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Everything posted by giggsxbr

  1. STR-455225 After speaking with [%male#1] upon his return from a spell on loan at [%club#2-short], he indicated that he enjoyed his time there, but fears he has no future at [%club#1-short], and has therefore indicated that he would be interested in a permanent move to [%club#2-nickname] if one becomes available. STR-455226 After speaking with [%male#1] upon his return from a spell on loan at [%club#2-short], he feels that the first team experience he gained while there has helped him improve as a player. STR-455227 After speaking with [%male#1] upon his return from a spell on loan at [%club#2-short], he feels he learned a lot during his time there and is hoping that this increased experience will help his chances of establishing himself within the [%club#1-short] squad. STR-455228 After speaking with [%male#1] upon his return from a spell on loan at [%club#2-short], he has admitted that he was disappointed by the lack of first team action there and is happy to be back. STR-455229 After speaking with [%male#1] upon his return from a spell on loan at [%club#2-short], he was very frustrated with his experience, having expected to gain more first team exposure but returning without having learned very much at all. STR-455230 After speaking with [%male#1] upon his return from a spell on loan at [%club#2-short], he indicated that the coaches and facilities there were not of the standard that a player of his talent should be forced to endure, and that he was delighted to be back at [%club#1-short]. STR-455231 After speaking with [%male#1] upon his return from a spell on loan at [%club#2], he admitted that it was a worthless experience, that playing with a team at that level taught him very little and that he would have learned much more during the time if he had remained at [%club#1-short]. STR-455232 After speaking with [%male#1] upon his return from a spell on loan at [%club#2-short], he indicated that the players there were not of the calibre that someone of his talent should be associated with, and that he was happy to be back with [%club#1-short]. STR-455233 After speaking with [%male#1] upon his return from a spell on loan at [%club#2-short], he indicated that he found it a complete waste of time playing with a team at that level, and that he would have learned much more during the time if he had remained at [%club#1-short]. 这几句的中文翻译均将变量[%male#1]误翻译成了[%male#3]
  2. Hi. As a Man Utd fan I want to take Mason Greenwood back to Man Utd. So I make some modifications by the editor. 1) untick the 'Will leave at the end of contract' option 2) remove the 'doesn't want to play in premier league' item in career plan 3) remove him as the 'disliked people' for Man Utd 4) change the awful attributes such as controversey/professionalism to a normal level After first reason playing for Getafe, I recall him back to Man Utd. He signed a new contract, scored many goals. Everythin went fine, but there's no club show interesting for him ever and the Englan national team never call him up. Why is that? Did I missed something?
  3. It shows correctly in my PC. Although they are greyed but if you click it you will be able to add the 3rd kit or gk kit.
  4. STR-453404 {upper}[%male#1-surname], who has been labelled the next [%male#8], joined [%team#1-short] from [%team#2-short] for a fee of [%cash#2-roundlarge] in [%number#4 COMMENT: year_joined_club]. 被追捧为下一个[%male#8]的[%male#1-surname]是在[%number#4 COMMENT: year_joined_club]以[%cash#2-roundlarge]的费用从[%team#1-short]转投[%team#2-short]的。 译文将球队弄反了,正确如下 被追捧为下一个[%male#8]的[%male#1-surname]是在[%number#4 COMMENT: year_joined_club]以[%cash#2-roundlarge]的费用从[%team#2-short]转投[%team#1-short]的。
  5. STR-368009 主裁判认为这是古义手球! ! 应该是“故意手球”
  6. STR-578150 That doesn't work for [%person#1-me], [%person#1-I]'ll always be fighting an uphill battle to get there. 我不接受,我素来是不怕逆风局挑战的。 我不接受,我素来是不怕逆风局挑战的。 这是指定租借目标时候和球员的对话,结合语境以及原文,应该是球员认为主教练定的目标太高了。 译文应该是: 我不接受,达到这样的目标太困难了。
  7. 以下这两句也翻译错了,被动式翻译成了主动式 STR-403569 [%team#2] are pegged back immediately! STR-403570 [%team#2] were pegged back immediately! STR-403569 [%team#2]立刻扳平了比分! STR-403570 [%team#2]立即扳平了比分!
