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Everything posted by 2feet

  1. I totally agree. The dialogue in the interactions is quite bad generally. It's typically got a juvenile energy to it. For example, if a player has been at your club on loan and been through a number of positive experiences during their loan, you would expect that to be acknowledged in any negotiations to buy the player permanently, or to make the negotiations easier. Anyway, I gave feedback a while ago that I felt the game could improve a lot if the developers really deepened interactions, and stories in the game. Because they create an emotional connection that makes playing the game so much more enjoyable and meaningful. Not sure if anything will change in the new version of the game coming out this year though, typically nothing will change, the usual story. it would be nice to see though if they do.
  2. My two-pence: UPGRADES Jota Quansah Connor Bradley Saliba James Maddison Harry Kane Bellingham Hojlund DOWNGRADES Caicedo
  3. id judge them based on the fact both teams are very rich, and chelsea have brought in pochetinos coaching team, and he comes with an elite coaching unit. on that basis chelseas set piece coach will for my money probably be equivalent to 4.5 stars in the FM game. Not 100% but I think its a fair guess. villa have emery, another elite coach, so same thing? the fact these teams are joint fifth in conceding from set pieces, along with luton, says to me morale is a problem for chelsea in real life, and id guess its part of the problem for the FM player who posted too. im making the point that although your set piece coach may be good, theres other factors. concentration? tiredness? positioning? marking? plus leaving anything to the coaches to do themselves is always a risk. any ideas why the fm player is conceding so many set pieces?
  4. if you’re not setting up your set pieces yourself then you’re asking for trouble. aston villa and Chelsea have some of the best set piece coaches in the game but currently, as of 4th January 24, they are joint fifth in the league for goals conceded from set pieces. But that’s just not realistic.... right? Source: https://www.bettingexpert.com/news/analysis/premier-league-set-pieces-goals-corners-and-free-kick-stats#3
  5. team moral affects your attributes. they'll drop by a few points at various times during a game. maybe your coach is choosing the wrong type? or maybe the opposition is watching how previous teams have scored from set pieces and is copying them. like exactly what happens in real football. so you need to adjust maybe? take the time to set up your own free kicks, based on what you see is currently going wrong.
  6. what about other attributes: positioning, decisions? concentration? what is the team moral like? are you zone marking? man marking? what type of goals are you conceding from set pieces? headers? or other types? is it a failure to mark?
  7. I actually never understood the new mentoring system when it came in a few editions ago. It seemed so random, I didnt have a clue how to improve results. It seemed such a high risk because often players would go down in some hidden attributes, whilst any small increases in other attributes meant it was never worth mentoring overall in the first place. Assistants kept recommending I change the groups around, but it seemed illogical they never explained why the changes would work better.
  8. Hi I posted an idea for a Consult Assistant Manager option on the main feedback thread for FM 24, and it became a popular post. Link below. The idea is that some of the useful feedback given on the forums by FM staff which is accurate could be incorporated into the FM game itself. It could be spoken by your assistant manager if you go to consult him/her. This way the game would be more immersive. And it would ensure the tactical advice you read is accurate and helpful. It would also eliminate the current problem that the forums are packed with advice posted by well-meaning people but is in fact incorrect information. Plus the other problems that good information can be buried deep in forums and be hard to find, and that advice can also become out-dated as new version of the game are published. Re-pasting the idea here, thank you: Why dont you make a 'Consult Assistant Manager' option inside the game? You click this option and it opens up a chat where you can get your assistant to explain some things about how different roles or positions work to clear up any confusion or issues I might be having with my formation and tactics? Asst Manager: Hi Jeff, how can I help? Me: I've been struggling for results and need some advice on where I might be going wrong Asst Manager: do you want to discuss: 1) data analysis, or 2) behaviour of players in a formation Me: 2) behaviour of players in a formation Asst Manager: Which position on the pitch do you want to discuss? GK, LB, CB, RB, LCM, CM, RCM, AMC, LW, RW, STR ? Me: LW Asst Manager: Which roles in LW would you like to discuss? Inverted Forward, Winger, Raumdeuter, Advance Playmaker, Inverted Winger Me: Inverted Forward Asst Manager: What is the problem you are having with the LW IF? Staying wide too often? Not shooting enough? over dribbling? Me: Staying wide too often Asst Manager: OK Jeff, there are a few factors that can influence this and im going to mention one or two for you. Something to be aware of is that an IF staying wide can be due to a rotating player in the CM position on the same side as the IF. So ff the CM player moves up into the AMC position then the IF will stay wider in order to accommodate all the players in that stratum.... etc etc (this was the great advice given by the FM staff member on the forum) If SI Games made this an option in the game, and packed this chat with lots of useful insightful information, then it would make the game so much more immersive and rewarding. The higher the tactical knowledge rating of the assistant manager, the more explanations he can offer. And there could be a limit imposed on how often you can use this consulting option, maybe you can only consult in this way once a week for example (I've got to get back to my duties now Jeff) Original post is on page 80 of the thread
  9. Thanks But this kind of proves my point. Very few people are going to remember that once upon a time a post somewhere on some webpage or forum a paragraph was written about Inside Forward behaviour. The fact people are coming on forums posting for help with the problem proves it. So why dont you make a 'Consult Assistant Manager' option inside the game? You click this option and it opens up a chat where you can get your assistant to explain some things about how different roles or positions work to clear up any confusion or issues I might be having with my formation and tactics? Asst Manager: Hi Jeff, how can I help? Me: I've been struggling for results and need some advice on where I might be going wrong Asst Manager: do you want to discuss: 1) data analysis, or 2) behaviour of players in a formation Me: 2 Asst Manager: Which position on the pitch do you want to discuss? GK, LB, CB, RB, LCM, CM, RCM, AMC, LW, RW, STR ? Me: LW Asst Manager: Which roles in LW would you like to discuss? Inverted Forward, Winger, Raumdeuter, Advance Playmaker, Inverted Winger Me: Inverted Forward Asst Manager: What is the problem you are having with the LW IF? Staying wide too often? Not shooting enough? over dribbling? Me: Staying wide too often Asst Manager: OK Jeff, there are a few factors that can influence this and im going to mention one or two for you. Something to be aware of is that an IF staying wide can be due to a rotating player in the CM position on the same side as the IF. So ff the CM player moves up into the AMC position then the IF will stay wider in order to accommodate all the players in that stratum.... etc etc If SI Games made this an option in the game, and packed this chat with lots of useful insightful information, then it would make the game so much more immersive and rewarding. The higher the tactical knowledge rating of the assistant manager, the more explanations he can offer. And there could be a limit imposed on how often you can use this consulting option, maybe you can only consult in this way once a week for example (I've got to get back to my duties now Jeff) Wouldn't this be so much better?
