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Everything posted by giggsxbr

  1. His CA/PA is OK(135/160), but the hidden attribute professionalism(5) is awful. I think he cannot reach his full potential.
  2. Hi, do you have any plans for your skin for FM24? I've apply your FM23 skin to FM24 beta and it seems like most panels are compatible. So in FM24 will you just make some little tweaks based on older skin or add some new features? And many thanks to your great work. Your skin is simple and perfect. I can't live without it...
  3. I think he wants to play FM during work and his boss won't realise that he's playing a game...
  4. Hi, I want to do a 23/24 Premier League Score Board. Is there any place that I can get those graphics? I've found a PES patch for it and just saw some .bin files in it. How to extract the graphics from it? Can you give some tips? Thanks a lot!
  5. Hi. I've changed the alignment value in line 166, from 'centre' to 'bottom,extend'. Now it works fine. match score area panel.xml
  6. I‘ll try to set the parent skin to default then try it. What is your parent skin by the way?
  7. 对于下面的这些位置,个人有一些见解,希望大家可以讨论一下。 @FM-China @Jimmy Wong 1、Wing Back/WB——边翼卫、Complete Wing Back/CWB——全能边翼卫 突出其拉开宽度的特色,原名进攻型边后卫/WB容易和边后卫-进攻/FB-A混淆; 进攻职责下,原名攻击型边后卫-进攻/WB-A,会让人觉得用词重叠; 防守职责下,原名攻击型边后卫-防守/WB-D,会让人觉得奇怪,怎么又进攻又防守的,却忽视了其拉开宽度的特色; 2、Inverted Wing Back/IWB——内收型边翼卫 突出其内收的特色,而非带球内切特色; 3、Central Midfielder/CM——中前卫 更符合现在的中文习惯。原名中场太模糊,中前卫CM和边前卫WM的命名逻辑正好一致; 4、Attacking Midfielder/AM——前腰, Defensive Midfielder/DM——后腰 更符合现在的中文习惯。原名直译为进攻型中场、防守型中场没能体现位置特色,却容易和职责混淆; 进攻职责下,原名攻击型中场-进攻/AM-A,会让人觉得用词重叠。 同时防守型中场简化为后腰一词后,防守型中场-防守改名为 后腰-防守/DM-D,这样与防守型后腰-防守/A-D也容易混淆的问题也好解决,也和防守型中后卫NCD、防守型边后卫NFB的中文命名逻辑一致; 5、Half Back/HB——半后卫、Carrilero/CAR——半翼卫、Mezzala/MEZ——半边锋 原名攻击型翼卫歧义太大,这类角色采用统一命名逻辑,有助于新手玩家理解其活动区域; 6、Segundo Volante/VOL——全能后腰 原名组织型后腰歧义太大,可采用全能中场、全能边翼卫、全能前锋统一的命名逻辑,突出其活动范围大的特色. 除了这六类,我认为其他的都还挺好的,比较符合中文语境,都能便于新手理解。“全能”一词这么多年了也算深入玩家脑海了,新手花一段时间估计也能理解。
  8. Hi, I have 1、replaced your png file in English Premier League Matchday\graphics\tcs\matchday\epl\added.png 2、removed line 161 in ! English Premier League Matchday\panels\match\match score area panel.xml But in the game the added minute number shows in the red circle. Can you take a look at it? Thanks!
  9. Hello. In FM23 Promotions-Relegations (TheNotoriousPr0).fmf I see 20 teams in France Ligue1. But actually there are only 18 teams in real life. https://www.ligue1.com/ranking
  10. Alejandro Garnacho has choosen Argentina as his country. Did this patch contain that change?
  11. I'm a united fan and I definitely like it... I was just curious about what facts you depend on to adjust it.
  12. I'd like to let AMC close to AMR to make the space for IW. This is my tactic and I think the IW get quiet good stat.
  13. cheers man... When will the July pack release?
  14. Thanks for you pack. But what I found in this thread is only april and june pack. And I can see nothing between AFR401 - AFR795. Did I miss something?
  15. This is really nice. But how to fix the overlapping tabs in the top left position?
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