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Everything posted by Jellico73

  1. It's better than previously. Muting the Yellow worked, but it looks like the team and age are a different white than the player name? Would switching to the teal settings change these to teal? Jellico
  2. None of them are predetermined, it's just the odds of them producing them are higher based on a variety of other factors as well. For every 180+ newgen ASEC creates, there's 10 or so who will never get above 100. San Marino can create a 180+ newgen, the odds are stacked against it, so it's just highly improbable it ever will, but not impossible. Besides, ASEC is one of the best clubs in Africa, with one of the best youth systems and a reputation for sending players to big leagues, and many of those players are successful. If your at a club that has the ability to scout there, why wouldn't you, and how does doing that 'break immersion'?
  3. Long term wise, its interesting. Last 1000 year save I did England had a ton of changes, France and Germany to a lesser extent, Italy as well. I didn't have spain loaded so that was Real?Barca for 1000 years. A lot of the smaller countries I didn't have loaded had a lot of changes. Takes about 100 years for the big leagues to really start changing, couple hundred years after that you start getting some fun results.
  4. I should add that it's a good idea that once you have copied everything over, even if you are starting the game anew, go to preferences, clear your cache and reload the skin. Just in case. Fm has been a bit...quirky this year with skins, not sure why...
  5. More than a few people have asked me this, so I figured I would put a guide together. First things first though: 1. Thanks to @wannachupbrew for putting the 'Instant Result' functions together. FOr someone like me who does a lot of offline experiments and the like, it's very handy. 2. Thanks to all those people out there creating the skins people use. Lord knows I do not have the time, patience, or skills to modify everything, but there more than a few creators out there who do. This year especially has seen some great new skins that have elevated the game even further IMO, Musterman, Statman, Hodr, and so on. If you use one and like it, send the creator some coffee money, it's the least we can do. 3. This may not work on the skin you are using. I am not sure why, others who are brighter than me on this issue can tell you (hopefully), but I know it works on the Statman and the Mustermann skin. If the Skin you like doesn't have the Instant Result Button, you can try this methods, and if it doesn't work, get in touch with the skin creator. The Process: 1. Download the Instant result skin from the website of you choice. When you look at it after you download it, it should look like this: This is the base skin with the button added, in an .fmf file, which is essentially SI's version of a zip file. You need to extract this, but a regular Zip program will not work. You need to use the FM23 Resource Archiver. This is available on Steam, I do not know about the other platforms. Open Steam, go to your library, in the drop down select 'tools', scroll down to where FM is and it will be listed there, it is a free download Download it, then open it. It should look like this: You want to 'Extract Archive", navigate to where you downloaded the Wannachup skin, and select 'Load Then it will ask you to choose a destination folder. Highlight the folder wou want, then click 'Select'. Because this is a small file, it will extract quickly, you will know it's done by looking in the bottom left of the archiver: go to the folder you extracted the .fmf file to. You should now see this: Inside the Wannachup-FM23-InsantResult folder are a graphics folder, and a panels folder. Open the panels folder. You will see a folder called match. Open it and there will be 5 XML files. Navigate to your skins folder in FM23. Open the Skin folder, then navigate to Panels/match: Copy and paste the XML files from the wannachup folder into this folder, and replace the files when prompted One thing I have noticed, is that the number of files replaced varies from skin to skin. Once that's done, close everything out, start your game, select your skin, and when you get to a game: The color scheme may not match exactly, but it does work. I've tested this on Statman and Mustermann, and have had no issues with the IR button. Any questions let me know, if I can't answer them I will try and direct you to who can. Thanks, Jellico
  6. I am at a spot in my save now, was actually going to send this in as well, so I can tell you if the update fixes this.
  7. I only use the numerical version and it works for me. Are you copying the instant result files to the panels folder in the numerical skin? Jellico
  8. Probably something going on under the hood with 22 then. I remember having similar issues in 22, but no more than what I am encountering in 23.
