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Posts posted by PAFC_Dugout

  1. Hi  @knap , sorry I know you get a lot of requests/questions but is there any chance you could look at this and see if anything needs tweaking to better suit the match engine? This is a tactic of yours I loved from FM20 and worked so well on this years Beta, but is now a little leaky at the back on the current patch (Maybe that's to be expected with a 4-2-4) or are you working on anything similar? preferably with IF/IW? Thanks for your work man :thup:


    Knap Beowulf 4-2-4 (IF).fmf

    Knap 4-2-4.png

  2. 1 minute ago, Muttley84 said:

    Thats a bit weird, even you have any staff at the club one of them should take over and show you CA. Now even more that you hired an Assistant Manager. Two things you could try:
    - Check Staff > Responsabilities to see if you (as the manager) wasn't left with some of the responsabilities since u dindt had an AssMan. 
    - Remove the columns from the squad view and add them again.
    One of those 2 should fix it, I have never encountered this problem before.


    Thanks,  tried these but neither worked

  3. What on earth has happened to the match engine? They did this last year, ruined it even further on each patch. All the nice central play of the beta has completely gone for long balls. I expect this will continue with each patch. Shame. 

    Really disliked FM20 and this is more of the same. and now we also have a poorly implemented Brexit, lots of bugs and a very poor Match UI. Understand its been a difficult year and staff working from home etc, but I think ill be going back to FM19 :thdn:

  4. 1 hour ago, n0rek said:


    Well I can see the long ball in counter attack for my opposition is working very well when playing with HGF105, literally they're getting 1:1 each time, I'm curious is there any remedy for that or is it just a price for offensive football?

    Seems to be the way. I miss the beta, yeah it was a bit easy but match engine now plays for me like FM20 all over again. I have more shots, more possession, higher XG, but opposition are so clinical. Its borderline impossible to keep a clean sheet, Doesn't matter who I'm managing, its same old same old. Shame really

  5. 7 minutes ago, andre62 said:

    the formation 4-4-2 still work on this patch?

    After getting promoted first season with Bristol City I've tweaked the Beowulf 4-4-2 to push the wingers up into a 4-2-4, working really well for me. Sitting in 4th after 10 games and just beat West Ham 5-0. Expected a tough season with a relegation battle as only spent 24m in the summer.  Changed mentality to cautious against last seasons champions Chelsea and won 1-0.

    Very similar to a 4-2-4 Beowulf from FM19 that worked wonders for me


    Knap Beowulf 4-2-4 Tweak .fmf

  6. 28 minutes ago, CM said:

    Started a new save with Brentford, have not reached that date but so far everyone has got work permit for me in summer transfer window, even South American players. Have not seen a message about Brexit though. 

    Doesn't come into play until the 2021 window I think

  7. 6 minutes ago, micky045 said:

    So, I'm just starting my second season with Newcastle and I'm finding it's virtually impossible to sign anyone from abroad who I can actually play!!

    Although I have signed 3 players (Manual Gasparini, Marco Kana and Sergio Gomez), I was unable to secure work permits for them. I signed them thinking I could just loan them out for a season, however, no clubs are interested in any of them. 

    How am I suppose to improve my squad if I can't sign players I can play!??

    Although some may see this as a challenge, I just find it incredibly frustrating! I get Brexit is a real thing, however, there has to to be some give in allow me to at least try and compete. 

    Has anyone figured out any solutions to this problem?


    yeah, either edit data files when the games released on Tuesday through the editor,  or Play Touch mode and get the Remove Work Permits unlockable, or hope its tweaked for full release.

  8. 16 minutes ago, elmastrich said:

    Too Easy??

    Playing with Newcastle. As you can see, won premier league EASILY, hammered some top teams, never touched staff, training, mentoring, shouts, tactic changes pre-match, etc etc etc. Just banged in the Knap Beta tactic!!??!! Team is OK - signed Ugarte, Vavro, Abram, Jedvaj and Santos Borre - not Haaland, Skriniar, Tonali etc.

    Great but realistic?

    FM21 TOON S1.jpg

    FM21 TOON SCHED 1.jpg

    FM21 TOON TACTICS S1.jpg

    Betas always easier than full release

  9. 37 minutes ago, speedstrz said:

    I'm confused... So I just choose the tactic with the highest points total from MrL tests and use it?

    Table should give you a rough idea of what tactics are most successful when tested. Pick a formation you like or one that would fit the team your managing. Any Beowulf 4-4-2 always worked for me with lower league teams if that's where your managing, good place to start :thup:

  10. 24 minutes ago, JordanMillward_1 said:

    There's only one Brexit scenario in FM21, and the changes to squad registration and work permits are based on what the FA is currently planning on implementing in England from the 1st January 2021. You get notified of the impending changes in approx October, and the rules in the league rules sections are updated from 1st January 2021.

    So there's only one set of work permits and rule changes, and baring any major changes IRL, it's likely what will happen IRL too. I imagine, once the FA have formally announced the new rules prior to the January 2021 transfer window, if they're different to the ones in FM, they'd be updated in the Winter Database Update.

    Thanks, looks like ill be sticking to British players then assuming Scottish Welsh and Irish players count into a non foreign quota?

  11. I'm planning on starting a save with a championship team when the full release is out, but a bit worried reading through this thread. Few questions:

    1.) Is there a soft Brexit in this years games similar to FM19 and FM20 where not much changes in regards to work permits?

    2.) How many different variations of Brexit are there and what are they?

    3.) Is it still hardcoded on each save? So I can do a holiday test before I start pumping hours in to find out what sort of work permit rules are set.

    4.) When do you find out about Brexit Rules on a save? is there a certain date on each save?

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