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Everything posted by 2feet

  1. Nope. There really should be though. Will it be in FM23? Doubt it.
  2. Their energy is practically red. In this state they are much more prone to injuries.
  3. Well I found if your player has less than 12 stamina then you can get to about 60 minutes before needing to sub. With 12 stamina you can get to about 75 minutes.
  4. Does your FM team play in the premier league? Or in Liga? Is gegenpressing just as effective in la liga? Ive never played there myself
  5. High intensity pressing is the dominant tactic in real life football, so why wouldn't it be in fm too?
  6. Do you have the short list filter on when you player search? IE youre only searching players on your short list?
  7. Bit of a long-shot request, but is it possible players could actually do this... at the moment the celebrations after a goal are very individual, the players dont actually touch. When in real football celebrations are about the clambering, touching, physical connecting, etc
  8. I cant rememebr how much I said I would sell him for. Some promises do state the amount, but this particualr one doesnt.
  9. If players ratings are only average, not amazing. If I Encourage, they all get mad.
  10. Perhaps make it an optional setting, but enable a Replay button to sit on screen during a game. Then you just press it to instantly replay the last 10 or 20 seconds of a game youre playing. This way you can reanalyse play quickly, and you can also enjoy a great passing move your team just put together, which would not normally be replayed because a goal was not scored from it, but its still enjoyable to rewatch.
  11. 1) If a player is left out of the squad due to being U21, then it doesnt matter. But if he's left out due to Auto Selection and he isnt U21, then thats a problem because after they come to complain, why did you leave me out of the Euro competition? I didnt realise! So rather than a Pink coloured X on the Squad Registration screen, could you make it a Red X for players who are left out and are not U21? 2) Also please make it much clearer which competion the squad registration is for, Premier League or Euro Competition. (At the top of the Squad Registration page)
  12. If my Centreback/Central Midfielder plays a whole season on a different side to their stated preference, eg a left sided preference CB plays a whole season on the right side, then the game could adjust their side preference to 'no preference'. Ive played my left sided preference CB on the right for three seasons now, and hes done brilliantly. Surely the game advice should stop telling me I should play him on the left now? EG the line-up feedback is that he's a 'bad fit' And surely the player has become used to it so that he no longer has a left preference?
  13. If you could add the expected permit decision date to this screen that would help me plan ahead, especially in pre season when lots of different transfers are flying about.
  14. Ive seen Trent Alexander do this. He crosses from a free kick, the forward heads it into the goal, and Trent does a littel fist pump on the spot to celebrate before he joins the others.
  15. That thing where the goalkeeper chases a loose ball near the edge of his area at high pace, then manages to grab the ball, but his fast pace and body momentum carries him just outside the box, so he extends his arm straight to keep the ball itself inside the box whilst the rest of his body is outside it.
  16. Development > Progress This page shows a graph with attribute changes. It would be good if it also showed a history of personality changes, because this is part of a players progress too. And there is currently no place to view a history of personality changes when there should be.
  17. See attached picture. When you have a big club, the list of staff at your club gets VERY long. Too many to know their names, the list becomes a minefield when you re trying to make a comparison. Currently its only organised alphabetically according to surname. This doesnt help, like I said, who knows the names of the 70 or so staff at their club?! If the list was organised into groups, it would really help speed up the process of trying to find the staff member you want to compare with. EG Medical staff, Recruitment staff, Coaching staff. EG Senior squad staff, U23 staff, U18 staff. A relatively simple adjustment but one that would make things much more enjoyable and eliminate some of the frustration from the user interface.
  18. A game has just finished and I want to praise / criticise a few players for their performance. So I need to click Data Hub > Last Match > Player Statistics Then I can check the stats for a few players and work out who needs to be critcised or praised. It would be good if the design could be fixed so that: - I can get to this screen with one click, to save repetition after every game - The screen has an option on it to praise or criticise players, to save having to click out, then praise, then backarrow to return to the statistics screen, then repeat for each player that needs praise or criticism - The columns are customisable so that I can get everything I need all on one screen, eg distance run added to the general statistics filter
  19. My youth player is out on loan and has six months to go, but refuses to sign a new contract because before he went on loan I'd put him on the transfer list. Since then he's been playing well on loan so now I want to take him off the transfer list and extend his contract. But players on loan cannot have their transfer status adjusted, so I can't offer him a new contract (because players on the transfer list cant be offered new contracts.. He's on loan until the end of his loan period, which also happens to be the end of his main contract. The only way to take him off the transfer list would be to recall him from loan, which I don't want to do because he's benefitting so much from the loan, and would only be offered a bad club if I was to recall > extend contract > then find a new loan club. Since his main contract with our club is also expiring in six months, I don't want to wait until the end of his contract to extend it, because by then rival clubs will have agreed a contract before I can offer him one, and he will sign a pre-agreement with them. So why cant I adjust a players transfer status just because they're on loan?! They play well on loan, and so are taken off the transfer list and rewarded with a new contract.
  20. If its just about the frequency with which the player attempts tackles then Dives into tackles isnt describing what is happening. Tackles eagerly, tackles keenly, tackles profusely, tackles habitually, Keen to tackle, Attempts tackles often... Anything but Dives into tackles
  21. Too many questions guys, you need to reduce the number of questions being asked. If you add together the post game questions then the press conference questions which then immediately follow, its too many. Its a video game, not an office job
  22. The descriptions all begin with: "This attribute reflects..." or "This attribute is...", or similar. It would be easier to read through all the attribute descriptions without these words which become repetitive. EG, just write: "The highest point that a player can reach with his head" This is succinct and to the point. I know it sounds fussy to say this but it would make it much easier to read because when you're reading through lots of descriptions it distracts from the meaning. A simple amendment but it would really help. Many thanks
  23. See pic below All that repetitive text makes it difficult to read each trait option. It would be much easier to read if you deleted all the repetitive text "I would like you to train Alberto to...." only needs to be written once, at the top. Then each option becomes easier to read and understand. See pic for an illustration of what I mean, please. Many thanks
  24. Its June and Im looking at a list of players hose contracts expire within the month. I want to remove from the list all the players that have a future transfer already arranged to see whose left that I might be able to snap up. Its difficult to see the TRN icon under the INF column heading because they are buried underneath a HOL icon because theyre all on holiday still. There are so many players who have transfers arranged that I cant tell who is available still. So need a way to filter this please.
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