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Everything posted by giggsxbr

  1. anyone knows how to filter/export the newgen staff list so I can use the newgan manager to generate the xml for them? Thanks in advance...
  2. Hi, how to use the newgan-manager to apply the staff pic to the newgen staffs?
  3. I‘ve solved the original problem, but I have new one: How to decrease the size of this font up right(The date)? Because in Chinese it looks bad... Can you take a look? Thank you guys. @bluestillidie00 @snowofman By the way, I've import all the fontxml files in the txt file for your information. 1.txt
  4. I search the key word 'searchbar' and 'titlebar' in my skin folders, but no xml is found... How can I get the exact xml file? Or should I extract the fmf files in the game folder?
  5. Hi guys, I made my own fonts and put it in the skin folder. However, the name of some players doesn't show properly. So is it possible that I can make the NAMES on the default font while other text on my own font? Thanks in advance...
  6. After loading those files, I find something wired. In the tactic screen, I made my own view, adjust the column size, and save the view. Just like the pic below. But in the next match, the column size is not the same as I set before. Why is that? Thank you!
  7. In the "English Premier League v0.9b" skin, add minute is missing near the score board. Every time after I reload the skin, it will show. But in next match, even next half, it will disappear again. Can you help me on that? Thank you!! The "Sky Sports Premier League" doesn't have this issue. I checked the match score area panel.xml in both skins and found some code. The "English Premier League" verison, these code are in the AWAY TEAM container, as below. <container> <attachment_group class="vertical_arrange" vertical_alignment="top,extend" /> <container height="95" /> <container id="MijC" class="main_box_no_margin" appearance="tcs/matchday/epl/added" > <attachment_group class="horizontal_arrange_autosize" vertical_inset="0,2,4,0"/> <widget class="text" id="Mijt" auto_size="horizontal" font="matchb" alignment="centre" colour="black" size="15" usMT="true"/> </container> </container> In the "Sky Sports Premier League" version, the add pic is in a differen position, and the xml code is as below <!-- ADDED TIME BG --> <container class="main_box_no_margin" appearance="tcs/matchday/skyepl/added" id="MijC" > <attachment_group class="vertical_arrange" vertical_alignment="bottom" vertical_inset="0,0,8,0"/> <widget class="text" id="Mijt" size="12" colour="addedtime" hidden="true" alignment="left" auto_size="vertical" > <integer id="alSM" value="1" /> </widget> </container>
  8. Hi, thanks for your reply. But now I have another issue, the addition minutes is not shown in the non-UK broadcast version. When I change BBC it's ok. What should I do to solve it? Thank you!
  9. fantastic!!! Is there any chance to decrease the height of the three buttons top right just like the origin skin?
  10. Yes, I rarely change it. My main concern is not the away game against big teams, I didn't expect good result againts them. My concern is goal number for the whole team and the bad statistics for IW/IF
  11. @The3points @Overmars @Cloud9 Thank you guys. I'll give it a try by making bissaka/dalot a fb(s)
  12. In my tactic, I'd like to 1、use a winger and a if/iw 2、no iwb 3、let my if/iw get good statistics But it doesn't work. Is there something wrong with my tactic or that my player aren't good enough? How do I adjust my tactic?
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