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Everything posted by (sic)

  1. I think they also mentioned something about UI, not sure. I'm on mobile right now, but I'll have to read it once again when I get home from work. Then I'll really be able to really take all this in and sum up my thoughts.
  2. As I said in the other thread, THIS STUFF IS MASSIVE. I genuinely don't remember the last time I got so excited for any game's reveal. The new engine is going to address a ton of stuff, from performance stuff, graphics, UI, possibly ME?, it's going to transform the game completely. I'm still probably going to buy FM24 just because they actually communicated about what they have in store for us in the future. FM25 is finally gonna be a new game, rather than a slight reskin of what was there for the past 10-15 years.
  3. Huge stuff. Everything I've been asking for in the past 2 years is actually getting addressed in FM25. New bloody engine. It's gonna lead to improvement in every area of the game. To some people it might not seem like a big deal, but it is MASSIVE. The game might finally stop resembling a 15 year old product, and instead look and play like a modern game. I understand that they had to sell FM24 as something that's also gonna have major improvements, but nothing can come close to what's in store for FM25. Thank you SI for listening to us (or rather for realizing that stuff yourselves). I'm honestly way too excited now, even though this is not gonna happen until late 2024.
  4. But nobody's saying that it is, or that it should be a "crazy tactics simulator". It's about creating realistic representations of real life tactics. The argument against it, was how the AI couldn't keep up, and their argument is how they don't care, as it is a single-player game, and the way you play the game doesn't affect others - if you want to exploit it, you do you, if you don't want to exploit it, then just don't. I don't know how you managed to get the "crazy tactics simulator" from all of that. A CM/DM moving to RB in possession, isn't crazy, and it's something that does happen in real life. Just like a RB moving more narrow to form a back 3 and act as a CB is nothing new nor crazy. Pep's tactics and his usage of space is nothing new. He just finds new ways to do it, latest example Stones moving from CB to DM like a libero. This is already in the game, except you can only use the Libero role in the middle of a back 3. The way the tactics system is designed is very rigid. Roles/duties are just presets you're allowed to play with, you don't have much say on how you want them to move or what positions to occupy in the buildup, in the middle third or in the final third, just like you don't have a say in how they play in transition or defence. That's already determined by the devs and their interpretation of what a role should be and how it should move and play. Your job is to select whatever preset the devs have given you, and hope it matches what you actually want the role to do. The thing with that is, it may have been okay 10 years ago, but nowadays it is possible to create something better - and I'm also including a smarter AI here, as the technology has improved massively from the days of FM12/13.
  5. I'm fairly sure whenever I added player traits via editor, it would follow up with an overall decrease to players attributes, if the player was already at the CA limit or his CA increasing. But I admit I might be wrong on this one. I'm very much aware of that, but that's rarely going to happen in game, which is why I didn't include it in my post. Sure if you use the editor and change an attribute from 13 to 20, you'll see other attributes decrease to compensate for it. CA isn't a measure of how good a player is, instead his attributes are, most of which won't be seeing any significant changes after the players hits the cap.
