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Everything posted by latrell

  1. The wide playmaker duty really intrigues me and i must agree that is how i see the Great Rivelino role but getting that role to work in fm i have found very difficult. @crusadertsarwhat do you think about this also great work you always make me fall in love with fm with your threads thank you.
  2. is it possible in the editor just to delete a whole competition eg just deleting the Asian champions league and making my own
  3. the task seems way to huge for my limited editor skills ive only just mastered making my own cups. is there any step by step guides on how i could do this where every detail is explained.
  4. How would i go about moving Russia to the Asian federation so there teams could compete in the Asian champions league.
  5. You must have some laptop 15mins that is incredible whats your laptop my pc takes a hour to holiday a season and i thought i had a good pc lol
  6. i can not find the menu where you see what rank your team is ranked in Europe and what rank your league is in Europe.
  7. i see what you mean my time was not spent on one save i must of used easy about 200 teams during fm22
  8. Fm is the only game i play so thats a big reason why my hours are so big, where does it tell you the addictiveness level on steam
  9. i think i am playing to much fm 3.076.3 hours 125 days
  10. HI everyone just wondering how long you guys spent playing fm22 in your steam hours count would like to know if i may need to see a doctor or if i am normal
  11. i can not find the pre game editor either ? when you say restart steam do you just mean exit it and open it again.
  12. i was hoping they would allow for some creative modding with this new feature such a shame
  13. just downloaded the game and every time i go to load up a league the game just turns off ?
  14. OPZ i hope your working on something i will not buy the game till i see you have your skin out
  15. i am glad its the same as fm22 i really enjoyed it tbh i do not want a complete new game every year just a nice polish and a update does me fine most the time some of the silly pointless features are of no value for me just give me a game that is open so i can mod the hell out it every year cheers.
  16. Hi knap im after a flat 4141 bielsa style tactic you have anything like that in the old treasure chest.
  17. i am trying to find in a custom skin i downloaded the trophy display panel so i can delete the file so i could use my own trophies.
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