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Everything posted by Jellico73

  1. I suspect the feed is just generated off a bunch of possibilities, one of which is not a lookup to a historical table of such events...now that I think about it that would be one heck of a table...
  2. Usually within the panel is a code or widget name or some other piece of information. I use a program called astrogrep, lets you search files in a directory and shows the results. So say as an example you are looking for say, id="CnaG", you put that in the search and it returns all the files that have id=CnaG in it. When i started getting XML like the ones abopve, one of them was related to a font, was able to search for the font and find out it wasn't even in the skin I was using, which helped me track down why I was getting the XML error.
  3. The economics side of the loan system has issues, SI is working on them
  4. I discovered this because one of my errors was referencing a font that wasn't even used in the Musterman skin, but was in another skin I had within the FM23 folder structure. Move that to my desktop, no more font error.
  5. Take every skin out of your skins folder. If you have a skin anywhere else in your FM23 directory, take it out, put it on its own folder, like on the desktop. Go to C:\Users\YOURUSER\AppData\Local\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2023 and delete the Caches, preferences and temp folder. Restart the game, it will default to the FM skin. Bring in the skin you want to use, switch to that skin. If you make any changes to that skin like adding a panel/widget from a different skin, change to the base skin, make the changes, and then change back. When you start FM, one of the things it does is create an skc file in the caches folder. For some reason, when looking for skins, the game is not limiting itself to just looking at the skins folder, it is examining the entire FM23 directory and building the skc file off of that, and as a result is creating some pathing/error issues where the game is trying to do something it's not supposed to, hence all the errors. I moved my Other FM skins folder to the desktop, deleted my cache, restarted the gamew, and there was a 60000kb difference in the Mustermann Numerical 1440.skc file size.. It's the only solution I have found that works. Jellico
  6. He was still on his Youth Conract at Bham when he moved to Dortmund I think, which would have been about 150/w. Unless he went non league somewhere he was always going to be earning more when he left. United offered 30M for him, Dortmund 25M. He's made his desires to play for Liverpool known, so if Liverpool were to offer him a deal and a contract, even if the transfer fee from another club would be higher, he'd most likely go to Liverpool. It's not just a matter of putting numbers into columns and choosing the greater sum.
  7. Looks like the Crash Davis "Flood the Field so we can get a game day off" maneuver failed....
  8. If I Spent the time an energy to do that you would turn around and ask for 250 examples....post some numbers and examples on the bug forum. Please.
  9. One of the previous iterations (FM20?) had a bug where players wouldn't die, they'd reach 99 and keep going. GoldenFM did a save with a bunch of 250 year old English Players (No Physicals, killer technicals and Mentals) in the National team, actually beat a couple of teams. Granted one of them Was San Marino IIRC, but still... My first 1000 year experiment the head coach at brighton remained for the entire save, but if you clicked on him to see his record the game crashed...
  10. He was just one example, I am positive there are other players out there who Attribute wise look like Tarzan but play like Jane...
  11. Paper doesn't take into account a Rng number being generated and the resulting decision making tree that happens with all 22 players on the pitch as a result of that result, does it? Then again, on paper, Harry Maguire is a capable defender, isn't he?
  12. If SI ever wanted to screw with 99% of the FM managers out there it would randomize where the responses were placed....
  13. The CIES work is interesting, but limiting it to the big 5 leagues skews things. IMO A team like Arsenal paying 30M for a player when other clubs are offering 10M doesn't mean that player is worth 30M, just that they are willing and able to pay 20M more than the others to land him because they really like him. I don't follow baseball all that match but it would be interesting to look at what player moves were like pre/post the 2007 era when statistics really started being used.
  14. It's the 1 reporters chance to make a name for himself. That or the other reporters are just DM'ing him questions to ask you.
  15. I submitted a bug report with about ~35 examples of loans that didn't pass the Blink test across a couple of saves I am doing, and SI said "Our QA team are looking into this and we are aware of some issues with loans which we are looking to improve upon". So, hopefully a fix/improvement next patch.
  16. It's economics and sports, nothing has to make sense. If it did, Ollie Palmer never would have left League One for the Vanarama National for about the same money. I mean, who drops down two leagues? Every player ever offered a higher wage has taken that higher wage? Players haven't taken less money to start at a lower league club rather than sit on the bench at a higher league club? Players haven't taken less money to stay at a club they like? Players haven't taken less money to move to a club they want to move to?
  17. I paid for the game too. And when I saw something was up with the loan market numbers I didn't tell the people at SI about it on multiple posts and then not believe them when they said I was wrong. Rather I opened a bug report, put in about 40 lines of player data I researched from two different saves, and two days later was told that yes, there looks like there is a problem, and we're looking into and and could have a fix for the next patch. But you keep doing you, I'm sure it will all turn out right in the end... Jellico
  18. On Transfermarket right now he's valued at 4M. In my 'all countries all players Test save' he's currently rated at 5-15M, in my 2025 save he's at 7.6 to 12.5M at Middlesbrough, who have yo yo'd the last 3 seasons. Last season he played 43, allowed 33, had 19 Shutouts and a 6.93 ratinf It looks like his CA/PA range is around the 125/150 mark. It's quite possible his reputation, both Home and World, haven't gone up. Take a look at similar keepers from a PA/CA point of view in your save, Pontus Dahlberg, Diego Altube, Iker Alvarez, Matvey Safonev, are their values similar or higher than Muric's? Jellico
  19. I'm conflicted on the empty space at the 2560x1440, I think there are things you can put in but at the same time the potential to overdo it is there as well. At the moment, it looks too empty to me, if that makes sense? There's a difference between cluttered and organized, and I think there is plenty of space to work with to add a few things and keep it clean and organized looking. I'm pretty its a byproduct of the work I do, when I see empty space I wonder what data is missing...and when I see to much data I wonder what got added that shouldn't have been (That or I need to zoom out, or turn some layers of info off...or all them...) I still love the aesthetic, I've rarely used and of the previously available light skins and like this one very much. Jellico
  20. I think the boxes look better, they provide the contrast to see the numbers better.
  21. I am pretty sure the 'id="psty" is the code in the skin for Personality, there is probably another file (Person Properties.xml) that has a list/entries of all the codes. I am not sure what the translation ID is, as I am still new to skinning myself. FWIW I downloaded and use a program called Astrogrep, you can type in a search string and it will search all the files in the directory you have chosen, it's been handy to figure out where things are. Not that it helps me make sense of such things, but still...
  22. I like the horizontal layout as well, and the icons are a nice effect.
  23. The loan side of the transfer market is a bit messed up at the moment. They are working on it. Maybe try again later in the transfer window, if he's not loaned out to another club, a lot of time the prices will come down to something within the realm of plausibility. Jellico
  24. FYI, for those of us going on about the loan issues: Jellico
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