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Everything posted by (sic)

  1. I think it was a pretty straight forward answer, but sure let me explain more. The difference depends on that staff member's responsibilities. You can set the responsibilities yourself. So you could have a coach that will do everything your assistant manager would do by the default. You've said it yourself, "Any coach, general or assistant, can be in charge of tactics or any other training session." So is there any reason why you should offer a person the job of a general coach or an assistant coach, knowing that there's no limit to the number you can have of each? I'd say no. The "title" itself doesn't matter, only their responsibilities do.
  2. I mean, this isn't something new. It literally existed in the game a few years back. I'm really not sure why the players have suddenly stopped doing it. But yeah, I'd absolutely prefer that, over players not being able to do it.
  3. See, that's not what I'm talking about. The players are great at running into space and cutting in without the ball. I'm talking about dribbling and cutting inside with the ball, trying to dribble and take players on.
  4. I mean, it really depends. It's not a universal thing, certain assistant managers might be in charge of tactics, others may lead the training, etc. It really depends on what you assign to them.
  5. It is weird, because it's such a contrast from FM22, where I used to get 50+ recommendations constantly. Which became too annoying to deal with after a while. So on one hand, I really do appreciate the change. On the other, it feels like it doesn't work properly. Though whenever I actually get a report, it is a decent player that I will consider signing, and not a random player I'll just discard, like in FM22.
  6. My scouting focus has literally been set to scout for a certain position, 3 stars quality minimum. That's it. No other specific requirements. Nobody comes through. 90% of my "scout reports" are actually agents offering/recommending their players.
  7. It's too many clicks, for results that don't match the effort. So far I've been getting anywhere from 0 to like 2-3 reports for whatever my scouting focus is. Scouts don't seem to recommend anyone, at all. Almost as if the feature doesn't work. Yet another bugged feature. It keeps resetting, so any changes that I make will be overwritten in a few days time. Pointless to even use it in that case. Besides, it's good to look at it once in a while, but at certain point I can memorize my entire squad, so it kinda becomes obsolete. Also, people have suggested how they could improve this, and that many features are missing. But knowing how this game works, that stuff will be added in the future, so they have a new "headline" feature to showcase. It's quite barebones now. ME is both better and worse than previous version. It is beta, but at this point we'll have to wait until March patch (yet again) for it to be truly good. There are so many issues, from through balls being overpowered, to certain stuff simply not working properly. Like players not applying pressure correctly (or at all). I've seen other people struggling with that as well, so I'm not the only one. High-press simply doesn't seem to work. Players aren't actually pressing the backline correctly a lot of the time. Then there's players pinging those passes under pressure without any issues. Finally, IWs/IFs not cutting inside and dribbling past players properly (which carries on from the last year). Instead my IW, who should cut inside on his stronger foot, just ignores that instruction completely, and runs it down to the byline, where he turns around and tries to pass/cross it. The only time I've seen him cut in, was when he's around the halfway line on the pitch, and when there's nobody around him. Players just seem unwilling to dribble past players, instead dribbling boils down to player running and kicking the ball in front of him. Players don't want to take players on, they don't dribble inside when taking them on, and instead they just run forward. I agree with graphical improvements to stadiums, lighting, textures, etc. I can't say I don't enjoy the game. I really do. But it's not because it's suddenly a better game, but because it's a FM game. It's always going to be good. Though certain issues, especially with the ME, do make me feel heavily disappointed.
  8. I've been (the opposition mostly) having issues with this as well. It doesn't matter from which players the ball seems to come. Here I have my LB assisting some goals by just lumping it past the defence. First, 3rd, and 4th goals. Red Star v Basel Goals 1,3,4.pkm
  9. Seems like the issue carries on from FM22. My left footed IW on the right side should cut in on his stronger foot, try to take players on by dribbling inside maybe? No? Instead all he does is run almost to the byline, then turn around and try to pass/cross from there. It's insane how players can't do something so basic and fundamental to football. He does actually cut in sometimes, but it's around the halfway line, and pretty much never in the final third/in front of the box. Players just don't seem to want to dribble past the opposition player, dribbling boils down to running around with the ball. There are no skill moves/tricks involved most of the time. Edit: They only seem to cut inside when there's plenty of empty space. As soon as there's an opposition player, they suddenly act too scared to come near them, and instead choose to pass the ball. If the players weren't so scared of the opposition players, they would be willing to take them on and dribble past them. Sadly, it's not the case. 25:35 for example. FK Voždovac v Red Star.pkm
  10. Agreed. For me personally, it's just one of many reasons. Idk, when someone just copies your entire skin, and then puts it out there for others to download and says "I made this", I wouldn't say it's not a problem. You're taking someone else's work, and publishing it under your own name. Yes they've given credit to the original authors, but why would I bother making my own skin in that case? I can just copy someone else's work, give credit, and publish it as my own. So not only are you using and publishing someone else's work, but you're also being arrogant and full of yourself. There's also no need for insults. Nobody's going to "not allow" you to keep it online, it's the internet, you can do it if you want to. But you didn't "make" this, you took the work of other people, mashed it together, and published it as your own work under your own name. I'm pretty sure it wouldn't be an issue if you just published it as "TSC + OPZ Elite mashup skin". Instead, it comes off as if you're stealing someone else's work.
