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Everything posted by davehanson

  1. Okay, sorry to break the news to you. You don't get Beta access through CD Keys - you never have done. The game will show in your steam library, because you have bought the product, but you won't get access to the Beta. Sorry.
  2. I have no issue with that and I agree wholeheartedly. However, some person stating that 1.5k isn't much money and every working person should be able to afford it is what I took exception to. And with regards to FIFA/FIFA manager - fair enough. I have not paid much attention to it to be honest. From my own point of view I couldn't give a stuff about graphics. What I mean by that is IMO the graphical representation of the ME in 3D is so bad that I still play on 2D - I would rather my imagination and DOTS do the work than the animation in 3D. Again, just from my point of view, they could make it look like FIFA and I would still use 2D - until they stop supporting that. And it isn't because I can't - I have a really good PC and a laptop, I just prefer the 2D.
  3. Okay, so in the majority of cases it needs to meet the minimum specs or you risk it not launching or crashing left, right and centre during the game. Perhaps should have put it that way.
  4. Yes - £10 per hour minimum wage - so by the time you have taken tax etc off you are taking home exactly £1500 per month. You are advocating someone spend their entire months wages - when they are already on minimum wage - on a laptop? Or, even better, get up to their eyes in debt to fund it? Are you giving the current government financial advice?
  5. I'm not saying if consoles can or can't keep up - I couldn't care less. You used '7-10 years, nah', then tried to 'invent' the PS4 pro as being a new gen console when it wasn't. And, yes you are correct. A £300 laptop will play FM in it's current form perfectly well. You won't play AAA games on it though, and if people want FM to improve graphics then it is doubtful that a £300 laptop would continue to cut it.
  6. Right, but to load the game your PC has to meet minimum requirements or it won't even load - correct? To load FM your PC has to be capable of running the 3D ME regardless of if you use it or you still use 2D. Doesn't matter how 'choppy' the 3D engine would run, just has to be that your machine can run it. Now add in 'another' 3D ME - a much better one with much nicer graphics etc - your 10 year old laptop still has to be capable of running it before the game will load. See. Either that or you are now asking SI to make and sell 2 different FM's with different ME's.
  7. So you think spending 1.5k on a laptop is reasonable then? What about students? What about people on minimum wage - 1.5k is potentially more than a months income to someone. So, no I would not say that is reasonable.
  8. Don't see how it is a crap excuse. Every game out there has 'minimum' requirements. If we are using FIFA as an example, which seems to be the way people want FM to go, a dual core wont run it, so it would rule them out - you are not able to make the graphical settings that wide in any game. And the argument is irrelevant. SI will know exactly what % of their customers are using what hardware. They obviously know that by improving graphics they would potentially loose a lot of players so have decided not to do it.
  9. What do you class as not much money to spend on a really good gaming laptop that can handle AAA games?
  10. PS4 to PS4 Pro is not a 'generation' it is an update on the machine, nothing more. PS3 release date: November 2006 PS4 release date: November 2013 PS5 release date: November 2020 See a pattern? A lot of people who got new hardware to work from home won't have bought a top end gaming PC will they?
  11. Which is great if they actually fix it - but they haven't. This isn't a new thing from FM22, this AI making stupidly unrealistic low offers for first team players has been there for as many versions as I can remember. So at this point it does feel like either SI don't want to/can't be bothered to/more important things to - fix it - or, more likely, that it can't be fixed for whatever reason.
  12. There is no DVD this year. You can still buy a boxed version. Apparently it is something to do with wanting less waste packaging etc,
  13. Again, you are making assumptions. I buy, or did buy, FM to mainly play club football. However, I would love to play international football but have not done so for years as there is so much missing - ie training. And yes the women's game will have the same core game play. But does that mean they are not throwing resources at it? Animations, player data etc. So, it isn't a bad argument at all - they could use those resources to improve the International management side of the game, but they have chosen not to. I am not blaming them for that btw, I personally (as I have said) have no interest in the Women's game but I am sure there will be thousands out there that will.
  14. Are they? I will check to see how many injuries Modric has had at nearly 40 years of age later. I agree they are in the red every single game. Again, it doesn't make a blind bit of difference to their performance on the pitch - they still run as far and as fast as at the start of the game. Injuries I will check but I don't recall him having anymore than any other player.
  15. No it isn't. It is there to build team and tactical cohesion too. A quite important part of International management.
  16. You can't possibly know how many people want International management to be improved. You are basing it from your own opinions and passing it off as fact. It's like me saying they shouldn't bother with womens football. I won't play it, but I am sure there will be plenty of people out there who will and will attract probably quite a few women to play the game.
  17. I have not managed International Football for years - do you get training when the players meet up in FM as they do IRL?
  18. I have had players with a lot less than 12 stamina get to full time - again another point. You can have a full team on low fitness by the end of the game, I have never seen it make any difference at all. Luka Modric for example - again Real Madrid, don't have to sub him at 60 or 75 mins. It makes no difference if I leave him on for the entire game. Why do you feel you need to sub players on 60 or 75 mins?
  19. I have used plenty of teams in different leagues. Gegenpress dominates them all, if you use it. It isn't the fact that it is a decent tactic to use - it is the fact it is overpowered, as I said plug it into the current, for example, Leicester squad you would be looking at CL places as a minimum. There is very little effect to using gegenpress for an entire 90mins - teams don't play that way in real life. We were told that would not be allowed to happen this year, you wouldn't be able to plug and play gegenpress for an entire 90mins every game. Yet you can.
  20. Is it? Real don't use high intensity pressing yet won the CL. Talking about the Premier league then yes it is. However, using a gegenpress on FM can make a very average squad into title contenders - this doesn't happen in real life. It is still far too overpowered.
  21. I'm doubtful, but will give the demo a go. They said this year that gegenpress would be nerfed or not so overpowered. That didn't work out well so I have almost no hope at all that the 'changes' to defensive play will make any difference.
  22. Level up, yes. Levelling up - no. Subtle yet significant difference.
  23. Whatever way you want to say it, it is a very poor choice of word in the current circumstances, no matter how it 'originally' was used. There were plenty of other words and phrases used many years ago that were acceptable back then but that most people have a completley different perception of now. Lets be honest, most people will take the term 'levelling up' to be used by the Tories no matter how it was originally intended to be used.
  24. So, why not say last couple of days of the month? I swear this is literally the only game that invites pre-orders and 1 month (more or less) from the game being available to play we still don't know what, if any, differences there are from the previous version.
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