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Everything posted by Jellico73

  1. It's a display issue of some sort. I'd go as far as making sure this is the only skin in your skins folder and deleting everything in the \AppData\Local\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2024 folder. Restart the game. Also double check you aren't using something like 1920x2000 or something similar. Your windows display scale and layout should be at 100% as well.
  2. Is there a way to change the contrast on the tactics screen so the positions stand out a bit more? https://gyazo.com/8a064a2ea7e7c62a622053fd1422b44d I am using the Claret and Blue color scheme, and they are just very hard to see. Thanks for looking!
  3. @ GIMN, I've made some changes to the Iconic/classes xml's, any issues with the update if overwrite them to the new version? Thanks
  4. I had some pretty good ones in my Basel save, they have a good Youth setup though. My ones in my Croatia save were not as good, but then again their setup was below average. My current Romanian save it's been decent, no world class players yet but some good ones.
  5. Was in Croatia. Had a bunch of new youth players in the squad, some on the field, some on the bench. Hit continue, and it took me to the screen to assign jersey numbers, hit the auto button, and it assigned them, hit the submit button and it removed them and didn't continue. Assigned the numbers manually, hit continue, and it was fine. Will see if its the same with this new save I am starting, its in Romania but I will let you know
  6. Not sure this is a bug, but when trying to assign number to players in season, you cannot have the game do it, it will reset every time you click 'accept'. You have to set the numbers manually, and then it will go thru.
  7. What was your scouting budget? What were you scouting?
  8. Hi Zach, None of the European competitions are showing up. All of my South American ones are, and thats it. So, in the fall, when I should be getting results from the European competitions, and african and others, none of them are showing up. Hope this helps, thanks for looking.
  9. What's your Windows Display settings? I also play on a 2560x1440 and am not seeing what you are?
  10. This actually comes in handy for the Youth save I am looking at doing, tracking training and the like. Or it would, if it applied to all the screens. No big deal :-)
  11. Yes, replace the original value with the rgb values I wanted to use. Seems to be working so far.
  12. FYI whatever you've done under the hood with regards to scaling has been working really well so far. I am playing at 2560 x 1440 at 110% and I haven't noticed any scaling issues. on the screens I've been to. Jellico
  13. I changed the red replacement value and the button turned black, but when I changed the blue replacement value it turned the color I wanted it to: Not an exact match but I can find it. Thanks again for the help.
  14. @GIMN I switched my color scheme to the Claret and Blue, and noticed this: What would I need to change to make the background on those the same claret color as the headline/title? Appreciate the help! Jellico
  15. Got it, thanks. This is what I get for spending 6 hours eyeballs deep in SQL tables today...
  16. So instead of <colour name="low attribute" value="mustermann1"/> I would rename it <colour name="low attribute" value="rgb(211,47,47)"/> Or would it be better to change the <colour name="mustermann1" rgb settings in line 228 Thanks for the help!
  17. Hey @GIMN If I want to change the color for these: Is it the 214-241lines in the Mustermann Iconic Settings.xml Appreciate the help, Jellico
  18. I signed a player last year who did not qualify for a work permit because he did not have any international caps and the game feels he does not have good potential. I sent him out on loan and he had a respectable season. When I go to 'Contract' and select the 'Apply for Work Permit' option, nothing happens. I fdo not get an indicator in my inbox that it has been applied for or rejected, nothing else happens, but the option to apply is still available? The game tells me I can apply, but it is not letting me?
  19. Hi, I have a save with all the countries and leagues active and an custom database where every player is loaded in the game. I have gone thru and set up screen flow for every U23/U19 competition in every country. I have set them all up like this: However, I am not getting screenflow reports from many of these competitions. As you can see I have the Italian U18 Division 1 set up, they played games today, but I did not see a screenflow popup: I *think* the save file is uploaded, please let me know if I need to upload it again. I am getting them for some of my Brazilian and African country entries, and a couple of times the Asian Cup ones popped up, but that is it. I do not recall seeing this problem in previous versions of the game?
  20. I think the comparison is apt because its usually a player at the end of his contract wanting a new one but being franchised before getting one, if he does. He can still sign the new contract, but be upset he was franchised in the first place, right? Same thing here, the player signed the new contract, is there a reason he shouldn't be upset the original was extended, or should a new contract 'reset' everything just because? If he got a new contract out of it, why didn't the club offer him a new contract first, instead of triggering the extension? Maybe that's what he's upset about?
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