  8. newgan manager also has a new release https://github.com/Maradonna90/NewGAN-Manager/releases/tag/v1.4.0
  9. If I'm working with other guys to make some database, how should we cooperate? I was trying to put our .fmf files on github. But the fmf files aren't visiable. I cannot see what is updated on the website. And the xml files exported are also hard to read...
  10. Is it possible to edit some fmf file so I can modify some players' attributes or some kits colours, without starting a new save?
  11. STR-582884 [%person#1-I] won't stay where [%person#1-I]'m not wanted, so [%person#1-I]'ll do what [%person#1-I] can. 强扭的瓜不甜,我不会依着你的意思来。 后半句意思反了,应该是我会依着主教练的意思自己去找下家。
  12. How did you make "CON/FOR"? I did it myself it works fine. But I can't let "CON/FOR" show because I think SI just remove the traslation-id.
  13. 首先是3个比较共性的问题/建议,想讨论一下: 1、能否将“XX岁以下”以下翻译成“UXX”,这种更符合FM玩家的习惯,也是业界的通用叫法 2、战术指令中针对门将的“Roll It Out”指令,建议译文中体现一下,这是用手扔地滚球,否则玩家难以区分这个和上面那个“Take Short Kicks”指令的区别 3、差强人意:这个词的词性存在一定争议,但总体来说偏褒义(国足之前已经闹过笑话),而我们当前的翻译中大多和贬义语境绑定,建议全面排查一下这个词,尽量避免使用。 以下是针对单点翻译的建议,基本的格式是str-id/英文/待商榷的中文翻译/我个人的建议: STR-228133 Likes Ball Played Into Feet 喜欢用脚 个人建议:这里应该是是喜欢接脚下球而不是身前球,然后由别人来跑位,翻译成“喜欢接脚下球”更合适;当前的翻译会让人误解成不喜欢用身体其他部位触球。 STR-540060 Likes To Beat Opponent Repeatedly 喜欢多次带球晃过同一对手 个人建议:应该是连续过多人,“同一对手”很让人费解,也不符合常理 STR-501879 Likes to beat players more than once by dribbling round them then cutting back and doing it again. 乐于晃过对位球员后绕回来再过对方一遍。 个人建议:和上一条类似,建议翻译成“乐于通过盘带连续过人。” STR-228105 Winds Up Opponents 小动作骚扰对手 个人建议:原文就是“激怒对手”的大意,译文的“小动作”有些多余,有点阴险狡诈的意思在里面,而原文并没有 STR-234073 The kick-off time for the [%team#1-short] vs [%team#2-short] [%comp#1-short] match on [%date#1-long] has been brought forward to [%date#1-time] for live television coverage. 由于电视直播的原因,原定在[%date#1-long]进行的[%team#1-short]对阵[%team#2-short]的[%comp#1-short]被延期至[%date#1-time]进行。 个人建议:是提前,而不是延期 STR-235958 [%team#1-short] penalty success despite lacklustre performance [%team#1-short]通过点球赢得了一场不光彩的胜利 个人建议:lacklustre不应该翻译成不光彩,翻译成乏味、平淡即可。 STR-237878 The squad cannot have more than [%number#1] players over the age of 23. (Currently [%number#2]). \n23岁以上的超龄球员不能超过[%number#1]名。 (目前[%number#1]名) 个人建议:目前后面的变量是不是错了? STR-239709 {upper}[%team_description#2] [%team#2] are slight underdogs in what should prove a tightly contested affair against [%team_description#1] [%team#1-short], according to [%media_source#1]. 据[%media_source#1]分析[%team_description#2][%team#2]应该在与[%team_description#1][%team#1-short]的比赛中略处下风。 不过不排除比赛受盘口操纵的可能。 