  6. And there's the problem. Current ability is the sum of all attributes (& traits as well I think), and it just wont go past the PA set. You could have player that's 25 years old with 140PA. He has 14 Positioning, and you'll never see him actually increase it past 14 because his CA is already at 140. This hard cap is too harsh and unrealistic. Certain attributes absolutely can be improved by anyone, with hard work, time, and dedication. Though, they can't be improved to infinity obviously, since the cap is 20 in game, and in real life there's also some sort of a cap based on many, many factors. Some players will find it much harder and much more time consuming to improve certain attributes (lack of talent maybe), while others will find it much easier (and will actually start off with higher attributes than regular players - aka they're more talented). Certain attributes have softer caps than others (I'm not talking about the game here). For example, it's much easier to improve Determination, Leadership, Teamwork (which for some reason is incredibly difficult to improve in game), most, if not all technical attributes, Stamina, Balance, etc. compared to attributes like Anticipation, Decisions, Composure, Concentration, which in turn are easier to improve than things like Flair, Natural Fitness, Bravery that are pretty much hard capped. 1st group are attributes that can be improved in various ways, via coaching, training, etc. 2nd group are attributes that can be improved somewhat via training, but they also require playing experience at a certain level. These attributes are harder to improve, because they also rely on a player being smart enough to learn things, rather than just repeating certain things until you get better. 3rd group are attributes that are pretty much not going to change much, if at all, unless there's a bad injury or something (as it currently happens with Bravery). Jumping reach for example, I'd put in first category, as you absolutely can improve it a lot by training. But if you have a player that's 160cm tall, and a player that's 185cm tall, and both work on improving their jumping reach, it's obvious which player will be better at it. Strength for example can also be improved a lot. In my opinion, certain attributes being improved, absolutely shouldn't take away from the players PA. The problem is, improving in attributes obviously raises the player's CA, therefore it takes away from PA in a way, because it leaves less room for improvement in other areas. How to solve that issue? Change PA from a thing that encompasses attributes and traits as a whole, and instead use it on a more individual or group basis and/or maybe as suggested previously, PG (Potential Growth). How would that work? No idea. But let's actually try to come up with something and give an example. Let's make an imaginary player that's 18 years old and play as a CF. If he has 10s for all attributes, with hard work, dedication, a lot of training, and a lot of time, he can eventually get all 20s, right? Well not so fast. PA/PG in this case should affect the ceiling of his attributes, INDIVIDUALLY or in a group. So let's say he's a player that's determined that wants to improve and has a very good work ethic, his PA/PG should be pretty high, meaning he can improve a lot and the PG itself determines the rate of improvement. However, not all attributes have the same level of PA/PG. Some attributes only have a margin of improvement of 1 or 2, meaning they can't improve by a lot, if at all. This is reserved for the attributes in the 3rd group that I mentioned previously. You either have these at the start, or you don't. Meaning, the player will likely keep 10s in those attributes, on some rare occasions it might improve to 11 or 12. Then there are attributes from the 2nd group that can be improved via playing time, and less via training. These naturally have a higher PG than attributes from the 3rd group (which can't improve by much or if at all), but still below attributes from the 1st group. PG in this case is determined by player's personality and the level he's playing at, as well as the formation/system he's playing in (to a lesser extent maybe). "In this players case, he has 10s for all attributes, so if we move him to a club like Man City, and give him enough playing time, he's gonna reach all 20s, is that what you're saying?", might be the first reply to this. The answer is no. The rate at which player learns and absorbs information is obviously not the same for everybody, in this example, the player is smart and dedicated, which is why I said PG is determined by player's personality (as well as the level he's playing at). In theory, he could improve his Composure from 10 to 20, but that's not gonna happen. Why? Diminishing returns, as well as lack of focus. There should be diminishing returns, meaning the PG slows down the closer you get to 20, and the lack of focus is pretty simple to explain - you just can't focus on improving one single attribute like composure in isolation, while ignoring all other attributes. But, you can set an individual focus for a player (like you currently can) that will put a bit more emphasis on improving certain attributes. Also, not all attributes are going to be improving, and not all attributes will be improving at the same rate. Only those attributes that are useful for the position and the role of a player, and only those attributes you train (via training, position/role training) are actually gonna see noticeable improvement. For example, this imaginary player will see more improvements in Off The Ball movement, than Positioning, simply due to him playing as a Striker, and that attribute being more relevant for his position and utilizing that attribute more in his game. Here we finally reach the 1st group of attributes. These are the easiest to improve by simply working hard, training consistently. Time is key here. Other important factors are facilities and coaches. Again, he can't reach 20s in all attributes in this group, because he can't focus on improving all attributes at the same time + the diminishing returns (If he had 1000 years, then he could theoretically do it - but only the attributes in this group). Now the PG absolutely will depend on the players age as well. At younger age, players have a higher PG rating in those 2 groups that actually can improve. But, this also won't stop a player from improving in certain attributes if he's 25+ (because there isn't a PA cap). Sure, attributes from the 1st group might not see much growth, but you could still see noticeable improvement in attributes from the 2nd group. For example: A 26 years old player that's considered at or near his peak, finally makes a move to a bigger club, with world class facilities and coaches, and a manager that uses a system that aligns well with the player's attributes and position he's playing in. Provided he gets enough game time, you could see some decent improvements in certain attributes (something that doesn't seem to be the case currently in game, at that age). On the other hand, if the system doesn't suit him at all, and plays in a league that's not really a challenge for him (aka he doesn't move "up" to play against better opponents), he's likely to stay at the same level without seeing any improvement. Anyways, I've rambled for too long, and this is just writing my thoughts down as they come, but this is just an example of how things might work with a different system. There obviously are flaws with this system, when it comes to real-life players, but for players generated by the game, it absolutely can work.
