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Everything posted by (sic)

  1. To say I'm disappointed is an understatement. Just as I feared, the in-game editor got even more expensive YET AGAIN. I really don't get this, it's the same thing we get every year. Each year it gets more expensive, now it's again increased in price by 1 euro. In a few years, it's gonna cost 10+ euros easily, which is just ridiculous for what it is. What's next, is the pre-game editor also gonna cost money now? There are games on steam that cost that much, or even less. This is just pure greed at this point, are there any new functionalities that took long to develop, to justify the price increase? Also, no updates to the ME is also ridiculous, but I do understand it takes time to actually change stuff. There are issues that just made me not play the game at all in the last week, hoping for some of it to be fixed at launch. Sadly that's not the case, so I doubt I'll actually play the game until the ME patch. All of this is ridiculous, because not only is FM23 the most similar version to the previous game we've had in years, but the game and in-game editor got even more expensive, yet again. There's less and less improvements each year, while the game and editor cost more and more.
  2. Doubt they will release the game during night time, so it's probably tomorrow afternoon.
  3. It definitely is a personality thing as well, but what I've said is also true. Majority of them will just go play FIFA, and only a minority would actually play FM. There's just so much stuff going against FM, from it being a niche game, that's really not for everyone. Then there's horrible graphics, and not that great UI/UX, and things just pile up. Compare that to FIFA, which has great graphics, it's easy to get into, it's immediately fun to play, you don't have to learn so much stuff about it, you don't have to look at data so much, etc. I'm a young person myself, and it took me some time to get into the game, only in my late teens did I really start playing the game. Then it took me a few years to actually learn ins and outs of the game, how to build tactics, how to do x y z, then how to modify and create skins, etc. 2000. was 22 years ago. The level which FM seems to be stuck at, in a few areas currently (mainly graphics). It's definitely going to attract some more kids, I'm not arguing that it won't attract anyone at all. But there are things stopping it from attracting even more people, and a lot of them will be put off by graphics and gameplay.
  4. Can confirm, I also thought the same when I was 15. I'm not sure which version I've tried, but I remember being really confused, and I thought that I've downloaded something that wasn't a game. It just didn't look like a game. Took me until a few years later to actually try it out properly. Times were simply different back then. Gaming wasn't as common, realistic graphics weren't a thing. Kids nowadays are used to a certain level and standard of gaming, whether it's UI, graphics, or whatever. FM just doesn't meet those things. Then the other thing is gameplay, majority of kids just prefer more action style games like CoD, Fortnite, Overwatch, etc. FM is like the complete opposite from action
  5. I wish, but I doubt it. Last year, they actually increased the price of the in-game editor.
  6. It's always these little things. SI are way too rigid in how they see things in football, especially roles, that there's very little room for customization with some positions/roles. I was also about to suggest using a Fullback, but I know that might not be what you're looking for, as you seem to be playing a back 3 formation. Try training a cuts inside player trait. It won't cancel out the PI completely though.
  7. Ivanic for example has 13 Acc and 14 Pace, Stefan Mitrovic also has 13 Acc and 14 Pace. It just doesn't seem right, Mitrovic is a pacey winger, it's one of his main strengths, next to dribbling and technique, and he's shown his speed multiple times this season. And Ivanic... well let's just say he's not that fast. Pesic, for example, seems way too good in game, he doesn't seem to be bad at anything. I just don't think he's that good of a player, yet he's got all-around good attributes. But I'm not sure where I would start with his attributes.
  8. I am confused by what you're saying, as it doesn't make much sense to me. Maybe your definition of a Carrilero is different to mine and FMs. We can talk all we want about what the real definition is. Most of the info I've found is pretty much the same as it is in FM, in that Carrilero is a shuttler, a wide midfielder. Maybe it has a different definition in Spanish, or other languages, I'm not sure. But there's no point in discussing that, we're talking about FM here, and the FM version of a Carrilero and what it does. You're just adding further confusion, where the goal is to do quite the opposite.
  9. I'm sorry, but I'm failing to see how Wingbacks are actually Carrilero's in this situation. Juventus has a double pivot, with 2 wingbacks flanking them and providing width. The wingbacks aren't Carrileros, they're wingbacks. Carrileros are primarily wide centre-mids, or just wide midfielders, not Wingbacks or Fullbacks. Carrileros are often played in systems like 3-5-2, 4-4-2 Diamond, 4-3-1-2/4-3-2-1, etc. Where you have only one player on each side providing width, usually a wingback, and where you have a player behind them acting as a single pivot. Their task is to support wide areas, because of the lack of wingers. They're similar to Mezzalas, but they aren't really offensive oriented, and instead like to provide defensive cover and support.
  10. I do agree with you. We don't need to force pointless dribbles. The thing is, it's not about dribbles into the box. The players don't have to cut inside across the entire defence or cut inside the box and score. Even though it would be really nice to see players do that sometimes. It still happens in real life, yet I don't see it happening in game. I didn't remember encountering it in FM22, and I've yet to encounter it in FM23. Instead, we rarely see a player cutting in inside the final third. Just coming in from wide areas with the ball, and laying it off to another player would be nice, they don't have to dribble past the entire defence. Isolating good dribblers in 1v1 situations against a fullback is also a thing, yet again, even if I set up for it, I just don't see players actually dribbling past them (or if they do, it's more of a "run wide or to the byline, then turn around" thing). It's the constant running wide with the ball like a regular winger. It's the running wide, to the byline, and then turning around, looking for passing options. They run into these areas, often isolating themselves. I don't understand why should we even use the IW over a regular Winger, if they do very similar things. They both end up running wide with the ball. I just don't see the point of "Cut Inside With The Ball" instruction in that case.