个人建议:原文表达的是赔率不被看好,译文加了盘口操作,个人认为不妥,可以如下翻译 据[%media_source#1]报道,虽然与[%team_description#1][%team#1-short]实力接近,但[%team_description#2][%team#2]的赛前赔率略处下风。 STR-242854 From 转出球队 个人建议:这个字出现在某人推荐球员的那个页面上,后面跟的是推荐人,应该翻译成“来自” STR-249253 [%team#1-short] face in-form [%team#2-short] [%team#2-short]面对状态正佳的[%team#1-short] 个人建议:队名变量是不是搞反了 STR-252222 ([%fixture_name#1-3letter]) [%team#2-short] score golden goal to defeat [%team#1-short] [%scoreline#1-opposition_current_agg] ([%fixture_name#1-3letter])[%team#1-short]依靠加时赛的一粒金球[%scoreline#1-current_opposition_agg]战胜[%team#2-short] 个人建议:队名变量是不是搞反了,比分变量也不对? STR-404386(这个id可能不唯一,存在多个id相同内容) The [%tactical_role#1] laid on [%number#2-text] goals and even got on the scoresheet himself. 这名[%tactical_role#1]攻入了[%number#2-text]球,凭一己之力改写了比分。 个人建议:助攻进球搞混了,应该是“这名[%position#1-lowercase]不仅有[%number#2-text]个助攻,自己也取得了进球。” STR-404252(这个id可能不唯一,存在多个id相同内容) The [%tactical_role#1]{s} passing ability was noticeable on occasions. 这名[%tactical_role#1]把握传球时机的能力是显而易见的。 个人建议:原文并没有可以体现把握传球时机的能力,可以翻译成“这名[%position#1-lowercase]的传球能力在场上显得很突出。” STR-404255 The [%tactical_role#1] won a few aerial challenges during this game. 这名[%tactical_role#1]在比赛中的空中优势比较明显。 个人建议:原文没有优势明显的意思,偏中性,可以翻译成“这名[%position#1-lowercase]在比赛中赢得了一些头球争抢。” STR-404337 这名[%tactical_role#1]的传球经常连队友都捉摸不定,。 个人建议:多了个逗号 STR-253351 [%team#1-short] takeover could be close [%team#1-short]即将易主! 世界可以清净了! 个人建议:could应该没有那么强的语义,译文搞得像UC新闻一样,有些夸张,可以翻译成“[%team#1-short]的收购可能即将完成” STR-253449 It is well worth noting that [%team#1-short] have not lost to [%team#2-short] in the last [%number#13] meetings between the two sides. STR-253450 It is well worth noting that [%team#2-short] have not lost to [%team#1-short] in the last [%number#13] meetings between the two sides. STR-253449 值得注意的是,在两队以前[%number#13]次遭遇战中,[%team#1-short]的战绩明显优于[%team#2-short]。 STR-253450 值得注意的是,在两队以前[%number#13]次遭遇战中,[%team#2-short]的战绩明显优于[%team#1-short]。 个人建议:译文丢失了最近几次交锋连续不败的重要信息,可以翻译成 值得注意的是,[%team#1-short]在与[%team#2-short]最近的[%number#13]次遭遇战中,还未尝一败。 值得注意的是,[%team#2-short]在与[%team#1-short]最近的[%number#13]次遭遇战中,还未尝一败。 STR-254057 [%team#1-short] denied penalty [%team#1-short]的点球漏判。 个人建议:“漏判”显得立场不正,应该翻译成“[%team#1-short]的未得到点球。” STR-254789 Teams in a strong financial position who consistently fill out their stadiums are prime candidates for stadium expansion. 如果俱乐部的财政一直保持着较好的状态,扩建球场是首选。 个人建议:新建球场的条件,译文丢失了出场率这一重要因素,可以翻译成“如果俱乐部的财政状态健康,主场又经常爆满,那么扩建球场的可能性会更大。” STR-255163 Pick up where you left off! 上一场表现那么好,这场更不能让我失望! 个人建议:感觉语义不太对,应该是“你们需要尽快回到正轨!”,或者“从哪里跌倒就从哪里爬起来!”,另外pick up where sb left off这个短语多次出现,建议统一确认一下。 