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Everything posted by latrell

  1. latrell


    am i asking to much to have this in the game
  2. i found what my problem was it was the china update i went back to the previous database when loading up my leagues now i do not have any crash dumps, any idea why that update would be causing the crash dumps.
  3. Looking for a violent attacking tactic i want my strikers hitting the ball as hard as stoichkov i want nothing fancy just A to B to goal can anyone recommend anything.
  4. i like to go on holiday between a big gap between the next fixture but every time i do my game crash dumps my drivers are all up to date, i do have a lot of extra files and graphics added but this has never affected my game in the past
  5. i would like to see xavi'snew Barcelona system everyone is talking about the magic box is there any plans for this.
  6. This has made me delete my whole tactics folder fantastic thread love it
  7. Really big thank you i started this thread not long after release of the game i had kind of lost hope that someone with the knowledge would do it i am over the moon with this.
  8. could you share it please
  9. fantastic what a nice surprise i just got back of holiday to find this notification thanks mate.
  10. i have had this with a few of my custom files try changing the 79 number to 80. makes no sense to me but it has worked.
  11. for sure i plan on adventuring everywhere and learning about everything to do with the country and league i am playing in its a big footballing world out there i have downloaded a league mega pack so it gonna be fun deciding where to go first.
  12. just sick of the big money in the game European football just does not feel fun for me personally anymore so i just want to invest my time learning about new footballing cultures, i feel football in England and Europe has become a vehicle for much sinister things.
  13. Gary Lineker has tipped me over the edge tbh just had enough of it all sick of politics effecting football i could just go on and on.
  14. i am done with European football and managing any club in Europe in fact i will go as far to say i will never for the rest of my life manage in Europe again. i will be exploring everywhere in the world staring with Africa and in my journey if i can help it i will never do business with Europe again no selling players to them and if the board force me i will resign and move on.
  15. Hi oche balboa what does your file do
  16. ahhh damm i thought that might be the case ill give it a go though thanks mate.
  17. i am looking for Russian football clubs to play in the AFC specifically.
  18. can you share this file please.
  19. i understand maybe in the future it maybe easier to do when the Russia ban is over, until then ill hope some hardcore Russian football fan joins the forum with the same idea as i have but with the time to make it happen
  20. Thanks rusty ill have a look was hoping since its been a couple of months someone might of made it but there does not seem the interest in it for it to happen.
  21. Has anyone made any breakthroughs with doing this.
  22. love it can you take there stadium of them the cheating scum
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