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  1. Im by far the tactician so any feedback is welcomed. I started the save with a shadow striker instead of DLF but i keep getting strikers and decent ones too coming through the intakes so have now gone with the two up front.
  2. shout out to this post, i just tried this and it worked a treat. 3m minimum transfer clause gone! Thanking you sir!
  3. Season 2036 - Versport FC - J1 League Started the season like a house on fire, winning 7 and drawing 2 out of the first 9 games to put us sitting pretty in first. We spent 3 weeks on top of the ladder but then capitulated and lost 6 out of 7 which included 5 in a row. From there on in we somewhat turned it around without ever really threatening to finish in the champions league spots. We also made the semi finals for both cups with one of the cups copping a 90+4th minute goal to knock us out. It proves that we can beat anyone on our day, but our day doesnt occur enough times in the year to challenge the top 4. We again started the season with improving our training facilities which took us to state of the art. Our youth facilities have been stuck at Adequate for a fair while now. Few weeks before the season and we had lost our CB prospect which i was looking to develop and start this season. it meant i transitioned my Mid/DM into a CB which should help us going forward. For the first time ever, we had our first NXGN players in the top 50 both details in the spoiler below. Youth Preview need to start looking towards a new GK and would love a new full back Youth Intake I cant remember a getting a better player out of a youth intake (yep not as glorious as ive seen other, but still good for us) Reo Nakamura 36B is a walkup starter at the age of 15yo. Problem is my top 50 NXGN talent is a right back so will be retraining him to play on the left so Nakamura can develop in his younger years on the right. Yuta Mae 36A is the second best prospect and is a promising CB. Good technically and brilliant tackler for a 15yo but needs a few years to fatten up a bit Riki Takayama 36C is a good finishing striker but im well stocked in this position
  4. i found the same challenge with him on coaching badges as well. Although he was quite forthcoming on youth recruitment and junior coaching so i wasnt too displeased with him
  5. you does everyone extract they attributes for each player? im a little tech challenged but i couldnt imagine manually entering the data into a spready
  6. Im finding it that its actually the opposite, the good previews produce duds and vice versa. However i did just change my reports from u18's manager to HOYD so see what that does
  7. Season 2035 - Versport FC - J1 League It's becoming a bit of a trend now, we start the season with a load of cash from sponsors and so we improved the training facilities which improved things to Superb. We also had a player poached who miraculously cannot be found in the game. Kota Ishihara our best CB minimum release clause was triggered so we lost him at a real crucial point in the season. At that point, we were sitting 4th with 13 games to go and in really decent form after we had started the season poorly, losing 4 out of the first 5 games. The immediate form right after the sale was still strong however we totally blew our chances of qualifying for continental football in the last 6 games losing 3 and drawing 3. Still, an improved season from last and heading in the right direction. Youth Preview Was one of the better previews of late with a few prospects B or above Youth Intake Was one of the worst intakes I've had... I dont think i have seen as bad of a bunch of personalities like this before Ryo Hasegawa was our only decent prospect and only decent personality so he might make something of his career. Daiji Tagami is the next best which shows the quality of the intake
  8. sorry gents, where do I go to check/change who is responsible for youth intakes???
  9. Season 2034 - Versport FC - J1 League Let's start with off the field first. Sponsorship money usually comes in on the last day of the calendar year and for some reason, we got a massive boost heading into this season which made us having the largest sponsorship deal in the country. Ridiculous, but very much welcomed. So 4 days later and we have our training facility upgrade approved to get us to Excellent. Three weeks later the Youth Facility request popped up which i hadnt seen for years so we also got that approved to take us to Adequate. This request did not reappear again so it might be stuck again. That is the good news, the bad news is that it didnt take much longer for Yokohama FM to come back in and trigger Kitano's release clause again and this time, as they were promoted back into J1, the little squirt accepted. On the field, it was pretty much a carbon copy of last year. We got one less point, one better goal difference and finish one spot higher than last. We also made the semi finals for both cups again. We found a new starter in right back at the ripe age of 17 and a couple of decent rotational options in midfield but apart from that not much change. Youth Preview Three A players expected, however i seem to keep getting strikers and DM's Youth Intake Got a token Greek talent come through which is nice but overall, little bit underwhelmed by this one Takahiro Takahashi though looks like he might become a good midfielder for us. Strong mentally but lacks in strength and work rate which is his concern seem to get a flurry of strikers coming through and Shunya Watanabe is another that may develop into a player. Strong finishing, heading and technically sound with a few 9's that could beef him up a little
  10. Season 2033 - Versport FC - J1 League The season started off with us proudly moving into our new stadium, the Versport Stadium which despite the extremely creative name, it did help surge our average attendance to 8,544 from 6,052 from the previous year. That was the good news off the field, the bad news also off the field was that Tasuku Suzuki's minimum release clause which we were unable to remove despite many contract offers was met and hence we left a few games into the season. He would then go on to make his debut for the national team however I cant claim that as our first national capped player. We almost lost another one of our midfielders in Manabu Kitano as his min release clause was also met but thankfully it was Yokohama FM who have been relegated to J2 that offered him the chance to leave but he decided to stay with us. I cant see it being long before he actually does go as i cant resign without a min release clause. On the field, we were solid and would go on decent runs which were then met with poor runs but overall it was a slight improvement on last year in the league. We gained 4 more points and finished 1 spot higher but the improvement was really shown in the cups where we made the semi finals for both competitions. We were unlucky not to make the final in the League Cup after squandering a 3 - 1 away first leg lead with two stupid goals in the 90+4th and 90+7th minutes which would be extremely costly in the end. A shout out to our 17yo gun striker up front that won the top goalscorer award in his first full season scoring 28 goals in 35 starts. Ive tied him up on a 3 + 3 year contract with no min release clause so he wont be going anywhere anytime soon. Youth Preview Once again the preview shows there isnt much depth Youth Intake And again the intake comes back better than expected. Fumiya Nozawa looks like he could become something special for us with really good attributes for a 15yo
