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Everything posted by ElJuanvito

  1. This one is with FM25 and further in mind. With the new graphics engine, teams with unlicensed kits will end up looking rather plain in comparison, this could spruce them up.
  2. Hey guys, I need some help here. How do I know when player-specific and/or position-specific instructions are active? Specifically, I'm trying to use position instructions to set up my pressing shape, so how do I make sure they are always active?
  3. The ones I'm currently playing in FM23. As well as a Japanese club, maybe.
  4. I've bought the last three consecutively, so I had already decided 24 was going to be a skip unless some new feature blows me off my feet. The set piece refresh and match authenticity/positional play sound intriguing, I'll wait until they are covered more in depth.
  5. I was just thinking, I wonder if in futfem we will lose players when they get pregnant...
  6. Good to know, thanks. I'm also looking to buy, I'm aiming for something that can handle Cities Skylines 2 without much issue, so I guess that should also run FM25 comfortably.
  7. I'm starting to see top level managers younger than me in real life (Nagelsmann), so I keep my birthday and take a few years off.
  8. New roles - Third Centre-back for fullbacks - Reverse Halfback (the John Stones role) for centrebacks - Some flexibility on how IWBs invert
  9. Full backs tend to be more of a support role than wingbacks. And since you have an IF (s) on that side, you end up with almost no attacking width on the left.
  10. One thing that has worked for me recently in trying to produce artificial transitions: Cautious mentality + 3/4 attacking duties. I think that, with Balanced or higher, defenders try to force things to happen too often.
  11. Hey guys, as far as I've seen, IWBs begin inverting once the ball has been played to a midfielder or forward, they remain as normal fullbacks when the defense has the ball. Is there any way to adjust this?
  12. I'll have to think about it, is save porting enough to get 24 during the mid-cycle sale in order to move my saves 23->24->25? Or treat my current saves as a sort of retirement tour for the current generation.
  13. You know, I have kind of mixed feelings. I never cared that much about the graphics, and I even like that FM can run on a potato. On the other hand, I was already thinking of upgrading my hardware to run Cities Skylines 2. Still, I'm looking forward to any new announcements, and I'm excited that futfem is finally coming. Being able to port saves between versions is a big deal! I wonder if 23 > 25 ports will be possible, probably not but I'll still hope.
  14. I've bought 21, 22 and 23; so I've pledged myself to not buy 24. Unless it brings back Touch on PC and allows addon leagues on it, or something.
  15. Just one per game? You're getting lucky. I feel this has increased a lot since the latest update.
  16. I really like it. It needs a couple of tweaks, though. - January matches will screw teams in calendar year leagues (or leagues with long winter breaks). - If there are still going to be January matches, you need to be able to register transfer before each match, and not just after the window closes.
  17. Just as a topic for conversation. I usually plan for 21/22 first team players, and use the reserves and youth teams to fill in when needed.
  18. Tap up one of your key players before a big match, that actually sounds realistic.
  19. FootballManagerBI in the data hub would be amazing, that's exactly what I was thinking of.
  20. A big request for the upcoming update: UEFA registration windows in January before the 31st. This is gonna be my second season in a row in which my squad is dismantled in the winter transfer window without me being able to register their replacements.
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