  7. CA is just a sum of all attributes though. I do agree that the PA can be kept, but add more variation to the "journey" towards achieving that PA. Personality changes, injuries, etc. could all have a more drastic effect towards it. I will look into those threads. Cheers.
  8. Sure, that argument does make it seem like PA is realistic, and I'd agree to an extent. But FM doesn't use "400 something predetermined traits/characteristics", it uses way less than that. There are so many predetermined factors in real life, there are so many other factors that happen during a persons childhood, there's so much stuff that there's no way in real life we can access that information anyways, otherwise all the big clubs would be getting the best prospects that are guaranteed to succeed (based on a mathematical formula). There's just no way to access or use all those variables to determine players potential in real life. We can make some rough estimates, based on watching how a player performs, but as we all know, not everyone lives up to be a star player (in some cases it's because they've self sabotaged their careers in a way, because of injuries, or whatever, but in most cases it's because they didn't have that high of a potential to begin with). In FM, we all know who the players with high potential are, because they do live up to their PA and become amazing players. Their PA is mostly always the same (not in the case of PA ranges where you could have a 150PA in one save, and a 160PA in another, but even then the PA is determined and set in stone once you create the save). Now I do feel there could be some margin of PA, where depending on the stuff that happens to that player during development, the PA can increase or decrease. Maybe if he gets a long term injury during development, the PA decreases, but it's a big can of worms that will ultimately make everything 100x more complicated. Honestly this is one of the least important "issues", and I'm fine with it being the way it is for the time being, though I'm not opposed to changes, and I do think we can come up with better ways to determine PA.
  9. This x100 I want more tactical options, more instructions, more control over how my players play, instead of just selecting premade presets that are hardcoded to behave a certain way in the ME. I want to control players movement and positioning in all 3 phases of play separately, instead of having a role that controls all 3 aspects of that for me. (I'd also like to control my players behaviour in defensive third, middle third, and final third in posession, in order to create/replicate modern, real-life stuff that people like Pep, Ten Hag, Arteta, De Zerbi do). Overall match engine improvements so it actually resembles a real match, I don't want to see the same thing happening every single game (main reason why I use instant result on 80% of the matches I play) I don't care about the statistics, etc. because they're useless to me due to how the game is designed. I have access to all the attributes (bar the hidden ones, that I also can easily see with a skin). I don't really have to look at any data to see how good a certain player is, I can just look at his attributes and personality - that immediately tells me if he's good or not. Stats do make sense in real life, where you don't just have a list of attributes for every player, and you need to measure their performance somehow, but imo, currently, it's just not at all required in FM, unless you play attributeless. Better squad building and AI transfers are a must. Graphics... we've been repeating this for the last 3-4 years. They've gone downhill. We don't need a 2023 AAA title level of graphics, we just need them not to be like they came out in 2005. Better set piece planner/designer. Major UI/UX improvements are needed, it's definitely getting better every year, but it's still the same as it's been 10 years ago in many areas. - There are some really talented and committed skin makers out there, and they've made some incredible stuff this year. But I don't want to rely on myself, or any other skin maker creating skins in order to make this game look better (and this is highly subjective ofc). But it would be great if SI themselves introduced the attributeless version of the skin, where we rely more on the data and stats, and where we can't really see most, if not all of the attributes. Rather, the attributes are replaced with text strings, just like the scout reports are (something like this https://community.sigames.com/forums/topic/568674-fm23skin-the-annual-show-your-skin-thread/?do=findComment&comment=14048252) Something that's also tied to the UI/UX is the overall immersion. Now this might sound contradicting, but hear me out. The game needs to be more like a game, and less like a spreadsheet. We need more gamification, and less walls of text, less tables, less numbers, less tabs to click through. We need more animations, more graphics, more "visual" feedback on certain stuff, rather than relying on pure text/numbers. You'd think immersion would be accomplished by adding more realism, but that just doesn't seem to be the case for this game, due to how everything is displayed to you. I'm obviously not expecting any of this to actually happen, and I'll still probably buy the game come November (unless it's yet another FM23 with no new stuff - but I doubt that will be the case).
