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Everything posted by Mitza

  1. If you're talking about the attribute development bug, yes it was fixed
  2. I am so sick of the clauses that are hard coded in whenever you sign youngsters, like: Base salary: 500k per year Salary after 10 games: 1.2 mil per year Salary after 20 games: 2 mil per year It's ridiculous, I'm signing a 4th choice CB that happens to be 20 and he's asking for 5 mil per year salary, with 9 mil salary after 20 games PLUS 10% yearly increase, and it's almost impossible to negotiate those down without increasing the base wage. That's almost 100% up in 20 games, which you can easily achieve in a season in a top league. Negotiations break down, he signs for another club for 2.3 mil a year and none of the other clauses in.
  3. I usually start a save and play for 10+ seasons before I get bored of it and start a new one. Then in the new one I realise I don't enjoy it as much as the first one and I go back and continue that.
  4. Liverpool got some interesting priorities on the day of our UCL Final match
  5. I played the same Real Madrid - Barcelona 6 times, where I'm Barcelona, and EVERY.SINGLE.MATCH they score in the first 10 minutes and the next goal by min 20. Then they win the match by at least 3 goals. I tried different tactics, mentalities, formations, players, changed morale to perfect through the in-game editor, and the exact same thing happens over and over. I won the previous 2 games against them 3-0 and 3-1, yet this one feels like it's scripted.
  6. You basically need a combination of high reputation clubs high reputation leagues players of high reputation in the squads continental football
  7. I still can't believe that 3(or more?) years later, they still haven't fixed the bug where the players you sign at the beginning of July count as last year's transfers, and part of the last year's total spending.
  8. I get that some of you are frustrated, but you really have no idea what you're talking about when it comes to the code of a game
  9. He's at Bristol City in game, but he should be at Liverpool Source
  10. The issue isn't the fact that the top academies don't produce world class players, or that some players never reach their potential. The BIGGEST issue is that the game only produces a certain amount of world class players, and with FM23's heavily-toned-down youth development in FM23, plus the AI inability to play these young players, means that in longer-term saves, there is a heavy lack of world class players in time. Just as many people pointed out already, if you look at top team's squads in longer term saves, you'll see the same familiar names, just a lot older. Teams stick with real-life world class players forever, with no world class young regens in sight. So if you do an experiment and search for 170+ CA players at the start of the game, then try the same search in 12 years, you'll see a pretty big difference. And plenty of times in long-term saves, I searched for 180+ PA regens, to find half of them stuck at 120CA due to lack of development.
  11. I knew AI youth development and rotating was bad, but not THIS bad. I just realised after it happened to me the second time, in a different league. First, I was managing Club Arenas from the 4th division of Spain, and had the luck to play Barcelona in the cup. I knew it was going to be hard, but I realised they literally fielded their best XI possible. Against a 4th division club. I checked their schedule and it was packed, our match was midweek, in between two La Liga games. Now I managed another low division club, with my best player at around 110 CA, and same thing, got a cup game against the top division winner who is playing in the UCL. Same thing, they field their best XI possible, not even rotating their keeper. They played PSG just 5 days before. No wonder everyone is complaining that the AI is stuck at playing the same old players until they retire with 0 regards to the youth players, when even Barcelona vs a 4th division club doesn't play any youngsters.
  12. As a FM veteran, one of the things I focus most on is staff development. I know this isn't the average's player cup of tea, but I have very strong feelings about this part of the game. Every save, I like to scout the retired players for promising staff members and fill up my U19s and Reserves with young staff, and have them take coaching badges until teams poach them as managers, or they rise up the ranks to my first team. Basically what some teams do in real life (See how Barcelona brings staff up from La Masia to U19s, B team, etc). It's actually a very fun experience, to take a retiring mid-table player and see them become a 5 star coach in a few years. My biggest gripe with this is that unfortunately, the stat system and especially PA for staff is completely arbitrary. What I mean by that, is that, once a player becomes staff, their PA is not based on anything. That means, that so many times in the past, I found a very promising young coach (some attributes over 15, which is very rare), and up to Continental PRO and they stats stay the same. Or finding some very popular players have their staff stats available, seeing some very exciting attributes as managers, but checking their PA it shows that it's actually very low. Which brings me to my next point The dreaded 135 Since discovering this, I've been forced to use the in-game editor to see what is going on and why these staff members completely stop developing at one point. Every time I see a promising retired player, I check their CA/PA using the in-game editor, and most of the time I notice the same thing - The 135 PA. It seems that it is hard-coded in that a big chunk of retired players/new staff members get locked at 135 PA for whatever reason, regardless of their current CA. I encourage you to try it yourself if you have the in-game editor and you're 3 years into the save, go to staff search, check 'Potential Ability', try it with 135 PA first and then try 136 and see how many results you get. "But promising attributes doesn't mean they should have high PA" Yes, you could say tha- actually, could you? Whilst this may apply to players, which is completely fair, this shouldn't apply to staff, for multiple reasons: 1. You can't scout a staff member and see it's PA stars. It's not the same with players, where the player is crap but your scout tells you he'll be world class. There is completely 0 ways to tell if a staff member could have 200 PA, unless they have very high stats at a very young age. 2. With the current system in place, a staff member could have 2 judging CA/PA and 3 tactical knowledge with an overall of 15 CA, yet their PA could be 200. But an AI club, an IRL club, or yourself, would never sign that staff member because of point 1 and because they would not help the coaching team at all, with much better options available. 