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Everything posted by latrell

  1. Hi Dave i never knew you was on this forum i have pretty much all your leagues downloaded i have had one hell of a time with all of them makes the game and my fm world seem so much bigger please keep up your good work, oh do you have any plans to do North America Thanks Latrell.
  2. Just found out my issue the guy who posted them on sortitousi has sized them wrong i asked in the 3d thread over there i have been pulling my hair out all evening lol
  3. Had a look at the video but because the Dutch kits are almost hard coded when i try to load my kits it does not work its like there conflicting each other if you no what i mean.
  4. Thanks for your help very much appreciated.
  5. still got a problem i have found them i have my own 3d kit what do i need to do to replace the fm ones in the archiver if i extract it and make the change how do i then put the file back.
  6. i found it now cheers mate
  7. they are not there i can not find them
  8. maybe I'm just getting just getting impatient in my old age i would like it a little quicker.
  9. i like watching the games but key highlights just seem to be taking way to long it feels like it takes ten minutes to play each game i feel in previous FM's it was much faster.
  10. is it possible to transfer the Bundesliga scoreboard and the whole match day experience to the Austria Bundesliga as well.
  11. how can i delate the Dutch 3d kits does anyone know where the file is located.
  12. Indeed i think i will wait till the end of the season before risking upsetting the other players and see if he is worth it.
  13. thanks for the tips i am going to give it a try never thought of doing the bonus route as i did not think that would work, i really do not want to ask the board as i want him to be in line with other top earners my worry is if the board agrees every man is gonna come to me wanting big wages.
  14. I need a few tips on how i can get a player to lower there wage demands for eg i have Trincao on loan but he earns 130k a week at Barcelona i have a option to buy he wants to join but wants 170k way out of my clubs pay structure i know in real life he would join and lower his demands but how can i do this in fm.
  15. i had a similar set up to Charlie only with figo been a winger or wide playmaker this was a great team to watch i remember them destroying Man U.
  16. what roles would you give each player in this formation in fm
  17. i see the problem now what a mess, well I'm leaving Romanian football i guess
  18. does anyone know why Steaua can not be promoted i just started a save about six games in and noticed this there is no point continuing if i can never be promoted or is it just for one season.
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