STR-255295 Down Arro 个人建议:看起来像一个typo,应该是Down Arrow STR-258007 [%team#1-short] set new attendance low 球迷对[%team#1-short]敬而远之! 个人建议:译文刻意使用成语,反而不太准确,我觉得老实翻译成“[%team#1-short]的上座率创新低”即可 STR-261381 I expected [%team#1-short] to win but I thought they had the quality to do it in normal time. 我期待着[%team#1-short]的胜利,不过这需要他们正常地发挥出水平。 个人建议:完全翻译错了,应该是“我确实预测[%team#1-short]能赢,但我本以为他们在常规时间就能解决战斗。” STR-261391 This match could have gone either way really and that is reflected by the fact it went all the way to penalties. 这场比赛可能出现任何一种结果,不过仔细想想,丫的就是冲点球去的。 个人建议:原文没有冲点球去的意思,应该是“这场比赛可能出现任何一种结果,最终踢到点球大战也印证了这一点。” STR-263833 Believes [%male#1] should not take himself so seriously 认为[%male#1]在某些事上不要太认真 个人建议:应该是对待自己的态度,建议翻译成“认为[%male#1]不应该太把自己当回事” STR-266532 Goalless [%male#1-surname] tries to remain upbeat STR-266537 {upper}[%male#1-surname] remains upbeat despite goal drought STR-266532 [%male#1-surname]又一次延续了自己的进球荒 STR-266537 [%male#1-surname]继续保持进球荒 个人建议:原文的remain upbeat没翻译出来,应该是“陷入进球荒的[%male#1-surname]努力保持乐观” STR-268678 Although normally a regular at [%stadium#1], [%male#1-surname] has found himself on the fringe at [%team#1-short] lately. 尽管[%male#1-surname]在[%stadium#1]出场的机会不多,但是他对于能够作为[%team#1-short]的替补登场也很满足了。 个人建议:原文的情绪是担忧,而不是满足,应该是“作为[%stadium#1]的主力球员,[%male#1-surname]发现自己最近在[%team#1-short]的出场时间越来越少。” STR-275886 [%male#1-surname]{s} [%team#2-short] face [%team#1-short] tie [%male#1-surname]直面旧主,[%team#2-short]大战[%team#1-short] 个人建议:原文没有旧主的意思,可翻译成“[%male#1-surname]的[%team#2-short]即将大战[%team#1-short]” STR-276215 The [%position#1-lowercase] netted a dramatic late winning goal to round off his performance by skinning an opponent on his way to scoring [%basic_goal_description#1 - eg a powerful close range effort]. 这名[%position#1-lowercase]用比赛最后阶段的一粒制胜入球为自己的完美表现画上句号,在突破对方两名防守球员后[%basic_goal_description#1 - eg a powerful close range effort]。 个人建议:原文是一名防守队员,翻译成了两名。 STR-279335 [%male#1-surname] adapts game to more than just left wing STR-279341 [%male#1-surname] adapts game to more than just right wing STR-279335 [%male#1-surname]不仅仅只适合踢左边锋 STR-279341 [%male#1-surname]不仅仅只适合踢右边锋 个人建议:这应该是个人习惯的训练,建议翻译成“[%male#1-surname]不再只活跃于左/右翼” STR-279351 [%male#1-surname] adapts game to ignore offside traps [%male#1-surname]常常掉入越位陷阱 个人建议:只是不再反越位了,那也不应该老是掉进陷阱啊,建议翻译成“[%male#1-surname]不再执着于反越位“ STR-282819 {upper}[%person#1-surname] is thought to be a fervent patriot who likes to see [%person#1-his] country play whenever [%person#1-his] busy work schedule allows. [%male#1-surname]被认为是一名拥有极高国家/地区荣誉感的球员,当他为国家/地区而战时就算身心俱惫也定会竭尽全力。 