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Everything posted by davehanson

  1. So, why not say last couple of days of the month? I swear this is literally the only game that invites pre-orders and 1 month (more or less) from the game being available to play we still don't know what, if any, differences there are from the previous version.
  2. Last 10 days of September and still no features announced, unless I have missed something?
  3. How did I overly criticise the game?? No, it doesn’t give any ‘grumbles’ any more credit. It doesn’t matter if you have played the last 2 versions or the last 22, if you have a legitimate concern about the game then it is as valid as anyone else’s. However, the topic is whether you will buy FM23. So, as I did, to give some back story of your previous buying habits of the game, as I did, is useful information to give.
  4. Not my comment that you were replying to, but it isn't an opinion at all. SI specifically state that you need to start a new game to see some of the improvements they have made with certain patches or to see some of the bugs fixed. The opinion is yours in that the game is fully playable and enjoyable from day 1 all the way through. As it is someones else's opinion that it isn't. But, that wasn't the original point - the point was that to see some of these bug fixes and improvements a new game must be started - and as I said - that is a fact. And, no I won't be buying FM23 at release. Like others here, I have played CM since day 1 on the Amiga. This year with FM22 was the first time I waited until Christmas to buy. And, to be honest, it has been a disappointment in many areas. This year I will wait until after Christmas and decide then.
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