yes, and the update says they will be able to release things quicker in future.
  20. But has their PA increased is the question...
  21. I would like to know too. FMinside has not updated their player profiles Bradley, Quansah, Clark, Danns especially
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