  11. Ah so they did indeed change it then. I though there was something about it, just wasn't exactly sure if it's been done already of it was something that they are working on. But nobody's expecting that. I think we've all been pretty clear on what the issue is.
  12. The space isn't actually 3D, but 2D. I'm pretty sure it was mentioned that players operated as 2D discs on a plane, rather than being 3D entities in the real 3D world. So that could be an issue in itself. We can definitely observe these things, and report them. But other than that, we don't know why something works like that, and whether its intentional or not. That's something only SI know. I think there are many underlying issues here, and there are many reasons why something can't be done right now in this current ME.
  13. And to add further to this point, the dribbling itself is almost non-existent. Quick changes of pace, quick changes of direction, tricks, flicks, skills... nope. Instead dribbling just boils down to the player running forward with the ball. So when there's no space to go to, players don't know what to do. Well, they do know, they just try to find a pass, or just cross it into the box.
  14. I'll have to heavily disagree with this. Players not willing to take on players and not willing to dribble and cut inside on their stronger foot, definitely isn't a tactical issue but the ME one. They did this absolutely fine, a few years ago. Why it's the case now, we can only speculate. My thoughts are that it's intentional, because the defenders simply wouldn't know how to deal with that, for whatever reason. Players are afraid of the opposition players. They're afraid to go near them, and they're especially afraid to dribble past them in tighter spaces, most notably in the final third. What they often do, is run with the ball, while making sure to avoid coming close to any opposition players. They aren't dribbling, they're just running and kicking the ball. What this results in, is players just running wide, as that's the only area that they deem has enough free space for them to run into. Or alternatively, they will cut inside, but only when they're completely isolated, and when there isn't an opposition player in sight. Basically, when they don't have to dribble past anyone. For me that often happens around the middle third, but almost never in the final third. The issue in the final third, is that there's often more defenders in the way, so the player is simply unwilling to go inside with the ball, instead choosing to run wide, and then pass it or cross it. The core issue simply isn't a tactical one.
  15. I would agree, but in FM it kinda is different. There's a difference between using a single vs double pivot, though in Pep's system, like you said, the IWBs come inside. Another difference is the AM position. In FM, there's a big difference between using roles like CM-A, Mezzala, etc. in a 4-3-3, vs using an AM in a 4-2-3-1. Those roles in a 4-3-3 will often occupy half-spaces, while the AM in a 4-2-3-1 will be all over the place, often sitting in the middle, which you don't necessarily want. And if you make something asymmetrical, the AM will stand right in front of one of the players in double pivot, and you won't have that player in double pivot move more centrally. Another thing I've found, is that the double pivot players stand way too close to each other, instead of staying a bit more apart. Even on the widest settings, with stay wider PI.
  16. They can't really look at it if you don't provide them more info, and more importantly match .pkm's.
  17. Yeah, I have no idea why they changed this. Sure, sometimes you want to have your WBs as wide as possible in the buildup, but sometimes, you'd want your wingers to provide the width instead, while IWBs sit in the middle. Not to mention if you want to have a wide player coming in to form a back 3 in the buildup, you simply can't do it, as the players will position as wide as possible. Again, this change makes sense, but it doesn't make sense that we can't control whether we want it on or off, especially in the buildup.
  18. There certainly are handballs. I've noticed some in general play.
  19. PA is often variable, though it is determined once you start a save, so it doesn't change after that. Making it variable once you start a save would be a nice option, though I don't know how that would work. The fact that there's a set PA, and that you simply can't develop a player any more once you hit that mark, is incredibly unrealistic. It's also unrealistic that a player gets like 180PA, so he's almost guaranteed to become an amazing player. It definitely needs to be more dynamic, but it's a computer game after all, and it relies on attributes to calculate how things happen. Another thing is, PA is incredibly easy to access, so that's more on the user not using tools to access it, in order to have a more realistic experience. I would like it if PA was simply unknown early on, so you'd judge players potential based off his current attributes, stats, and how fast he's improving. Maybe there are a few "wonderkids" that you'd just know if they have a lot of potential, but for everyone else, you shouldn't really be able to determine it until later on. Also some players definitely are late bloomers, so they might not fully develop to their max PA until in their mid 20s. Overall, I haven't given it much though, so idk what the solution would be. I'd imagine the game would definitely benefit from it being more dynamic, but another huge thing is how all of that info is displayed to us.
  20. Yep. I often found my Wingbacks in quite a lot of space, where they just need to hit the cross, but instead they try to dribble it or pass it. What I also found, that players are lacking, is the ability to cross the ball as soon as they receive it. Instead they always have to make extra touches, and by that point they've been closed down.
  21. I think I've found the issue. In the match title bar.xml file, there's a line <container class="client_object_viewer_xml_panel" file="match/match score area panel"> <record id="object_property" get_property="objt" set_property="objt" /> </container> In the file you've attached, that line of code also has an id assigned to it - id="MsaP" So by adding the id to the container, I've managed to fix the issue with CL clock having wrong color. I'm pretty sure it's the same thing for other comps, including EFL.
  22. My CL scoreboard also does this, but it seems to work on the default skin. I have no idea why it doesn't change the clock font colour.
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