  10. Agreed. And I'd like to emphasize those bolded points. Player roles are just presets, but instead, the game should look to allow us to customize player movement and positioning (in possession) more than it currently does. Right now in football, everything is about space, and someone filling in that space. In FM it's a rigid system, where certain roles are going to occupy the same positions most of the time, while in real life it's fluid (at least with modern managers like Pep, De Zerbi, Ten Hag, etc.), and players think in terms of space (where do I need to go, based on where other players around me are) rather than roles, for example: "I'm an Inverted Wing-Back, therefore I'll always have to cut inside and play in the midfield". Players should make intelligent decisions, and if you have Roam From The Position on, then they should look to occupy other positions on the pitch, while players around them would shift, to cover other zones that are left uncovered due to that roaming. I'll never get this argument. So you are not allowed to criticize or suggest stuff now? Wingers holding the width during all phases of the attack, Fullbacks forming a back 3, etc. aren't new things at all. Sure, Stones being a CB out of possession and a DM/CM in possession is new, but I wouldn't expect that sort of thing to be in the game so soon anyways. Overall, the tactical creator just looks like a bunch of presets you play around with (player roles, mentality). You're stuck with those presets, and you can only alter them so much via instructions and Player Traits. Instead, it should allow for more freedom in terms of allowing us to dictate how the player moves and what positions does he occupy in 3 phases of play SEPARATELY (because right now, roles are hardcoded to behave a certain way in each of 3 thirds of the pitch, and if you like how a role plays in the defensive third for example, during buildup, but dislike how it plays in the final third...well you're out of luck).
  11. Libero does that, but you can only use it from a central position. I'd like to be proven wrong on this, but I don't think we'll get a realistic tactic creator any time soon. The ME can't handle it, the AI teams wouldn't handle it... And the question is, are we ever going to get a brand new ME, rather than getting constant updates on the current one (that's at least 10 years old at this point)? There are so many things that are locked/hardcoded, so many movements are hardcoded and tied to certain roles, that users have no freedom of creating their own movements of players and freedom to choose positioning of players during each phase of play. Instead, all we have are 'presets' (player roles and duties) that can only be slightly and broadly tweaked by mentality, instructions and player traits. So replicating any sort of movement or positioning that real-life teams use, comes down to: have the devs included it in-game yet? In most cases the answer is no, and you have to wait for a few years to have something like that included in game (WCB role is the latest example). We are always a few years behind the current tactical trends. There's no way for us as users to create custom movements/roles, because the match engine simply isn't capable of doing that, and the AI teams also aren't smart enough to deal with that. I'm fairly sure it would be very much possible with the current technology to create something like that, although it would be hard and expensive to do I assume, and it would certainly come with its own, different set of issues (all of which is why I'm thinking it won't come any time soon). All we can do is work with what we have, and realize that replicating real-life tactics 1:1 will not be a thing any time soon. It's incredibly frustrating for some (me included), but there's not much we can do about it. Anyways here's my current tactic (which is not a complete replication of Pep, it also has hints of De Zerbi). The IWB won't form a double pivot with a DM, which is an issue. The FB-D will also stay kinda wide, and won't form a back 3, which is also an issue. I want my wingers high and wide, hence the attack duties. This is more of a De Zerbi thing I think, and you could swap one (or both) to a support duty. I still feel like using a Winger is much better than an IW, if you want your wide players to hold the width for longer. You could still have them cut inside, just make sure their stronger foot is on the opposite side of where they're playing, and that they have a trait to cut inside from the flank. Inverted wingers would sit narrower in the final third, once they cut inside, and you'd sometimes find them on the inside of a fullback (rather than being wider, outside). Also the AM would get in the way of the IW on the left, so a Winger was a natural solution to that. Now obviously the movement and positioning of players won't be how they actually play in real life. Something I'm often frustrated with, for example, is how my wide players never cut off the passing lanes between CBs/Midfielders and Fullbacks. I've tried with different instructions, but it just doesn't work. They just stand around, doing nothing to prevent the pass, but they do close the fullback down once the pass is played.
