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Everything posted by davehanson

  1. I wasn't trying to put words into your mouth - I am trying to understand this because it is bugging the hell out of me. Sorry, didn't mean to offend. My usual playstyle if I am a fairly decent team is shorter passing, a little wider width, counter press, higher line. If I play a 'better' team and I want to defend a little deeper, so drop the line to normal, go a little narrower - drop that to standard width and counter attack as I expect them to have most of the ball but feel my strikers can do some damage on the counter, then I inevitably end up getting mauled. I am usually better sticking with my standard playstyle and hoping I can beat them that way. I would say my changes are only a few tweaks - not going from one extreme to the other, yet it just doesn't work without that familiarity being top notch, so am wondering where the differences are that you find.
  2. Right, so you usually play narrow, counter and through the middle? So you are not adapting to the way that they play then, it just happened that your system that you usually play nullifies theirs and exploits their weakness's?
  3. I guess the same question as I have just asked themadsheep2001. You are right, tactical familiarity is massive, but you can change to 2 DM's and win the game. How?
  4. How are you doing that though? What I mean is, you are setting up there to specifically play Liverpool. You know they are going to play high and wide so you stay narrow and counter with focusing play through the middle. With only 3 training slots for tactics - which take quite a while to learn so your players are competent, how do you win that game even playing the 'correct' way? It's just it never happens with me. I alter tactics depending on who I am, who I am playing, whether home or away, but if I try to deviate too far from my base 3 tactics then I am knackered - will just get beaten easily. I am (only) guessing you don't play the way you do against Liverpool most of the season, so I guess I am asking what are you doing to get your players familiar with that way of playing?
  5. For me the 86 final between Argentina and W Germany is still better.
  6. Not a penalty for me, Di Maria tripped himself up. However, stupid of Dembele, once he is done just don't run directly behind Di Maria, was it not obvious to everyone what he was going to do?
  7. @knap, sorry, but I am not really sure how to use the googledocs to sort through what I want. What tactic would you recommend for a top team - I'm thinking Bayern/Real/City/Liverpool/PSG etc - doesn't matter what formation etc.
  8. Anyone else experiencing a jerky match screen? I am okay everywhere else, but during the actual match screen - in any type of 3D, it just looks very jerky. Doesn't bother me too much as I play the actual match in 2D, but I do use 3D for replays and they are terrible at the moment.
  9. Becasue the offside law is just a ****ing mess. He was stood in an offside position, but wasn't 'active because the ball didn't go directly to him. When the ball was cut back he was then onside.
  10. Yep, but to be fair so were 8 or 9 others. If we went off that game alone, none of them would be playing tonight
  11. Not instead, but Saka was good against Iran. Front 4 of Rashford, Foden, Saka and Kane - but Southgate won't play that way.
  12. Game over. Floodgates always gonna open once the first went in. Is it too early to all laugh at Wales?
  13. How on earth do you figure that? I DON'T CARE. You bought the game from them, it worked, you are playing. I'm glad and happy for you. Why do I honestly care where you got the game from? I was, at the time, simply trying to warn someone that they won't get the Beta. i was obviously wrong on that, but doesn't change the fact that it was never intended by SI for CDKeys to be allowed to offer the Beta. Indeed, you or someone else - can't see who now, said they have ordered from CDKeys for many years and always got the Beta. Various articles on Reddit state otherwise - some people not getting it. From SI themselves:: Hence, CDKeys are not approved. I would rather take the words from the develpoer themselves than from a newspaper. And some important info you seemed to have missed: So, dodgy as in not 100% above board. Look, I have used them before and will continue no doubt to use them again. But, I am aware of the risks. I certainly don't go thinking 'they are allowed to trade in the UK so they must be okay', because, yeah - no dodgy company has ever been allowed to trade in the UK has it? So, lets leave it now eh? You have the game, I have the game, everfyone who got it is happy.
  14. Again, not how it works. I am not hurt, you are more than a little condesending there, and I too have used CDKeys plenty of times. But 'buying in bulk' isn't what they do. They are resellers that do not work with the publisher directly. The 'keys' generally come from regions that are priced the lowest. So these resellers will buy keys from say Argentina as game prices there on Steam are very low. They will tehn resell these at a higher cost in higher value countries. I care not if people have got the Beta or not, certainly not hurt, it is up to individuals where they buy the game from - but, as you have proved by your comments about buying in bulk, people have no idea where or how these keys were obtained and if at any point they are proved to be falsely used or obtained it is only going to be the end user who has the game, and likely their steam account, removed from them.
  15. Jesus IQ's are low around here today. You should not get the Beta with CDKeys. Because they are acting ilegally isn't me lying is it? And I am not going to keep going over it, enjoy the game.
  16. I am not wrong. Please try to comprehend what I said. CDKeys are NOT on the approved seller list for FM23 from SI. Therefore, they should not be able to include the Beta with the purchase. Just because they are doing so doesn't mean they are allowed to. It is good for you, and others I guess, that they are doing it - but again, just because they are doing it doesn't make it 'right' that they are able to do so.
  17. From SI. They are not on the approved list, so you should not get it. I ordered from them a few years back and didn’t get it. If you do then great, but it shouldn’t be possible. They are a dodgy key reselling site, and before you or anyone slates that comment, I use them but am aware the risks involved with using them - they are not 100% legit Wheras I ordered from someone on SI’s approved list and can’t get the Beta - so go figure! Not sure that approved list is worth anything to be fair
  18. Had the same issue with Amazon. Pre-ordered and no key. On the chat with them they said it is up to sega/SI to release the key. I think they are talking rubbish, but they won’t give me a key until 9th November
  19. Yeah, might be different, but there is a post on reddit where someone bought FM22 and didn't get it.
  20. You haven't got it in any of the previous years - I know I bought it from them maybe 5 or 6 years ago and didn't get it. If you can buy it from anywhere and get the Beta then there would be no point in having an approved Beta list.
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