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Everything posted by (sic)

  1. Because that's exactly 2 weeks before the release date. Which is why I think the beta will release tomorrow actually.
  2. Fourth day of 3rd week of October, at 20:11? But that actually means it's coming out in 9 minutes???
  3. So I'm assuming this was from Wrestlemania 27, 3rd of April 2011 (judging by the gif tags), which was on Sunday, but Sunday was yesterday...so next Sunday? I refuse to believe this.
  4. I think we can get it to 100 pages tonight, and they will definitely release the beta in that case, as they will have no choice
  5. It is confirmed, they are actually waiting for me to get back home, so they can push the button (or flip the switch, whatever). 9-10pm it is
  6. Okay, since this is obviously releasing today, can you hold on until like 9PM, so I can get home in time? Thanks.
  7. I mean, just when I thought this couldn't get better... FM24 really is shaping up to be the best football manager game to date (ignoring all the bugs that will inevitably happen :D) I'm so glad this is in the game now, and now I REALLY can't wait to play it. btw people were saying how this would be just another featureless version, because FM25 is coming up
  8. Like I said in the other thread, I am lost for words. Thank you SI for listening to our feedback/requests. The new roles, and the way existing roles move to accommodate the movement of other players is just what I wanted to hear from this preview. DM dropping to the side to form a back 3? Check. Fullback forming a back 3, acting as a 3rd CB? Check. John Stones role? Check. I love the new movement animations as well, especially when a player starts to run from a standstill. It finally resembles something somewhat realistic The lighting and the textures finally look like a large improvement over the past few years, and honestly I'm very happy with those. This is the level of graphics everyone expected, not the FIFA level of graphics, but at least something like this. It looks much better. Can't wait to actually play this.
  9. I am lost for words. Thank you SI for listening to our feedback/requests. The new roles, and the way existing roles move to accommodate the movement of other players is just what I wanted to hear from this preview. DM dropping to the side to form a back 3? Check. Fullback forming a back 3, acting as a 3rd CB? Check. John Stones role? Check. I love the new movement animations as well, especially when a player starts to run from a standstill. It finally resembles something somewhat realistic The lighting and the textures finally look like a large improvement over the past few years, and honestly I'm very happy with those. Can't wait to actually play this.
  10. Idk if it's only me, but we're not even half-way through the feature announcements, and I already feel there's more stuff that will change the game and how you play it in FM24, than there was in FM23.
  11. It seems like small stuff to improve the game, but it's actually pretty big. "Meanwhile, a new system has been introduced to recognise ‘Late Developers’, or those players who don’t breakthrough until slightly later than would be considered typical." I love that this will be a thing finally (hopefully). Hopefully just stacking u19 players will be gone, and we can get some 23-24 year old hidden talents, that can actually make huge improvements.
  12. I'd like to imagine they are actually listening to our feedback more than ever. The FM25 announcement with the new engine, now the roadmap (incl. certain things that are in the roadmap), I really like this new direction they're going in. More transparency about plans for the game, and taking in feedback and applying it to the game. I hope they keep this up.
  13. It's possible that it's just a visual bug in the tactics creator. Have you tested how it performs in the match? Does the player actually play like a WCB? There's still the issue of the FB-D not sitting narrow enough, and not acting as the 3rd CB. I'd actually use a back 3, with the left defender being a WCB, instead of FB-D to make the back 3. It kind of opens up the flank, but not really, as the WCB would actually cover it, especially if you use a RB in the RB spot (and not the WB spot). The whole def line would shift to cover.
  14. Also, I have to mention, I absolutely love the features roadmap thing. You know what to expect, and when to expect it.
  15. Has it got something to do with truer football motion, match authenticity, & positional play, by any chance? Can't wait for Sep 25th to see all the news about that and the Set pieces refresh.
  16. I really don't understand how so many people read the announcement, and came to a conclusion that FM24 is absolutely not gonna be worth buying, and that it's gonna be the same game without any new features... If you had actually read the article, you'd see that they're going to implement certain features that didn't make it into FM23, and I'm pretty sure they planned ahead for certain new features to be introduced in FM24 (like the save thing). They also mentioned animations, which tbf they keep adding each year, but it's always welcome. By the looks of it, FM24 is going to be much more polished than previous versions on release, and I doubt that there are going to be even less major features than there were for FM23. So if anything, FM23 to 24 will be a bigger step up than FM22 to 23, judging by what we know so far. It's also going to be the last FM of its kind, so it's definitely going to be the best version of the current FM as we know it. Obviously, there's still a couple of months before we even get any announcements, but I'll definitely be buying the game (even though I'll absolutely criticize it if necessary, and ask why certain stuff isn't in the game, though the FM25 announcement has regained a lot of my "trust", but I'd expect certain stuff to be in FM25 in that case).
  17. Miles has confirmed that they would act as any other league, meaning you can choose to load women's leagues or not. See my screenshot above on this page.
  18. Just to address some of the false rumors, here's a screenshot taken from reddit, talking about stuff Miles has said on twitter:
  19. That laptop really shouldn't have any issues running any modern games though, and I very much doubt FM specs will be on the level of modern AAA titles, even with the engine upgrade. You'll be fine with that.
  20. And another thing for people that are skeptical about FM25 and so on. Yes, FM25 might very well be almost the same game, just with a brand new engine. But just the fact that they're switching to a brand new engine, means a lot for the future of the game. The stuff that the new engine will allow, is going to be of massive help for the game to progress and move forward. There are probably going to be many more new features added to the game in FM26,27, etc. just because the engine might allow something that isn't currently available or possible in the current engine. Another thing is the system requirements going up, it also means the same thing, more stuff will be possible in game, and they wont have to worry about catering to people that use laptops from 2010. So even if FM25 stays relatively the same feature wise, just the implications of what it can become and what new features could be added / which current features could be largely expanded upon, should make anyone be positive about this. It all depends on how the SI will deal with this change to Unity, but I'm hopeful they won't mess it up too badly. I can deal with some bugs, if we get an overall better gaming experience.