  11. Season 2032 - Versport FC - J1 League Our first ever season in the top league started off with a huge slap of the face! First game at home against Nagoya who were predicted to finish 8th and within 55 minutes we found ourselves 5 - 0 down. We ended up fighting back to 5 - 3 but i had expected the worse from there. Next game away against Tosu who were predicted 17th, we walked away 7 - 0 winners haha. With this young team, it was consistently inconsistent as we were good enough to knock off the top teams but then fall away and lose a few games in a row as well. But overall, I couldnt have asked for more than a midtable finish and not losing any players either. However quite a few have resigned with minimum fee release clauses, so watch this space. As we were promoted to the same league as Gamba Osaka, im glad our affiliation was ceased without any awkwards moments. Our Youth Facilities were upgraded, although we really didnt need to take out a loan of 21m to complete the works as per the Chairperson's statement, id sack your accountant buddy! Other thing of note is that one of my key winger/attacker did his ACL and will be missing for 12 months. I needed not to worry about the loan taken out for the stadium as finances weren't too bad and hopefully improve again when we move into our new stadium. Youth Preview wasnt the best, but there's a common theme with these previews amongst all of us i reckon Youth Intake much better than the preview suggested, with no less then 7 elite prospects Kazuki Yoyoda 32B is probably my pick of the bunch despite the average personality. Good physicals, not bad mentals and pretty good finishing for a 16yo Hiroki Tsuda 32D is my second pick although I dont start off with a DM so might need to retrain to a B2B midfielder my third pick is a little left field in Suguru Ishii 32E and probably more so out of necessity in the position combined with a good personality
  12. Season 2031 - Versport FC - J2 League Our second season in the J2 started off really poor with only 1 win and a draw in the first six games and found ourselves in the relegation spots. I had feared we had overachieved last year and reality was sinking in. Couldnt have been further from the truth as we slowly but surely climbed the ladder through the middle part of the season then went on a strong run towards the end of the season to be in the hunt for the automatic promotion spots. We had hit second with 4 games to go but of course we drew the next game which put us back to third chasing Tokyo V in first and Oita in second. Focus was on Oita in second but what i hadnt realised was that Tokyo V had bottled it. We won our last 3 games and they lost 2 of the last 3 for us to overtake them and clinch second spot. In the mid season transfer window, as usual we get hundreds of bids for our players and our chairman seems to be trigger happy in accepting bids. However to date, ive been able to twist his arm to wait for higher bids but with Shin Kitamura our starting AMC, he didnt allow me to protest so off he went. Luckily this didnt derail the season though i wish he had asked for more. He did the same with our starting right back but luckily Tojo rejected the contract from Roilec who are mid table in the same league. It's not often players make sensible decisions in this game! We did manage to finally update the youth facilities once sponsorship money came in. But before that, the board need to inject some cash to offset the losses which are getting a concern. On top of that, at the end of the season the Board made a financially crippling decision by announcing the plans to build a new 15k capacity stadium. Repayments are 225k per month which means we'll be broke for the next 10 years unless we get continental money coming in. Stadium wont be ready for another 2 years and in the meantime we are renting a 15k stadium for only 57k a year.... thank you board! Youth Preview Was horrible, its the first with my newish HOYD Youth Intake wasnt as bad as the preview but not sure there will be too many first team players out of it Shuhei Horgome 31A is the coaches brightest propsect but with 4 determination i cant see him developing too much. I dont play with DM's either Shinsuke Miztumi 31B doesnt look too bad but not too good either. Yuta Kubota 31C might be the pick of the bunch. Has got good mentals and not overly slow for a short light framed striker
  13. Season 2030 - Versport FC - J2 League The year started off with a left field new senior affiliate with Gamba Osaka. Am i little worried they might send players to me on loan so will have to be watchful of this. Our first quest in the second division started off on fire with a 6 - 6 away draw, then 4 wins and another draw to have us sitting in second. Games early on were thick and fast as its a World Cup year and so had a largish break towards the end of our calendar season. We did run out of steam after that and slipped below the play off zones, but some late form towards the back end of the season meant we finished 5th and would play Tochigi away in the semi final. Unfortunately we could only muster a 1 - 1 draw and were knocked out because of seeding. It is now the 4th time playing in a semi final and not progressing in my career so far. With our improved junior academy, it's being noticed and we did have 2 players poached. We are also getting hundreds of bids for our players which is getting really annoying. Our chairman seems to be very eager to approve some bids but lucky i was able convince him to reject and hold out for bigger fees. I fear this is merely a bandaid for future offers. Making a small loss each year but our sponsorship money is dwindling. The first few seasons we were getting 2.4m and even though we're in a division higher than last year, it's dropped again by 500k. The club is also eager to build a new stadium which im a little unsure about. We're only averaging 4k fans and we're renting at the moment which suits me fine. I just dont think there's enough money in warranting a new stadium right now. Youth Preview Less A's in this preview, but its probably reflective of the development of the current squad Youth Intake Still a quality intake with several elite prospects. Not the worst personalities and got lucky as the unambitious players are towards the least potential talents
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