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Everything posted by 2feet

  1. It is an SI issue because the game is poorly implemented, and players are trying to play it, but the game is failing to help, guide or inform the players how to play it. Too much in this game insists on withholding information from the player about what is going wrong. The game offers few avenues for finding out how to solve problems. In real life managers would receive advice from support staff much more on formations and tactics and data. So this is a really good comment and SI games need to own their failings and not rely on commentators gas-lighting anyone who posts comments highlighting these failures and the consequences.
  2. Neil... any chance the press conferences will be revised over the next few years? Changing the text? Making the questions and answers better. Making the conferences more interactive and dynamic, e.g. having a ticking clock after each question is asked that requires you to answer quicker otherwise the journalists lose patience and turn red... or allowing you to follow up answers by volunteering further information.... Seeing the faces of the journalists and seeing how their faces change in reaction to your answers..... things like that? Or are we stuck with the current 16-bit gaming era press conferences we currently have for the foreseeable future? It's the kind of thing that would have been seen on an Atari ST / Commodore Amiga circa 1989!
  3. From what I could work out (guess work) I think the training rating defines a ceiling for what the player rating can be in the upcoming game. Although the players rating in the upcoming game can be higher than the training rating, it's quite rare. So I think it becomes difficult for the game player rating to progress beyond the training rating... there are probably penalty factors imposed once the player rating reaches his training score.....so going beyond that ceiling is harder.
  4. There is progress but it's slow. Match engine animation is better, and the balance of play better. Really good work. But other things are neglected. Immersion, improving the interactions, the UI for interactions, how you look after your players off the pitch, the little stories players get up to off the pitch that we read about in the newspapers, the culture of football... All these things are sorely lacking... You may say these don't matter... but actually moral and happiness amd team cohesion is a really important part of a game. Teams go on winning runs if these things are done well, and they get stuck in ruts if they're not done well, even if you have good tactics and players. So novel and imaginative ways of boosting these things could be implemented with stories and interaction. But will they do it? pfffff Repetitive boring press conferences with awful questions and answers are just not on. Its not good enough. The narrative of the press conference, the UI, all of it should be upgraded and invested with some imagination, drama, and role-play. Same for player interactions. Same for how youth players develop. There should be more of a personal connection and social interactions, more stories and management of these players to nurture their growth (boosting their attributes), get the imagination going, its a video game, they're supposed to be dramatic like movies.
  5. lol the UI has needed a revamp for a decade... it will be another decade before they do anything
  6. If there is no short pass option available then he will hoof it. Whether there is such an option depends on his judgement. This includes the risk setting you have set for the team e.g. Attacking, positive, balanced, cautious, defensive. Positive/ Attacking means he takes more risks. So if the defender the goalkeeper wants to pass to has a marker nearby, he might still try to pass to him anyway. If the setting is cautious / defensive though, he is less likely to try a pass and will hoof instead.
  7. Pros: you get paid lots of money Cons: people will talk about you on the FM forums
  8. Improving the way the boardrooms look depending on what you do would help improve immersion in the game. But the developers are very slow making progress on these sorts of things and it doesn't seem to be much of a priority for them. Despite this though, they still seem to love to promote the idea the game full of wonderful 'stories', when this is actually what the game is severely lacking. The game could be so much better.
  9. lol this is classic design by SI Games. If its intuitive, then we'll do something different instead
  10. It's a major problem with the game. The interactions sound like they've been written by a 10 year old. So much room for improvement and better immersion. But will they do it? I doubt it.
  11. No way to put this nicely but frankly it's just not good enough by SI Games.
  12. It's been like this for years. Poor show by the game makers. Numerous complaints but no explanation for why it's never fixed.
  13. 2feet

    Mirror Tactics

    I asked for a mirroring button a couple of years ago for when setting up set pieces. People keep asking for mirroring options to save time and improve the experience.... but nothing ever changes.
  14. Is the player's decision to not cross something to do with the risk setting (mentality)? If the player feels the likelihood is that his cross will be intercepted, then instead he plays safe in order to maintain possession and wait for a better chance? And is his ability to judge the risk of his situation determined by his decisions attribute? So it may be worth crossing the ball but a low decisions attribute means the player cant properly assess that? You would think though that in real life football, in that advanced wing position a player more often gambles, regardless of the overall team mentality, because the reward is a potential goal. 'Put it in the mixer' as they say? Although maybe possession teams like Man City will more often check back, in such advanced wide positions?
  15. I'm curious to hear from an experienced player why fm23 is better... could you just briefly say why?
  16. They need to add a Superficiality attribute. Most Premier League players would score very highly in this
  17. Player interactions and the 'story' aspect of the game are so weak it's laughable. Especially because they market the game as though the stories are one of it's strong points. But with proper attention and time paid to improving the story part of the game, it could potentially be incredible. But I don't think the designers have the ability to do this and fulfil the games potential.
  18. It's wonderful stories like this that make me believe the advertsing that this is the most immerse and inspiring Football Manager version yet.
  19. This kind of immersion is but one example of what the game currently badly lacks. You wouldn't think so judging from their advertising though, which seems to suggest the game is full of wonderful stories. It isn't though. And until this is properly addressed, the game will remain one of un-fulfilled potential.
  20. If they have trained well and reject your praise, you can persuade some of them, then in future praise becomes acccepted
  21. FM is made in England by English people, so there's a bias towards English and Premier League players in the game.
  22. You can still play low quality players in your first team occasionally and not suffer many problems. You can bring them on for the last 30 minutes. Or start them against low quality opposition and take them off after 60 minutes.
  23. You could argue the same thing for youth development facilities. If you decide you want the club to become a place of excellence for developing young players, and this matches the boards objectives, you could then prioritise spending lots of money on improving youth training facilities, Junior coaching, Youth Ratings, etc So they could leap 2 or 3 levels in one big go. Then the benefits of a much better young player Intake would arrive quicker.
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