  21. And the implications of it are...big, to say the least. The AI teams might finally learn how to play against you, so all this talk about "they wont add x, because the AI wouldn't be able to handle it" should be gone. Which means, more tactical options, more realistic game of football being played, etc.
  22. That definitely remains to be seen, as the UI definitely wont work like it currently does (which also means skins aren't going to be made the same way, as it's not going to be just a bunch of colored rectangles and images). Unity engine definitely allows for a lot of modding (it will be way "easier" to mod this game in Unity than it currently is - easier as in it will allow for more possibilities, won't necessarily be easier as you'd have to know a bit more of coding I'd imagine), so I feel like the logos and face packs won't go anywhere, but the way they work and the way you install them might change.
  23. Now that I've had time to read the article again, I'll sum up some of my thoughts. First off, I'm definitely looking forward to FM24, and I'm wondering what are the features that didn't make it to FM23. While the whole save compatibility is great, it's not something that's gonna impact my experience at all. Now onto FM25...oh boy. The brand new engine is definitely the way forward for this game. It's something I (and many others) have talked about on these forums. The current engine is holding the game back, in terms of development, graphics, performance, etc. and it's honestly amazing to hear they're going to a brand new engine. Now whether or not it's a good choice for FM it remains to be seen, and it definitely depends on how the SI implements it. But it's definitely one of the best engines out there. Overall, the whole part of the FM25 announcement looks like a response to us that have been complaining about the state of the game here on forums. It addresses the key concerns we had, such as: "How can we bring new people to the series, whilst not alienating our existing audience? How can we cater for all the different ways that people play our games?" - a concern we had about the game not being up to modern standards Whilst what we did in 2017 was good for the 3D engine, some other things actually went backwards from a consumer-facing perspective. The rendering engine we chose to use also didn't keep pace with other engines - and nor did our own internal engine." - basically addresses the downgrade in graphics "back in January 2020 a small group in the team were assigned to start discussing the future more intently across the studio, to work out what to do to really push our technology forward." - something that we had hoped was true, turns out to be true "The switch to Unity is going to give us a lot more power graphically, across all formats, alongside powerful user interface tools. We’ve been working closely with Unity over the last few years to be able to deliver a whole new UI which will dramatically improve the ways you are able to interact with the game, both inside and outside of a matchday ...in simple terms, FM25 will have a significantly better looking matchday experience - both on the pitch and the supporting stadium environments, alongside a vastly improved user interface that will dramatically improve how you navigate through screens and access all the information available to you as manager." - better graphics, better UI/UX, overall the game will feel more modern and it will probably move away from being a spreadsheet simulator, just a tiny bit more (also, are we going to get UI sounds by any chance? it definitely looks like a possibility) "however it should be expected that there will be some changes to the minimum spec requirements, which will be communicated ahead of FM25’s release" - we always knew this would be the case, but I'm really glad they decided to go forward with this for the betterment of the game "We’ll also have new technology for Newgens and manager creation which are already looking really promising at this early stage." - newgens might finally look normal "The first part of a multi-year shift will happen in FM24, so you’ll get some of the benefits in our next instalment, with a particular focus on ball physics and player locomotion." - again, better and more realistic animations greatly help with the visuals and immersion "Simply put, the way that everything looks and moves will be far more true-to-life than ever before with FM25. This obviously requires considerable investment – but with the aforementioned growth of the studio in recent years, we now have the resource available to ensure both FM24 and FM25 are progressing simultaneously." - this definitely isn't cheap to do, but I'm really glad they decided to do this, rather than just update the current version of the game and earn money without really making big improvements Overall the new engine has all the possibilities to completely transform the game, while still keeping a familiar FM experience we all know and (mostly) love. The UI/UX improvements, graphics and animations, all have a great effect on how it feels to play the game, they add immersion and realism in areas that are necessary (as opposed to realism in areas that completely aren't necessary, and yes I'm talking about press conferences - among other things). There's an opportunity to add a more interactive UI, that visually looks more pleasing, but also, more importantly, improves UX massively. There's an opportunity to move away from being a spreadsheet simulator, at least visually. New engine also offers a better base for all the future updates to the game, more stuff can be added that previously/currently maybe wasn't possible. It's also going to offer multi threaded support (you think so at least), so the game properly utilizes all cores/threads, which means better performance overall - even though the requirements are obviously going up, which again, is necessary, and it's gonna be 2024 at that point, with my current PC being 10 years old at that point. Now this obviously doesn't address ALL of the issues I have with the game, but it addresses the main and biggest point. Simply by upgrading the game engine, it offers countless possibilities, which in turn will allow for all other issues/requests to be solved more easily, and it allows the game to actually progress and keep up to modern standards. It's also worth mentioning that it all depends on how the SI implement all of this, because it's not a simple task. We can expect bugs and stuff to occur obviously, but my main concern is how the game will work, and whether it's really going to feel like a modern game or not. That remains to be seen, and we wont really know much, until we see it in action. I'm really glad SI decided to do this, and I'm glad they decided to communicate that with us. Now, does anyone have a time-machine or something by any chance, I'd like to go a year ahead pls.
  24. Yeah, I know UI/UX can be improved regardless of the engine. This is the quote I was referring to: It basically means a UI/UX revamp, which does wonders for the way you play the game, and how it feels to play it.
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