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Everything posted by ^1Not^22^3B^4Reanimated

  1. Minor issue: Jan Faberski is missing a record in player history: season 22/23 now it looks like he joined in 23/24.
  2. Thank you. The game also speaks of "het Johan Cruyff ArenA", while it should be "de Johan Cruyff ArenA". Can this also be amended?
  3. Another example. Jorrel Hato has skincolor 13 but doesnt show that way ingame. Will not feed another example'as it speaks for itself.
  4. When playing in real-worl mode with transfes happen at the real date, the squadnumbers that are set at the ordb do not apply. They are empty. Can this be fixed as it's annoying to fill this in manually?
  5. Ajax lowest league postion ingame is 6th (season 98/99) It should be 13th (season 1964/65) Maybe this is due to the fact that the league table doesn't contains any data after season 1969/1970? Normally I wouldn't look into these records, but for some unclear reason, this year I feel the need to
  6. Can live with this. But can't Ramaj left foot be at least a little bit higher (like 11) so i won't get the "Mijdt gebruik zwakker been"-comment ingame, while IRL he isn't afraid to use his left foot.
  7. Can the Dutch records be adjusted (if not mentioned before) Duurste Nederlandse speler: Frenkie de Jong á €86.000.000 Hoogste transfersom betaald in land: Steven Bergwijn €31.250.000 Hoogste transfersom ontvangen in land: Antony 95.000.000
  8. Ajax goalie Diant Ramaj is twofooted. Left foot should be increased to 15 Josip Sutalo's left foot can also be increased to 14 as he's nearly 2 footed (not that we can notice so far ) Can Maarten Stekelenburg (ID: 850897) attributes be adjusted so he appears as a goalkeepercoach instead of a coach? Can Rene Stam (ID: 601542) be set as goalkeepercoach Holland U19. See https://www.linkedin.com/posts/rené-stam-683878123_ik-heb-een-nieuwe-functie-als-goalkeepercoach-activity-7105220856762490880-p_oq?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop Can Alexander Palland (ID: 37075217) and IRL assistant-manager Holland U17) be set as Holland coach U19?
  9. This has been a fault in many versions of FM. Hopes the's can be adjusted. it's the situation before an penalty: "<Banel (playername1)neergehaald door Fortes (playername 2)" The playernames are in the wrong order. The player that commits a faul is mentioned as the player that goes down. It should be the other way around. And maybe you can also check if the order is correct set in the sentence below. I have a feeling this should also be the other way around. Banel komt niet voorbij Fortes
  10. Record period adjustment AFC Ajax: most matches without winning should be: 7 : starting 21/3/1965 ending 22/08/1965
  11. Is there something wrong with the display of the skin tone? Some players have skin tone 11 but seems almost white in the match engine Yhis was nebver the case in former editions. For instance Silvano Vos below with skin tone 11. If this really the final display I suggest increasing the skin tone by al lot of players like Devyne Rensch, Lucas Jetten, etc.
  12. Some Ajax squadnumers are adjusted: mika godts should have squadnumber 39 instead of 60 Kristian Nökkvi Hlynsson should have squadnumber 38 instead of empty Sivert Mannsverk should have squadnumber 16 instead of 6 source: Ajax-selectie is compleet: de rugnummers voor dit seizoen op een rij (ajaxshowtime.com)
  13. the wrong clubname is shown in title: should be "Musiala moet naar rijke PSG" instead of "FC Bayern"
  14. overall Best Eleven is translated as beste elftal aller tijden which means literally Best eleven of all times. This is wrong, it should be: ...te worden opgenomen in het Elftal van het jaar
  15. As mentioned in previous FM-versions I still get annoying records for friendly tournaments like youngest player and record for goals. Friendly cups should not have own records.
  16. tot de allerbeste Nederlander managers should be tot de allerbeste Nederlandse managers Revised: <name> heeft eindelijk zijn belofte waargemaakt. Hij is één van de meest succesvolle Nederlandse managers aller tijden na het winnen van de UEFA Champions League, waarmee hij een prestatie evenaart vergelijkbaar met de allergrootsten. De gelauwerde <clubname> baas liet zien geen vreemde te zijn van succes en zal in de nabije toekomst waarschijnlijk nog meer gaan toevoegen aan zijn groeiende reputatie.
  17. van de Ier Lukaku tot de volgende Pepe should be Van de 'Ierse Lukaku', naar de nieuwe Pepe en door naar het wonderkind van ...
  18. because the English transferwindow closes earlier than the Spanisch one is translated as: omdat de transferperiode voor Engelsman eerder eindigt dan voor Engelsman so this means literallly: because the transferwindow for Englishman closes earlier than Englishman This is wrong and it also has a wrong database referal as it says English two times instead of Spain. It should be: ...omdat de Engelse transferperiode eerder eindigt dan de Spaanse.
  19. can the monthly eredivsie trophy "Johan Cruijff Talent van de Maand" be introduced in winterupdate?
  20. My goalie won the dutch goalkeeper of the year award...but this trophy isn't awarded anymore since 2004:
  21. [player name] is klaar om naar het Ajax te gaan, maar omdat .... to speak of "het Ajax" is weird..so it should be; [player name] is klaar om overgeheveld te worden naar het eerste van Ajax, maar omdat.....
  22. The dutch cup also alows only 3 substitutes, while it should be 5 + 1 extra in extra time (verlenging).
  23. The Ajax first team players have now gone on holiday for the mid-season break is translated as de eerste selectie van Ajax hebben de club verlaten voor de winterstopvakantie. wrong use of plural:, it should be: De Ajax-spelers van het eerste elftal hebben de club verlaten voor de winterstopvakantie.
  24. a tight thigh is translated as a "strakke dij". It should be "...een gespannen dijbeen heeft opgelopen nadat hij ....
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