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Everything posted by Constantine

  1. Alright, the game is really trying to make me feel bad about progressing through to the Final... I mean, why? Let me celebrate, dammit!! Jabbari strikes again. Twice. Earned himself MoM. And got us playing against Salamanca. I don't know how this spanish system work. It's been confusing for a few years now, this time is not an exception. I guess we'll just roll with it and see where it takes us...
  2. Rayo Cantabria Segunda División RFEF - Grupo II It's amazing what having more confidence can do for a player... Jabbari couldn't hit a barn door for quite a lot of time yet now he scored four goals in same number of games. And got us into play offs. Where we'll be facing 2nd placed side from Group V, Intercity. Last, but not the least important, I've got a contract extension. I've be staying for another year, no pay rise. Cheapskates.
  3. As I haven't played FM22 as much as I did previous versions and considering the fact that I'm not planning on buying newest one till after January patch, I said, what the heck, let's go on with this thread. I need a motivation to keep playing and bragging about success in a video game to total strangers just might do it for me. So here we are. Starting unemployed. Here's the profile at the beginning. I wanted to play the game in advance, get back into it as I haven't played in months now and post progress bit by bit. Wanted to drag it out, build some tension with club interviews and whatnot... So in the end, I decided against it. It seemed a bit dishonest. I'm just gonna lay it as it is. We start in Spain. Most of the offers were from there, like 90% of them. And 100% of them were from B teams. I don't know, must've been some reputation quirk. Didn't want to do it, as I knew I wouldn't have a control over players, transfers, wouldn't be able to build my team but, I was like, screw it, if it was good enough for Pep, it'll be good enough for the virtual me. We'll work our way up. So I signed for Racing Santander's affiliate, Rayo Cantabria. They were in a bad spot, in the relegation zone. Far from hopeless, though, with a lot games to go. They weren't a bad bunch. Lots of potential here. Stacked in attack but severely lacking in defense, especially on the sides. Standout players were Marcos Bustillo, Jorge Delgado and Simon Perez. In the end, we would end up relying on first one, Marcos, the most, since Jorge was always injured and Perez had first team duty to attend to. When I came, I promoted three players from our U19's side and all of them has/had significant roles to play in months to come. Neco Celorio was brilliant and he earned frequent call ups from A team. Diego Fuentes is a regular in our first XI, while Marco Carrascal has an occasional appearance in the starting lineup. Fast forward a couple months, where we are? Our squad is a bit bigger. And messier. Registration is messy to deal with, especially with a bunch of players hopping in between sides all the time. That annoys me. A lot. And I haven't the slightest idea what this team will looks like next year. Results wise, we're alright. Started pretty great, or brilliantly, rather, but we've been on a rough-ish patch these last month or two. Goals have dried up a bit and that one remaining goalkeeper has been pulling Karius from time to time. Finances are unsurprisingly horrible but there isn't a single thing I can do about it. Fixtures list (I was hired on December 1st) We have nothing to play for in last couple of matches. Can't get promoted, since our A team is in the league above. Can't get relegated, we're far too gone. We might try to get into play offs, just for ***** and giggles, just to mess with others but otherwise, it's a smooth sailing till this season' end. As for the next one, I guess we'll see... Anyhow, welcome aboard.
  4. Good lord, no, please, don't. There's an international break just around a corner and that's about much delay as I can take...
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