  10. Hi Jack This is really useful to know, thanks But I was wondering, is there a way that insights like this could be incorporated into the game itself, rather than on forums? Its so useful to understand how things like this work, but I could never have really learned it just from watching a game. For example, maybe your assistant manger could inform you of such insights via chats? Or some other method that improves immersion in the game?
  11. What was your general passing length set to? If you want to play long balls out to him, maybe change your passing length to long? Did you have retain possession turned on? Was your mentality set to cautious? Was the target man set to Support role? Ik not an expert but those are my first thoughts
  12. Some of those long term bugs are probably deeply built into the game, and possibly extremely difficult to fix. If so then I'm guessing those bugs wont be fixed until they overhaul the entire design of the game and use a brand new engine and rebuild the game from the ground up.... which I believe they are doing for FM25?
  13. I used to find the training rating a player achieves in the run up to a match acts as a kind of ceiling for what that player can potentially score in the match itself. 9 times out of 10 the player will achieve a match rating close to or lower than their training rating that week. It’s not 100% concrete but that was generally what I found.
  14. Someone from the company said: The ME uses the full range of attributes, which can vary over time depending on tons of factors such as consistency, big matches, morale/body language etc. What this means is that your 18 finishing striker won't always be 18 finishing 100% of the time, for example if they're inconsistent they may sometimes be playing like a 13 finishing striker for portions of the match. So in addition to press conferences, you also need to look at morale, consistency and handling pressure such as big matches in your players.
  15. well someone from the company said the amount of goals in FM is actually lower than in real life, so it's all about perception of what a realistic amount of goals is I suppose
  16. Yes but imagine you selected gegenpress for your teams new tactic. Then imagine nothing much happened for 6 months because of the time it takes to 'get it right consistently'. Everyone would just say 'gegenpress doesnt work its broken'
  17. “I feel like if I ever want to properly understand what an option does, I have to go on the forums where I will be met with 3 or 4 different threads containing posts by 11 or 12 different people with about 20 contradictory opinions between them. So I am left frustratingly resetting matches over and over again with different options selected to try and deduce what is actually going on.” I do think this is the biggest problem with the game as a whole. The way it’s so obscure and difficult to understand what an option does and how it should be used. And that there is nowhere to practise what effect various options have on your teams performance eg on a training pitch, where you could potentially isolate the effects of an option to test out what it does. You can only test out options in games of football where your teams moral is at stake or league points are at stake too. Plus there will be other factors at play in these games, making it difficult to know whether your teams failure is due to the option you selected or something else. I think this is such a major flaw in the game I basically stopped buying it two editions ago. No video game, if fundamentally well designed, should be relying on reams of posts on internet forums. It should all be in the game itself.
  18. Man City are known for pressing high up the pitch and winning the ball back as quickly as possible if they lose it.
  19. Someone complained the game’s unrealistic because PSG paid 50M for John McGinn. You have to be careful because the John McGinn in the game might well be worth that... even if in real life he probably wouldn’t be. But there’s never been a video game (or a movie) in history that has truly predicted what will happen in real life into the future. When you start the game you’re entering a parallel universe which has real life as a starting point, but which then diverges. Who would have predicted two years ago Bellingham would move to Real Madrid and do so well that he’s now being compared to the impact of Ronaldo? Not many, even though he was always recognised as talented. Who would have predicted a top manager like Emery would have moved to Aston Villa? So unrealistic! Or that De Zebri would do so well at Brighton after the man who built it left (Potter)? Or that Postecoglou would have Spurs top of the league and James Maddison be playing like prime Gareth Bale? In a league of super talented teams like Man City, Liverpool and Arsenal that would never happen. Who would ever pay 115M for Caicedo or 60M for Mason Mount?! The game’s broken! There may be players who in the FM game are doing really well and have great stats so in FM world if John McGinn is playing brilliantly then it does make sense PSG would offer 50M for him.
  20. Big games mean pressure... some players in your team wont be able to handle pressure well, hence bad performance.... shouting at them makes it worse.. try another approach maybe? Away games are also harder for your team to play well at too...
  21. It's rarely pointed out that Van Basten owns a pancake shop in the West Yorkshire region.
  22. What do people think of the new squad planner? How are the improvements?
  23. Cool, but why would you sort the list of players according to their firstname? Because by the surname is what everybody refers to players as. People refer to Kevin De Bruyne as 'De Bruyne'. They don't refer to him as 'Kevin'
  24. Nice to see attribute changes for staff now! well done guys However, we dont check staff attribute pages very often (unlike players) So Im not sure how long the green or red arrows will hang around for, before they disappear? Therefore it would be good to have a history of attribute changes for staff, going back over the last year (as you can do with player attribute history)
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