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Everything posted by Jellico73

  1. Similar things happen here with the NFL and the Franchise player rule. In this case The player wanted a new contract but the club was fine extending his current deal, only agreeing to a new one after the player asked. Player probably feels he should have been offered a new contract without the extension being triggered first. I suspect there are some things going on with the players hidden attributes that are coming into play as well.
  2. Those are other leagues you have downloaded, and they have not been verified against the editor. You should be able to leave them as it, they just wont be in the game.
  3. I think they key here is that the player agreed to the new contract, but he hasn't signed it yet, otherwise the ability to extend would not be available, right? If Contract A is the one with the extension, and he is offered contract B which has better terms but hasn't signed it yet, then when extended under the terms of Contract A, he's not getting anything from Contract B, right? I can see a player being upset by that, especially if the terms in Contract B were a lot better.
  4. Right, because there couldn't possibly be other reasons such a licensing issues and the like going on behind the scenes...
  5. @_Ben_ Hey Ben, Appreciate the help earlier, closing the game and restarting did the trick with the numbers on the other screen. I am still not seeing any attributes on the staff screen though: https://gyazo.com/b7f6a2a1c4e4639745dc40c240097ae5 Am I missing a button somehow (it's possible, trust me) or do we have to compare them to current staff to find out how good they are? Appreciate the help! Jellico
  6. @_Ben_ I am having one of those days, so apologies in advance if I am missing the obvious. Firstly, thanks for moving many of the interaction buttons to the top, a very nice UX change there. On the staff info screen, do they not have an attribute box? Oddly enough, I can see their attributes in my views: But if I click on a staff member, no attributes container. Is that intentional and I just missed the memo? Jellico
  7. I fixed it, complete and utter PBKAC error on my end, for some reason when I'd pick a view it was opening my FM23 views folder, am not sure why. If I do come across any examples I'll let you know. Appreciate the help, Jellico
  8. Hey Ben, Not sure what could be causing this but my views on the Staff screen keep resetting. I've tried with the 'override custom panels' on and off, and with with either setting, they still reset. I haven't seen it on any other screen yet, just started a new save, but if I come across anymore I'll let you know. Thanks!
  9. You can modify the configuration file to get it to work in FM 24 but there could be several issues with doing that.
  10. 3rd party. Or depending on the terms of the license they could be added in a future update.
  11. If you are using Any skins delete them, and delete any data in the Roaming/SportsInteractive folder. Restart the game, if you still get the crash do a file integrity check thru steam.
  12. No worries, it's not a deal breaker. Appreciate the reply! Jellico
  13. Might be a settings issue on my end, but my pregame tactics screen is a bit borked, and the quick button doesn't want to work in the squad section either? ?
  14. FYI, I may have posted this before, but for those wondering, adding the Wannachup files for Instant Result works fine with MGPD
  15. I'd blame my bifocals, but that would be lying... Thanks @yakus, and thanks for the reply @GIMN
  16. This is some good work Howie, well done!
  17. Most of their development is done by 23, with small increases after IIRC. This year it seems a lot of the better players are getting "Low Rolls" when being generated for a database.
  18. So, with FM23 getting a little long in the tooth, and players looking for a newer challenge, I figure, lets take them out of their comfort zone a little. Lets sim ahead a few years, new players, coaches, new teams rising, old teams falling, somewhat. There are two posts, each with a link to the file at the end. The database is ~66K players, so not to large, and the start date is right before July 1, should should you like to, adding/removing leagues should be easy. First Up, 28 years in: https://fmjellico.com/2023/06/07/a-new-challenge/ Next up, 100 years in. Spain is where most of the changes gave occurred IMO, but feel free to poke around: https://fmjellico.com/2023/06/12/a-new-challenge-part-two/ Have fun playing and/or poking around! Jellico
  19. I understand, I think have 8-10 files saved that I add/change when a new version comes out just for my own changes. I don't mind doing that, but I understand why you don't want too.
  20. Great work as always GIMN! Is MPGD going to have a numerical option as well? As much as I want to like the graphical version, it's just not for me. If I have to do some editing thats fine as well. Appreciate the work, looking forward to what 24 brings. Jellico
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