个人建议:这应该是教练看比赛而不是队员踢比赛吧,可以翻译成“[%male#1-surname]是一名爱国者,他经常在工作的百忙之中抽空看自己国家队的比赛。” STR-285293 [%male#1] also missed a penalty for [%team#1-short]. [%team#1-short]球员[%male#1]点球宴客。 个人建议:宴客一词不明确,翻译成“[%team#1-short]球员[%male#1]也错失点球。” STR-285579 We've not had the best day in front of goal so far. 到目前为止我们表现不尽如人意。 个人建议:原文只是说门前表现不佳,并不是一无是处。 STR-285779 [%male#1] acts as if he is used to playing a less direct game than asked to today. STR-285780 [%male#1] looks like he is used to playing a more direct game than asked to today. STR-285779 [%male#1]并没有按照我们的要求多打直传。 STR-285780 [%male#1]今天传出了相当多的直线球。 个人建议:这两句话是比赛中的建议,本意应该是某人不太习惯战术设定里的直接性,翻译成直传球有些狭隘,可以翻译成“[%male#1]看起来不太习惯我们过于/不够直接的战术设定。” STR-304270 [%person#1-surname] sounds uncertain note over [%comp#1-short] defence [%male#1-surname]对卫冕[%comp#1-short]信心不足 个人建议:这里应该是谨慎的意思,信息不足是不是欠妥,可以翻译成“[%male#1-surname]认为卫冕[%comp#1-short]存在不确定性” STR-321551 That was a bit of a let-off; we weren't good enough and have to step things up against better opposition. 这场比赛算是一种释放; 我们踢的不好,在面对更强对手时我们需要做的更好。 个人建议:释放翻译的不太准确,可以翻译成“这场比赛赢得侥幸; 我们踢的不好,在面对更强对手时我们需要做的更好。” STR-363928 [%male#1-surname]把注意力转移到 对[%team#2-short]的比赛中 句中多了个空格 STR-364319 Does the reduced importance of the [%comp#1-short] allow [%person#1-you] to perhaps experiment with a weakened team? [%comp#1-short]的重要性降低允许你用这样一支被削弱的球队做实验吗?[%male#1-hidden] 个人建议:原文不通顺也丢失了语义,建议翻译成“你会因为[%comp#1-short]不那么重要,而做出一些人员的轮换和战术的实验吗?[%male#1-hidden]” STR-365770 A great punch too!! 这记勾拳……也很漂亮! ! 个人建议:比赛里的解说词,punch应该是门将用手击球的动作,我也没太想好怎么翻译,但是勾拳肯定不对。 STR-365773 A lifeline for [%team#1]! 这不过是粒安慰球罢了... 个人建议:这是某队看到希望,译文搞反了,应该是“[%team#1]看到一线生机!” STR-365817 A superb team goal!! 教科书式的密集短传式进球! ! 个人建议:密集短传属于添油加醋,应该翻译成“漂亮的团队进球! !” STR-366140 But he wasn't shown a red card! 但是他没有接着亮出红牌! 个人建议:应该是“但是他没有得到红牌!” STR-413490 [%person#1-I] think that now would be a good time to let the players now what [%person#2-you] plan to achieve for next season. STR-413491 [%person#1-I] think now would be a good time to welcome the players back from their break and get feedback on how they are feeling ahead of the upcoming season. 我想现在是让球员们知道你在下赛季打算如何取得成功的好时候。[%male#1-hidden][%male#2-hidden] 我认为现在是欢迎球员们从休假中归队并且得到他们关于下赛季打算的好时候。[%male#1-hidden] 个人建议:这两句意思没错,但是语序有些翻译腔,我的翻译如下: 我认为现在最好和球员们讨论一下你对下赛季的期望。[%male#1-hidden][%male#2-hidden] 我认为现在最好欢迎一下从休假中归队的球员们,并听听他们对于新赛季的期望。[%male#1-hidden] STR-451075 There are many contrasting personalities throughout the club. 球队中有很多性格迥异的球员。 个人建议:这里应该是说队里有太多个性鲜明的球员,起冲突的可能性比较大,译文没太表达清楚,可以翻译成“球队中有不少个性过于鲜明的球员。” STR-457471 [%team#1-short] left [%stadium#1] bitterly disappointed after going down [%scoreline#1-winner_loser] to [%team#2-short] in {an}[%fixture_name#1-long] game where VAR was a factor. [%team#1-short]可以昂首离开[%stadium#1],他们在[%fixture_name#1-long]与[%team#2-short]顽强战成了[%scoreline#1-winner_loser]。 