3. "But those high PA staff members, even with very low CA, could grow into thier PA and become world class coaches/managers/etc" - unforunately NO, because the game deletes them after a just a few seasons of being unemployed. I attached the relevant post for this discussion as well. Should staff CA/PA be completely arbitrary in the first place? This has been discussed in the past and maybe even changed in FM but it's worth mentioning. Although I am mostly referring to coaches, assistant managers, GK coaches and upcoming managers, the normal managers should be part of the discussion too. Whilst there are world class managers and coaches who started from nothing (Mourinho), I think we can agree that most top league managers are former players. Even more, in the smaller league (Romania for example) it would be crazy for a club to hire a manager who isn't a former player. Moreso, in recent history, we've seen that former BIG players are even more likely to manage big teams quickly: Xavi, Arteta, Zidane, Pirlo, Xabi Alonso, Ruben Amorim, Henry, Kompany. This would never happen in FM, as the big clubs carousel through the exact same group of managers every couple of years, until all of them retire and they move to pick the highest reputation managers, regardless of stats. Even if it were to happen, it would be impossible, as 99% of the big players that retire in-game have stats good enough for the 5th division. In conclusion, it's depressing to play the staff game when you have no idea if a coach is going to be locked at 135 PA or not, and any player you have actually heard of before has 1 CA/PA
  13. Frenkie should have 21 as his preffered number
  14. I agree, I just checked in 2031 for the top 30 CM's in the world and they are all existing players, all over 30. There is a big, big gap until all existing players retire
  15. In what world is this not offside? (pass to no 19 at this exact frame)
  16. We're back to complaining about being FM'd? It just happens some times guys, just take the L or change your tactics.
  17. Jumping in to say that I've got the exact same issue. And it just happens that my club is also Arenas Club de Getxo. May be worth mentioning that I created my B team after promotion in the 3rd league, so it wasn't there in the first place. I uploaded my saved called Ekaitz Elizalde - Arenas Club.fm Try renewing any player in the B team and you will see it
  18. AI Manager complaining that I'm playing my loanee Goalkeeper.. as a Goalkeeper? I get that it's probably the fact that i'm playing him as a Sweeper Keeper, but that's absolutely ridiculous. IT'S THE 4TH DIVISION OF SPAIN, you're telling me he's watching my every match to check if my keeper is playing 2 meters higher up the pitch?
  19. Sure, file is called Untebarra - Usu.fm
  20. This has been a bug for a very long time, but I'm not sure if anyone has posted it. I see it happen in my longer term saves, every edition of FM. Basically, the Golden Boy award, which is based on player rating, will get tricked by a very poor player's ratings in the B/C/Reserves team (Spain) that gets promoted to or appears for the first team some time before the award is given. Another situation is when a very poor player that has a really good rating in a bad league outside Europe (e.g. 8.00 in an African league) gets transfered by a European team some time before the award and makes an appeareance for them. What I think happens is that the game takes that 1 appearance and averages it with the good ratings from the B team/weak league and considers the average as a really good performance for the award, so they win it by a large margin. I attached an example of this year's award.
  21. This is a known bug, and has been raised before multiple times. I just want to know how in the world this hasn't been fixed for three editions in a row? It's ridiculous that such a simple error has been here for three years. Just to refresh people's memory, players signed in the first few days of the Summer transfer window, so around July, they will show up as transfers in the previous year rather than this year. So you could make 5 signings on the 1st of July for 2023/2023 yet your history will show that you signed no-one and all 5 signings will be in the previous year's history. This messes up a lot the budget in/budget out per season because it mixes up two years.
  22. Hey sorry I was away for the holidays The file name I uploaded is called Untebarra - Usu.fm
  23. My player keeps gaining random moves from mentoring every other month or so. At the moment he has 11 preferred moves, which I've never seen before. I'm not sure if this is a bug but it looks like one to me, since I know these moves get capped at one point and it's definitely not 11.
  24. I still can't get over how dissappointed I am with the recent update. I was actually thinking that the ME it's the best it's ever been, and I could finally see a tactic with two IFs/IWs work and those playing like they do in real life. Now it's like everything reverted and IFs/IWs are just bad wingers like in previous FMs. Even AI controlled big teams struggle with less than 10 goals per season for their IFs/IWs and Mbappe/Salah/Haaland with less than 20 goals per season. It's depressing.
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