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Zachary Whyte

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Everything posted by Zachary Whyte

  1. Thank you for the suggestion. This will be put under consideration by the developers and could feature in a future FM.
  2. Thanks for the suggestion. The developers will put this under consideration.
  3. Thank you for the suggestion and link. This will be reviewed by the developers and could feature in a future FM.
  4. Thank you for the detailed suggestions. This will be put under consideration from the developers and could feature in a future FM.
  5. Thanks for the suggestion. The developers will put this under consideration.
  6. Strange, can you try uploading a different file just to see if it's that particular file or a general issue, thanks.
  7. Thank you for the save file and information. We will put under review.
  8. Hello, can you please upload your save file to us so we can review.
  9. Hi, do you have a save file from before this inbox message was generated?
  10. Hello, do you have a save file from before that inbox message generated?
  11. Hello, could you please upload your save file to us using this link - https://oc.sigames.com/owncloud/index.php/s/Kzvhd0MdU3v4Nv4 Your save files can be located - C:\Users\[Your Windows Username]\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2023\games Once uploaded, could you tell us the name of the file, thank you.
  12. Thank you for flagging. We'll review further.
  13. Thank you for the very detailed suggestions. This will be looked over and reviewed by the developers.
  14. Appreciate the suggestion, the developers will consider this.
  15. Thank you for the detailed suggestions. These will be put under consideration by the developers.
  16. Thanks for the suggestions. Your ideas will be reviewed and may end up in a future FM.
  17. Thank you for the suggestion. This will be considered by the developers.
  18. Appreciate the suggestion, potentially with some further development, this could end up in a future version of FM.
  19. Thanks for the suggestion, your ideas may end up in a future version of FM.
  20. This is something we are looking into. Thank you for the suggestions, these could feature in a future version of FM.
  21. Thank you for the detailed suggestion. This is something we're aware of and putting under consideration.
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