VAR判决也在比赛中出现。 个人建议:原文是悲痛地离开,没有没有昂首、骄傲的意思。 STR-466981 应该安排个人训练来提高那里。 个人建议:明显的错误,那里->耐力 STR-493261 [%male#1] has picked up some mixed personality traits from his mentoring group this month, collecting some positive influences, as well as some more negative ones. 本月[%male#1]在他的指导团队影响下养成了一些性格特点,有些是正面的,但更多是负面的。 个人建议:这个more应该怎么翻译,个人认为more应该是修饰negative,就是相对于积极的影响,另外一些影响更加消极,而不是消极的影响更多。 STR-562782 That looked very close to being onside! 看起来很像是没有越位! 个人建议:应该是越位了,但越的不多,可以翻译成“就越位了一点点!” STR-517705 [%male#1-surname]破解了对方步下的越位陷阱... 个人建议:“步”是错别字 STR-517783 [%male#1-surname] with a teasing cross [%male#1-surname]尝试性的传中 个人建议:teasing应该是形容这个传中很巧妙,比如正好在后卫和门将之间让对方不好处理,应该是“[%male#1-surname]的这脚传中让对方很头疼” STR-517792 The action gets under way 一场大战就此打响 个人建议:这应该是中圈开球时候的解说词,但有时候某方进球了,对方中圈开球也会出现这个,这时候的翻译显得时机不对,我觉得是不是翻译成“比赛开始”或者“中场开球”就可以? STR-518139 [%male#1-surname]送出一记有穿透力的中传 STR-518140 [%male#2-surname]尝试去接队友送出的试探性中传 STR-518145 [%male#1-surname]的中传对准了左边的[%male#2-surname] STR-518146 [%male#2-surname]接到了[%male#1-surname]向左路投递的中传 STR-518150 [%male#1-surname]的中传对准了右边的[%male#2-surname] STR-518151 [%male#2-surname]接到了[%male#1-surname]向右路投递的中传 个人建议:这几句不需要贴英文了,中文都不通顺... STR-536101 ~ STR-536118 这段翻译里面有共性问题,marking him specifically翻译成了“标记为特殊盯防”,很不通顺,建议改成“安排专人盯防” STR-536125 It's important to always trigger a press when the ball is played to [%male#1] or [%male#2] to improve our chances of winning. 一定要在[%male#1]或[%male#2]每一次接球时都触发紧逼,这样我们才能有更大机会夺冠。 个人建议:原文只是取胜,翻译成了夺冠。 STR-536509 [%club#2-short]{s} rivalry with [%club#1-short] is reflected in the asking price. [%club#2-short]和[%club#1-short]的敌对关系反应在了偏高的要价上。 个人建议:按英文语序翻译,不太通顺,可以改成“这个要价也反映出了[%club#2-short]和[%club#1-short]的水火不容。”
  14. today is the day for me to start playing FM24, thanks to your amazing skin!!!!
  15. https://github.com/Maradonna90/NewGAN-Manager/blob/master/filters/is newgen search filter.fmf
  16. They are not errors but personal preferences. tmp-working.rar
  17. Hi everyone. I want to change some translation in the game. I've extract the chinese.ltc file from share.fmf. I've tried to edit the ltc file by notepad++/UltraEdit/vscode. But everytime I replace the share.fmf after editing, the game failed to start. I think there's something wrong the encoding format stuff for the ltc file but I don't know how to solve it. Anyone can help me? Thanks! working.rar
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