  12. Yeah, that's the issue I had, I also felt there was too much unused space, and it didn't really look symmetrical. After letting it sit for a day, I just decided to do the same thing I already had previously. Still have to fix the other selector panels and stuff, because a lot of stuff doesn't show up for players that aren't scouted/aren't at your club. Right now it looks like this for example: Now I'm probably gonna look into adding some more statistics, etc. to the player overview, we'll see how that goes. For anyone who's asking me to share the skin, as I've said previously, I will not be sharing my skin this year. If I had wanted to share it, it would've been out already shortly after FM23 released. A lot of it is still unfinished, and I'm constantly going back and forth redesigning the same screens as I'm not always happy with how they look. I'm also designing the skin for my screen size/resolution only, as well as for my own personal taste, so it probably wouldn't work for some people, and I'm just not willing to take endless requests to add or change things. Those are only a few reasons why I'm not releasing it this year. Maybe I will release a skin in the future, for FM24, but at this point I don't know.
  13. Player profile, still work in progress. Gotta figure out what to do with the left portion below the player pic, still not 100% happy with it. Absolutely love the attribute bars (shoutout to @bluestillidie00 for that one), don't think I'm going back to regular attributes any time soon.
  14. Yeah, I agree that they shouldn't occupy the same vertical channel. In this case, both are technically in the halfspace, because the ball is on the opposite flank. The wingback is never going to push high early on when the ball is on the opposite flank, so he and the winger pretty much occupy the same space there. Imo in this situation, I'd want a CM or an AM in that central position, with the winger holding the width, being outside of the opposition fullback, so he could attack the space and go 1v1 if your team decides to switch the play. The fullback on the same side should act like an outlet for buildup and recycling the possession. But if you do want your winger to come even more central, you just have to play an AP or TQ there. What I really have an issue with is this. They're basically occupying the same space, while there's a huge gap in the halfspace/channel. That's because they look to stay wide, and then cut in, they don't automatically occupy the halfspace in the buildup, they only do so after the ball reaches the middle third (or even final third in some cases). Inverted Wingers would probably look to move in earlier. Now that is FM22, I don't know how different it is compared to FM23, as I haven't really used overlapping wingbacks with IFs in FM23.
  15. Same issue here, it seems like this issue is back again, it used to annoy me a lot in some previous versions. Whenever I switch screens it does it, it seems like the last column is the culprit, as it always seem to resize automatically.
  16. First impressions after 2 matches. Something about the ME just feels way better. I'm seeing some great passes that I haven't previously seen, most notably in the centre of the pitch. Even just the "regular" passes seem to be improved, as the team moves the ball forward much better than previously. My wide players are actually taking players on 1v1, dribbling past them, cutting in. Players also seem to do more layoffs, and quick one-two's, and they seem to occasionally play faster passes, with more force behind them. It feels way more fluid and dynamic in possession than it was previously. It's obviously still far from perfect, and it's been only 2 games, but now I can also say this ME is the best there ever was. I definitely expect to see stuff that has frustrated me previously, I have no idea how a different playstyle/tactic would perform, but so far so good. Edit: Yet there's an annoying bug now. The squad view keeps resetting again, and I thought it was finally fixed this year. It keeps moving to the right, and it doesn't fit the screen, so there's a scroll bar.
  17. I'm afraid that's hardcoded, because SI has decided that's how they should play. You can only do so much to alter their behavior. They absolutely will occupy the halfspaces, just not in that phase of play (buildup). When the ball gets to the midfield, they will invert and look to come more narrow. I think someone has mentioned that IWs would look to come narrow earlier than the IFs would, so you might try with that, but I doubt it will help with the buildup phase. You could use APs, or TQs, as mentioned before. I see that you already have aggressive WBs, which also should force them to move inside earlier. I'd also try removing the overlaps, it might help. It's funny, because I've seen so many of us complaining about the opposite thing. The wingers don't hold their width enough, which is (or at least was) true in the final third, where they would often just come narrow, and you have nobody on the flanks. IWs and IFs still do cut inside, as they should, but regular Wingers hold the width more in FM23.
