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Everything posted by Mitza

  1. I'm incredibly dissappointed to find that after the disaster that was in FM23, the youth player development has not improved in the slightest. And i'm not talking about the AI rotating bug. It's a big issue starting with the youth teams, way before a player is good enough for the first team. I can't be the only one noticing that youth players are constantly dropping attributes. I find that most of my youth players get stuck in the same limbo of dropping attributes every few months since they come from the youth intake, with the occasional upward arrows, but never actually improving. So they end up at 20-21 years old with the same attributes they started at 16, some times even worse. State of the art coaches and facilities don't matter that much. Unless a player has a really good personality of course, then those ones do improve. I've been managing Malaga and got them to the first division on back to back promotions. My first intake was an excellent intake, with loads of 5 star potentials. Second intake was a golden generation. Third intake also an excellent intake. 3 years in, barely any improvements to any of the high potential players, just attribute drops. Looking at the progress->since all time graphs, some players dropped a whole point or two in technicals. Apart from one player who i started almost every game, no improvements to any of the rest. I thought it was a matter of star to squad relativity, so the golden generation wasn't actually that high potenital, just decent in comparison to my squad. I since then moved away to Brighton, and three years later I decided to check in on them. Thankfully I had the ingame editor this time so I started to check my excellent and golden generation intake players. Only to find that none of these players improved in any attribute, literally the same I left them 3 years ago. Players are now around 20-21 year olds, so I decided to use the ingame editor to check on the intakes, and boy was I wrong around the relativity to squad. 177 PA, 81 CA. 156 PA, 90 CA. 166 PA, 84 CA. 154 PA, 102 CA rotting in Real Madrid's Castilla. And so on. Loads of players with world class potential, stuck to 3rd division levels already past youth ages. The players with 130 PA ranges left for 3rd or 4th division clubs, with no chance of any improvement there. Looking around the world, some of the top youth prospects are stuck with no improvements 5 years later. Estevao 'Messinho' stuck at 120 CA, playing for Palmerias reserves. Players like Filippi, Luis Guilherme and Ribeiro, all with 160+ PA and 20+ apps per season, stuck in ~115 CA with no signs of improvement being past 23 y/o already. Now look, I know not every player with high potential is supposed to make it. I know PA is somewhat hidden and doesn't tell the whole story. I know there are more factors to development. But all signs point that there are flaws in player development that haven't been there post FM23. Players have constantly called it out in the bugs section and better player development was advertised as a feature for FM24, yet it somehow became worse. I don't think an entire golden generation collective of 3 intakes is supposed to be stuck around the same ability level as when they joined 4-5 years ago, which is 3rd division level at best, when their potential is world class. It's not a case of big potential player who never fulfiled it stories, since they haven't developed to the point to be good enough for cup sub appearances.
  2. I've got to say, the Inverted Full-Back has been a wonderful addition this year. It's done wonders to my tactics, especially as an underdog team
  3. Just as the title says - Pep resigned from Manchester City, then I kept checking for some time where he went but he just stayed unemployed - Now I found he retired very early in his career. It seems like a bug more than a feature.
  4. I just signed Zabarnyi for 58 mil and it says I've broken the fee for most expensive Ukrainian player, previous being a 22 mil transfer. That means that Mudryk's fee is not being taken into account here.
  5. I'm losing my mind over this, I hope to God it gets fixed next patch
  6. I was just checking some freshly retired players and their little history preview at the bottom left shows as blank. I attached the full history page as well.
  7. Spanish release clauses being stuck 10 years in the past so any decent player gets poached for 30 mil from outside the league and players with 1 bil IRL clauses get their contracts renewed to 150 mil clauses so PL teams can pick them more easily
  8. Is there any way to fix the avg rating column going back off screen before every match?
  9. I was just wondering - Would Saudi clubs pay more for specifically Saudi players? Are there homegrown rules in the Saudi League? I'm thinking, if I'm poaching half decent Saudi youth players and grow them a bit, would Saudi clubs pay extra to fill their quotas? Or does the AI ignore that sort of stuff
  10. Apologies if I'm wrong but what i've noticed is that the filters ARE actually working, the problem is that sometimes when adding a new filter it sets it automaticall on [OR] instead of [AND] at the beginning. So you would add Filter 1 - Position - CB and you want to add Filter 2 - Age - Maximum 21 years old It adds the second filter on OR for some reason, so you will be shown all players for Position - CB AND all players up to 21 years old, basically the twofilters acting independently
  11. For those adding new custom players in this edition - How does the bug with the regens taking real player ID's affect the custom players? I want to start working on my fantasy league for this edition but I'm scared it will be for nothing if there's a bug meddling with player IDs. I don't want to manually re-config the faces to the IDs again
  12. Is it possible to disband a C team (in Spain)? I know it's possible to form them, but can I remove it? The B team is enough trouble, the C team brings nothing valuable to me
  13. Thankfully I checked just in time and have a save before the change. You can see in the screenshots at the different dates when my staff responsabilities just reset for no reason.
  14. I have set all the staff responsabilities around staff and contracts to myself, yet every season the AI keeps renewing the contract of my C team manager. Last season, after the season reset, all the staff responsabilities reset as well but after the contract was renegotiated. I think, but can't confirm, that this only happens to the C team and not the B team since the B team's manager's contract is still expiring soon and hasn't been renewed.
  15. Here's a very underrated feature of FM24, staff attribute changes. For someone who is obssessed with improving staff and developing managers, this is great.
  16. Just checked the Golden Boy awards and Gavi is missing as the 2022 winner.
  17. It seems to me so far that morale snowball from good form has been toned down? I am top of my league in 3rd division with a 10 point advantage in April, and have gone 10 games unbeaten. Yet my players' morale is on yellowish-green, not excellent as previous FMs Could somebody else confirm this from their saves?
  18. Is it just me or have rival nations been removed from the nations screen? Why the change? I used that a lot to navigate between similar nations
  19. I think it's pretty self explainatory? Imagine checking a club's transfer history tab and it doesn't show anything. Now change that to staff and that's the problem. And no, it's not an imported save. Although I checked on imported 10 year + saves and a fresh clean FM24 save. Staff just don't show in transfer history but they do when you check a league's staff movements. Bug thread
  20. Transfer History -> Staff is broken and doesn't show anything, for any season, for any club. So you can't see any team's staff movement.
  21. I also checked with a FM23 save (10+ years in) and the staff history tab is blank for every team in every season. I didn't mind the rest of the bugs as much but this is really making me think of refunding.
  22. I just found out that Transfer History - Staff is broken and my whole day got ruined. For someone who checks staff movement very often this is a game breaker
  23. The transfer history-staff tab doesn't work, it just shows a blank state. I checked the league transfer history and it works just fine. This happens for both human and AI controlled teams. Attached my team (Malaga) and AI team (Cordoba)
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