  9. Set your search up with 'Staff Role' and 'Preferred Job' as part of the criteria. Set them both to the job you are looking for, fixes 90% of the problems with this IMO The only time I find when this doesn't work out well is with Directors. Technical Directors want to be GM's, that sort of thing. Coaching, Scouting, Analyst and most of the other staff position jobs there are way less issues than just searching with staff role or preferred job selected
  10. 1,3 , 2, 4 in that order. I am much more a visually oriented type of person, so anything that tells me the information I am looking for in such a way that I don't have to second guess what I am looking at when I am wearing the wrong set of bifocals works best for me. Jellico
  11. Couple of thing's I've noticed. Players Report in the Squad Planner (Report->Comparison) Base Skin: https://gyazo.com/3df644b2c77f2ca0abbd491e1d62f721 And in the Musterman Skin: https://gyazo.com/581aabd15eeae319cb9f824c85008997 the attribute categories are missing? Coaching Attributes and role comparison: https://gyazo.com/9985c56ef962e69f4e4f21d324be3ec0 Isn't this supposed to look like the player comparison screen or I am remembering wrong? Jellico
  12. The modified player panel transferred over fine. I am also liking the new home page layout. Nice work!
  13. @GIMN, Fifth time was a charm, but I eventually figured it out: I ended up bolding the label as well, it works for me. Just have to remember what I did for when the next update comes out. :-) Appreciate the help! Jellico
  14. @GIMN thanks for the earlier help with the attributes, that fix worked great. My next question is can I increase the size of the attribute numbers and bold them as well? How they are now isn't that bad for me, but I am wondering if maybe a slight increase in size and style will help me. Appreciate the help, Jellico
  15. I had to do a reinstall of FM, and started up a new save. I've loaded the Numerical Version of the skin, added the Blue alternative settings, and changed my attribute colors. When I look at my attributes view I see this: But when I look at a player, in this case Gianluca Colla, I see this: The attribute colors aren't matching up? Granted I have yet to move forward a day, but I don't think that would be the issue here... Appreciate the help! Jellico
  16. There are lot more viable paths. Plenty of videos from countless creators out there showing as much.
  17. Right, I am saying it's possible there's a conflict between what you are putting in and what the settings in the Responsibilities are. Either way I'd still send something in, its definitely worth looking at closer.
  18. At this point just keep clicking the second from the left option and you'll be fine, any other question answer no comment. IF SI really wanted to mess with the vast majority of FM players they would randomize where the answers showed up....
  19. It could be a conflict within the settings causing an issue. If you go to 'Responsibilities' then 'Offer to Clubs', what do you have selected there as the criteria for outgoing loans? If the Loan Manager is in charge of finding development loans, he may be trying to follow the 'rules' set there despite the Dev Center settings. I could have sworn at one point if you set the requirements in responsibilities they would autopopulate in the development list, but I could be (and probably am) wrong. I'd submit a bug report either way.
  20. At least submit a bug report first. I wouldn't assume anyone else has...
  21. It's the rules actually, from the wiki for Serie A. Tiebreaking[edit] If after all 38 games there are two teams tied on points for first place, the team that wins the scudetto is decided by a single-legged play-off game of 90 minutes and penalties (no extra time), to be held at a neutral venue.[30] If more than two teams are tied for one of those spots then the two teams to play in the match is decided by a mini table between the teams involved. For a tie in any other position the deciding tie-breakers are as follows: Head-to-head points Goal difference of head-to-head games Goal difference overall Higher number of goals scored Play-off game at a neutral venue if relevant to decide European spot or relegation; otherwise by draw[31] And this is the article they cite, its a new rule from this year apparently: https://www.cbssports.com/soccer/news/serie-a-introduce-scudetto-tiebreaker-one-match-playoff-to-determine-champion-if-teams-tied-at-seasons-end/ It's a bug in the the details on the league rules page, they are incorrect in not stating the difference between a tie for 1st and a tie for other positions, but the rules within the game were applied correctly. Jellico
  22. I've always had a high amount of yellow cards, no matter what FM I play. Doesn;t matter that the season I took over a team the year before they had ~50 Yellows, when I coach they get 80+, and thats without me diving into tackles or getting stuck in. And after I leave the club goes back down to ~50 yellows. I just chalk it up to my players wanting to play hard for me and move on.
  23. It's the same as when fans complain you won 1-0 when they were expecting you to win 4-0, and expect some of those draws to be wins and some of those defeats to be draws as a result. In my save PSG won the League by 13 points, I am pretty sure they had fans complaining it wasn't by more and even more fans wanting Gaultier fired because he lost 1 game all season.
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