  18. I don't have the file anymore, I gave up and reverted it back to the default look. It's nothing complicated though, just another container added next to the main bit that shows the squad. That container has this code inside it, and that .xml file contains all the info. <container class="club_overview_panel" file="club/team squad facts"> <record id="object_property" get_property="Csca" set_property="Csca"/> </container>
  19. I knew there was way to change it somewhere, thanks for the info. Yeah, I've had the entire game completely bug out after trying to fix that issue. First, I deleted all the skins from the folder, then my game just used some completely random colours, as well as a totally random background. Had to reset everything, restart the game, and reload the skin in order to finally make it work again.. But yeah that idea is the same, it's a normal container on the left hand side that just keeps going blank after switching screens. Shame that whenever I try to do something even slightly unique, the game just doesn't allow it. I wanted to have a similar thing that exists on a club overview page, with Key player, captain, hot prospect, etc. with their picture and below it some more info about the team, I just don't want to place it above the squad view. I've moved on to other things now, I've tried looking into it more for 5-6h straight that day, but to no avail.
  20. So I've been trying to incorporate some more info in the team squad screen. Shoutout to @Tyburnand @_Ben_ for this idea, and code. However, I'm having some issues. The info does display fine whenever I reload the skin, but when I click to any other screen in-game, and return to the team squad screen, it just displays no info. Used the same approach of having a club_overview_panel container, pointing to a separate file with all the info bits. Even tried just copy pasting the entire table from the club panel, and it does the same thing. <container class="club_overview_panel" file="club/team squad facts"> <record id="object_property" get_property="Csca" set_property="Csca"/> </container> Edit: I've narrowed it down to the team squad panel. I tried copying the entire panel from another skin, and then using my own custom .xml file with all the bits of info, and it works. I have no idea what it could be, seeing that it does work after skin reload, but stops showing any info as soon as I click on any other screen. Edit2: I've also noticed that I have to reload the skin in order to see changes that I make on @_Ben_'s Statman skin. On my skin, I can just switch to a different screen, and switch back, and I can see all the changes I've made to that xml file without reloading the skin. So that might be the cause of it resetting. Then again on the Statman skin, home page's Personal information part does the same thing, where the information resets/goes blank if you switch to another screen. This is painful
  21. Nothing major game changing or unique here, just messing around with different layouts, using inspiration from other creators, as usual. Trying to make it look as good as possible, while also displaying some info that makes sense for the screen. Had no idea what to put in the left container, so I just placed a selector panel showing league table, it works I guess. Probably gonna do all other screens in this style, Inbox already is in this style by default, Tactics screen is kinda similar, and I want to see how Player profile will work (main bit of player info on the left, with everything else on the right in large tab container, with selectors, other tab containers etc.).
  22. Just as I feared... I've already tried just copying that whole section of code, but without much luck. My brain is pretty much stuck right now, and I have no idea how I would solve this. I've tried a few different things, but without any success. Edit: Also my game now appears to be crashing when selecting custom views in that screen. On all skins, even the default. It doesn't happen when importing a view, but when selecting a saved view in that menu. Weird
  23. I've been messing around with the tactics screen (shoutout to @_Ben_ for this beauty), I liked the idea of having tabs inside, with some different arrangements of tactics screen items. I want to have 2 squad views, one to the right of the tactics pitch, and another on a separate tab. I messed around with not having the squad list on the primary tab, but it's just too many clicks to go out and swap players, etc. So I want to have one smaller version on the primary screen, and another full version of the squad list on another tab. The issue is, you can't place the same id twice and expect both to work. So it will work on one screen, but not the other. I can't set a custom id, as some id is definitely required in order for the squad list to actually show up. I have no idea how to find other id's that show the squad list. This one uses the id="tesA", and the panel class is "team_squad_tactics_panel". I'm pretty sure I could use another class, but I'm not sure about the ID, as the game definitely seems to want a certain hardcoded id. And btw, is there any way to convert those familiarity/intensity into pie/donut charts? I've tried, but it didn't seem to work.
  24. See, now this changes things a lot for me. I personally wasn't a fan of pure stats/data based skins, because I had no way to interpret and compare that data. I don't know if x number of y is good or bad, but now with this, I can easily see if that certain stat/piece of data is something good or bad (like you can do with fbref for example). Brilliant work yet again.
  25. We've struggled with this for years now, it's not really possible to make it not lopsided and for it to perfectly resemble a back 3 in buildup/possession. Although there are a few ways to make it somewhat work. You could use something like this. In possession you would have a back 3, and in defense it kinda does work like a back 4, where the RCB will shift to the RB spot, kinda...
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