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Zachary Whyte

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Everything posted by Zachary Whyte

  1. As the above Users have mentioned, recent changes to Twitter means we have removed this feature, we apologise for the inconvenience.
  2. Unfortunately you can not add additional Leagues after you have started your save game in FM Console.
  3. Hello, can you please upload your save file and tell us the name of the player you are trying to sign?
  4. Thank you for the save and info, we'll put this under review.
  5. Hi, can we please get your network logs from both the host and client, instructions can be found below: In explorer type %localappdata% and press enter Click on the folder sports interactive Click on the folder [Football Manager title] Click on the folder logs Copy these two logs DISTRIBUTION_EPIC_CHANNEL and MATCHMAKING_EPIC_CHANNEL Add your name to these logs for example “MATCHMAKING_EPIC_CHANNEL john smith” Attach these logs with any network issue along with your save. In addition can we ask, which cross play users you are playing with are having issues? Are you seeing all other lobbies? Have you tried to join another random open lobby? Are you using Wi-Fi, ethernet or using an extended router? Have you installed anything which might have changed firewall settings since its stopped working? (Check your firewall) Have you tried resetting their router? (Factory resetting your router could also be worth trying)
  6. Hi @fasilmarrow I have messaged you directly. Please check your messages.
  7. Hello, can you please upload your save file to us. Also, can we ask, if you have seen this when not using your custom skin?
  8. Hi @stephen17191 Can you please create a new thread and go into more detail about your issue, a screenshot would be helpful, thanks.
  9. Hello, can you please upload your save file showing this, thank you.
  10. Hello @Pjay11 We have tested your save and we were able to join the lobby. We can see there are windows store users in the save, have they perhaps changed their windows store privileges to not allow online play or cross play? We even had a random person being able to join the lobby while we were testing, so the save seems fine. Things to try would be, swapping hosts by sending the save file to your friends. (Their online preferences were fine as well as it was set to open.) Also, have the tried naming the lobby to something else?
  11. Thank you for the save file and screenshots, we will put under review.
  12. Hello @UniqueSZN We believe this issue to now be resolved can you please try again, making sure you have updated the game to the latest version.
  13. Hello, we're unable to reproduce this issue on newer save games. Could we ask if anyone is coming across this issue on a save started after the 29th March?
  14. Hi, we've still been unable to reproduce this issue internally. Can we ask, do you mean the mandatory future fee is added in instalments, or the full amount every month? I.E, if the fee is £10m, are you receiving £10m every month, or £1m for 10 months?
  15. Thank you for raising. We'll put this under review.
  16. Hello, can you please upload your save file to us. Also, can we ask if you are using a custom database?
  17. Thank you for the save. We will put this under review.
  18. Hi, do you have a save file you could send us from just before the game?
  19. Thank you for the screenshot, can you also upload your save file to us.
  20. Hi, the 23.4 database got overwritten. So the 23.4 database includes the China update changes.
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