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Everything posted by 2feet

  1. Eating a lot of spinach will do this for a young lad. Plus he's in an evening chess club too.
  2. Where are the Manchester United / Liverpool, half and half scarves ???? I'm out.
  3. After you delete your account, your data is only anonymised, not deleted. It's really not difficult for other companies to quickly identify you from "anonymised" data. In other words, you data stays out there, and is used for whatever they want. Did you actually read the terms and conditions? If you did then you would have seen this: "The provisions of Sections 12, 13, 14, 15, 18, 19, 20, 21 shall survive any termination of this Agreement." So all these sections will "survive termination" (what a wonderfully profitable phrase) and continue to stay live and allow them to continue exploiting you: Intellectual Property Rights, User-Generated Content, No sale or assignment, Indemnification, Injunction, Data Protection, Limits on our liability and your rights, For residents in the United States and Canada – Binding Arbitration and Class Action Waiver Don't SI Games treat their customers so well? And all just so we can read some updates on the game that so many here contribute their spare time towards helping improve.
  4. - What are the Quality of Life improvements in the blog? - I also think it's really cr*p how SI Games are now making forum users sign up to their blog, and in doing so give up all their data to Sega, just in order to read a list of updates. After all the time and energy people on the forums contribute with goodwill (and no payment), the company now want to push it further and extract even more profit out of us by selling off our data. Kind of sickening when you think about it.
  5. Women ? ---- Hopefully they will develop the immersion part of the game at the same time as introducing female football. Otherwise I doubt many female players will put up with the game as it currently is (off the pitch) and won't become fans of the game.
  6. can someone post more quotes from the new blog please? I cant get access to it
  7. Could a Traits tab be added to the squad planner? To see which traits conflict with other traits that teammates have To show how some traits may not work very well in certain formations Or to show how some traits are very effective in certain positions This would allow us to see how all players traits link together And how they complement / conflict with eachother And lots of other insights too Since traits are very powerful in determining a players behaviour, this map may help to explain why a formation or tactic is not working, or why a player is not being effective Ive done a quick example below Look at Jack Evans in Central Midfield Maybe his trait to drop deep is not a good one for that position on the pitch? If you can imagine all the other players also showing traits, then you could see a complete picture on one page of how all the traits of your team are working together. You could also colour code the traits in order to see which ones are having an effect on the players movements (green colour) or passing (purple colour) etc etc Obviously you could click on Jack Evans name to pick a different member of the squad to try out there
  8. Since Pressing traps will mainly occur in the attacking and midfield thirds of the pitch And since defensive line instructions will occur in the defensive third Wouldn't it make sense for the instructions on this page to be moved closer to the section of the pitch they are having an effect on? You could do this by swapping their position on page Otherwise, people might think pressing traps refers to traps set in the defensive third, since that the instruction is positioned close to that part of the pitch
  9. Slow down, the new new version isn't even out yet, give it a chance! The new match engine looks good, the 'chaos modifier' should be very interesting and make it much more like real football. It's a great idea and player attributes may be a factor in how much chaos occurs with any particular player?
  10. If you use Match Practise in your training schedule every week, I believe that helps boost it a lot. (check the training schedule descriptions for the other blocks that also do this)
  11. Why is it that players who are very high in the statistical rankings for for certain things (e.g. successful crosses, assists, shot conversion, etc) why is it when you look at those players attributes, and the specific attributes relevant to their successful statistic, that those attributes are 'nothing special'? Players who have great crossing success with average attributes for crossing and vision. What is going on? Hidden attributes? Their role in the team they play in? Some sort of special bonus bestowed on the player by the AI for one season?
  12. Yes, that's all fine, but what I mean is an edited FAQ, with only the main issues. Because the bug tracker is full of minor stuff. But people want to see the big issues addressed. And just state everything is subject to change. EG 1) Set Pieces Creator Issues: We are aware of issues here with regard to X Y Z. Due to this and that, this is a complicated job that will take time to implement into the game without unbalancing it. Status: In development Estimated date for implementation: FM 25 to FM 27 2) Graphics Issues: Crowd has limited animation. Status: There are no current plans to change the crowd. This is due to X Y Z related to the structure of our new graphics engine. FAQ last updated June 2022. Next Update due: November 2022 And so on. You could ask the mods what are the issues that people keep raising so you have some awareness of what the hot topics on the forums are? If you did something along these lines, I think it might help a lot. It means empowering comments and feedback more, and many companies are opposed to this, but I think it could be beneficial to the game if it was adopted.
  13. I think what fans on the forums want is clear written text information about what the status is of the common issues that fans raise. A live list of issues that are known, being worked on, or that wont be worked on due to specific reasons. A kind of FAQ for people who want this or that change. This might alleviate some of the anxiety people have about changes, which only increases when no response is forthcoming when they post. It would also address the problem that some issues may already have been addressed in the past, but are now lost in the depths of old threads, so new posters don't realise.
  14. Can you get stats on data hub to be filtered according to specific dates? EG I analyse the data, I make changes to the team based on where the data says I am weak to try to improve, I play a few games with my new tweaked tactics, now I want to see if the changes I made to the tactics have improved the data, so I filter the data hub to only show data from after the date I made the tactical changes ........Is anything like this in the new data hub?
  15. I made a post in the requests section on this already because I think its more important than graphics. But I would like to see more involving relationships with players. Developing relationships with players is rewarded by opening up new gameplay. Little side quests to try to boost a young players hidden attributes, more faces and drama at press conferences. Imagine a press conference against a timer, the longer you take to answer the more journalists get angry. You see the faces of the journalists getting angrier and then their questions become more hostile. Things like that. If there is an issue with players getting into trouble so you cant have a story based around that, then only do it for new gens. People are forever saying they enjoy taking a small club and making them bigger, or developing a youth player into a star player. It's these kinds of things that people love about football. But the feedback and reward from the game on these things is very minimal. It's a shame because this is where the emotional enjoyment of the game could be very high and the game should be responding in a significant way. And it's also a massive part of a real managers job. And if SI want to expand their audience to include more female game players, they're going to have a hard time convincing them if the game is too analytical and doesn't have the drama, relationships and reward to go with it.
  16. This may be an unpopular opinion, so shoot me down, but... I think the FM graphics are OK. People talk about the FIFA graphics, but that game looks totally fake, the players look like they're running whilst someone is pulling them back with a dog lead, their movements are so robotic, it's androids vs androids. And the colours looks very artificial, too shiney. With FM, the animations have improved again this year, you will see ball bobbing up and players hitting it on the volley for example, and better finishing from strikers. The ME and graphics are apparently separate things, but I don't think you can have these fluid movements and attacking patterns that make the game look so realistic, without having a certain kind of anti-FIFA animation style. The crowds though I agree on, they should be swarming seas of fans and flags.... not C3PO & friends take a day trip to the Emirates. It's all about the gameplay and the graphics are a part of what enables that.
  17. Does anyone know the further details on the data hub improvements that were published today (but published hidden to the public?)
  18. I buy young players and develop them to around 23/24 then sell. Because otherwise they don't seem to improve much after that age and are generally peaked in attributes by that age. Should i be more patient and hope that their consistency, professionalism etc improves with more experience?
  19. Guys, don't play FM on toasters, it will only lead to, cough, burn out
  20. Can we get this moved to the Features Request Forum please?
  21. Does anyone know what type of graphics are in the 3d match engine? Are the players movements created with motion capture? Or are they sprites? Or something else?
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