  11. It depends on so many things. Maybe your tactic was exploiting a certain weakness in the ME (not necessarily to your knowledge, unintentionally). That would imply there were changes to it though. Maybe indeed the opposition have figured you out (though it definitely would feel weird when that happens right after the patch). It might also depend on a team you're managing, and where you were expected to finish. Maybe it's one bad result, that spiraled into a losing streak - very possible. There are many possibilities, that don't have anything to do with the ME itself, though the timing of it would imply that the patch did something. I agree that there are issues with the ME currently. You have pointed out through balls, and in my first reply, I mentioned they've been a problem since day 1 of the beta. There definitely are a few more issues. I just haven't noticed any changes. Maybe indeed it was just one bad game, which resulted in another, and then another. My team is generally getting the same results as it has before the patch.
  12. I understand that, but the way I view "seeds" is like presets. It calculates the match based on many different things, but those different things don't necessarily always effect the match in the same way. I gave my examples (decision making, concentration attributes). Those might not always effect a player in the same way. So even if there are "seeds", there are more seeds than you can think of that are being calculated for the match. And when you make a change, "the seed" completely changes. The way I understood your comment is like it's a simple randomizer that generates a seed which determines the outcome of the match, when in fact it's way more complicated than that.
  13. I hate to be that guy, but maybe it really is your tactics (among a dozen of other things that could impact your results). My results haven't suddenly changed post update, because I've made a tactic that makes sense, regardless of the ME it's played on. In fact, nothing has changed at all for me (at least I didn't notice anything). Balls over the top/through balls have been a thing since day 1 of the beta. It's not suddenly a new thing introduced by this patch. I'm not saying nothing has changed, maybe something did in fact change. But you have to point out what it is, instead of just saying "I'm losing matches now". Or alternatively, submit a bug report, and let the SI find out what the issue is.
  14. But football doesn't work that way. Football is inherently random, you won't get the exact same things happening in each match. Maybe if a player had poor concentration, in one match he might have paid attention to what was going on around him at a certain moment, but in other game he didn't, so the opposing team scored. Or if player's decision making was poor, so the opposition exploited that bad decision. There are so many variables, that you cannot simply say there's a "number randomizer" or that matches use a "different seed". No match plays the same, but not because of a pre-determined thing.
  15. The thing you've described, has been happening since day 1 of the beta. Constant through balls.
  16. Has anyone paid attention to PPDA (passes per defensive action)? The numbers seem to be awfully low, compared to real life where usually the best pressing sides sit around 8-10 PPDA. Now it might be that FM calculates defensive actions differently, so I'm not sure if this is bugged or what.
  17. They act as ratios. So -2 is twice as big as -1. So item x (-2) occupies 2/3 of the screen, while item y (-1) occupies 1/3 of the screen. So for example if you set the layout to be -5, -1, the ratio would be 5:1 in terms of size of those items.
  18. Well, let me start off first. Continuing from the last year's version, it's still the same general idea when it comes to the layout. There probably still are a lot of things I want to change and fix. I have to say, I really like the header part from this year's default version, so I'm definitely keeping it. I'm not sure if I'm going to release a skin this year, for a few reasons. Btw, does anyone know if you can resize the data-hub analysis thing? I've barely got it to work, so it fits the entire width of the panel, while being able to scroll down. What I want to do is make it so that a single graph/pie-chart occupies the entire height. The entire thing works really weird, and it's easy to mess it up so it doesn't work at all.
  19. I didn't have such a problem, but it's a bit ridiculous in FM23. That's way too much. This guy isn't Haaland, yet he constantly bags hattricks regularly.
  20. 53 goals in a season. I'm fairly sure at least half of them came from balls over the top. It's a bit unreal.
  21. So now that I've played more, I've started noticing certain annoying things in the ME. There are too many balls over the top that result in goals. My striker is on 42 goals, and I still have like 7-8 games left in the season. Too many shots get blocked, then the ball travels in the air for what seems like an eternity, until the GK catches it. Also, not sure if squad planner is bugged or not. I tried removing a player from a position, but he seems to return there after some time, so I have to remove the player again.
  22. It seems like they do it on purpose, when they introduce something new to the ME. Remember a few years ago when they added curved balls? All you could see back then were balls being curved by every player out there, it was so annoying.
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