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Everything posted by 2feet

  1. LThe replay for penalties should show the lead up to the foul, the foul itself, then the penalty itself. If it is a save then the replay should show that too.
  2. When I receive the weekly training email, I need to then praise or criticise players for their training scores. I think there should be a direct link from this email to the individual training page to help do this more easily. One direct link would help, because at the moment if you click the edit training link you then have to click a further option on the menu to get to the correct page to give training feedback.
  3. If you have a large squad, trying to manage players who are not match sharp by giving them U18 and U23 game time is extremely tedious. Fiddling with menus etc The regular emails asking who to make available are tiresome. You need a screen where reserve team game time for unfit players can be planned out in advance, similar to training. I have literally gone months failing to get unfit players back to full sharpness whilst managing the first team. First team results then go downhill because backup players are unfit and cant play, or if forced to play they play poorly.
  4. Squad > Players When Im picking my team for the next game I need to know when each player last played a game, so I can see who hasn’t played for a long time and who needs game time. So I need an option to add the following columns please: - Date of last game played - Date of last game started - Date of last substitute appearance - Minutes played in last game
  5. Currently its impossible to get an overview of all the traits your players have, all on one screen, so you can see how traits operating in different areas of your formation are interacting with eachother. This is really important to be able to do because Traits override Team Instructions and override Player Instructions too. They are the single major decisive factor in how your player operates. So the fact I cannot look at one tformation screen and see how a trait that my AMR is using is actually conflicting with a trait that my MCR is using - that should be possible. But right now you can only scroll through each individual players screen to look at what their traits are. There are so many players and each player has multiple traits, that it becomes impossible. If there was a feature to show a graphic of your current formation, and in each player position it shows a list of the traits for that player. So imagine the Squad Depth screen, but instead of each box showing a list of players who are strongest in that position, instead it lists all the traits for the player who is currently selected for that position. So you have a formation screen full of player traits for your currently picked team. Then you could assess how all the traits of your picked team are interacting with eachother. This would be a great creative tool.
  6. My corners and free kicks are skewing the data. All those near post headers are making my shot conversion ratio poor. Needs to be an option to have reports based on data just from open play or throw ins. Eliminate Free kicks / Corners? At least, shots that occur directly from the corner kick / Direct free kicks. Then it will tell me more relevant insights about my tactic in open play.
  7. 1) I return to this page quite a lot, because its the best place to be able to get an overview of possible new formations for my squad. Its actually a creative place of discovery for new possible tactics. And also to check how balanced my squad currently is after Ive signed or sold players. So its frustrating to have to change the ‘Opinion of’ drop down menu from my useless Assistant Manager who the game repeatedly defaults to, rather than my excellent Head of Youth who is a much better assessor of each players suitability for each position. 2) Same thing with the formation drop down menu. It defaults to your tactic. But I want ‘All positions’ so I can keep my eye on possible new formations. Sometimes you sign a player for a certain position but they have the ability to play elsewhere and when you look at ‘All positions’ you can suddenly discover new possible formations. 3) The option to view a players Left foot and Right foot strength should also be displayed on the graphic. Then you could see new possibilities for roles eg Inside Forward, or which side of centre midfield a player would best be, etc
  8. If I have a problem eg poor shooting, and so come December I make some tactical changes, then I need to know if my changes have fixed the problem and see the data results. If I could specify the data hub to only use data to produce reports from December onwards then I could see of improvement has occurred. Also the ability to COMPARE two periods against eachother, eg data pre December and after December. Also an option to be able to eradicate data being input from the early games of the season when I was still experimenting with tactics. I dont want these early games to skew the data reports.
  9. You can view the history of a players attribute scores, eg you can view how much his stamina attribute has improved in the last 12 months on a graph. The same should be for staff. Id like to know if my Fitness coach is getting worse but cant remember his attribute scores.
  10. When James Milner came to Liverpool he wanted to change position from the wing to central midfield. Brendan Rogers promised him that CM position and this was part of the reason he agreed to sign. But Milner has also helped out in other positions where asked to with minimum fuss. He currently plays CM but can also fill in at RB when required. He even played an entire season at Left Back in 2016! This was only one year after he arrived at Liverpool in 2015, and was because Klopp felt their LB (Moreno) was not good enough (poor performances the previous season). In another season Milner played Central Midfield but also backup to Trent in the RB position. The game doesnt seem able to cope with the fact players who are promised specific positions when signing can nonetheless still be persuaded to help out in other areas due to their professionalism. Suggest: Under Promises, next to each promise could be a ‘Discuss’ button. You enter a conversation about the promise and if you have had a long term injury somewhere in the team recently, or a player having lots of poor performance scores, then there is an option to ask the player to pause their promise and to play as either cover or first choice in that problem position. There could be a time limit to the pause eg please pause your promise until the next transfer window opens and i can buy/loan someone new to fix the problem. Or you can request a position change just for one season and after that I will put you back in your favourite position and the promise will become live again. Perhaps even an option to make a flat out request to the player to simply play in a different position just because it would work better with your tactics? Then when they play in the new position and have high performance scores, they may decide to give up their promise permanently. A player with high professionalism might be more agreeable to requests. A manager with good persuasion might have a better chance of successfully persuading a player. Genuine reasons for pausing a promise would have a better chance of succeeding (eg long term injury or consistent poor performance scores). Users who attempt to exploit this new feature by asking every single player they sign to immediately pause their promise would need to be considered. Serious complications and unhappiness should result if the manager asks a player to pause a promise but fails. Perhaps even the player makes an immediate request to leave because he feels the promise on signing was fake and feel offended, or the player now fails to integrate into the team due to disillusionment, etc There would be a greater chance of failure if the request is due to tactical reasons but a lower chance of failure if the request is due to someone having suffered a long term injury or poor form. Poor form from the previous season should be factored in. Hope this sounds like a good idea.
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