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Zachary Whyte

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Everything posted by Zachary Whyte

  1. Hello, can you please attach the fmf file? We also need more info: Q1: Do you mean that the mentioned teams are not connected in any way in-game, and are you trying to connect them via the editor? Q2: What exactly is failing and how?
  2. Thank you for flagging this to us, we have placed under review.
  3. Hello, this is a known issue we're currently investigating, thank you for flagging.
  4. Hello, do you have a save file from before that transfer was confirmed you could send us?
  5. Hello, the first sorting criteria in the Slovak First division is results between teams instead of goal difference. The rules work correctly, if you believe this rules is wrong can you please provide some evidence.
  6. Yes a save from just before getting a new budget would be ideal, thank you.
  7. We appreciate the feedback given, I will pass it along to the QA team.
  8. Hey all, if you believe you have an issue where you don’t get notified when the AI club offers your player a pre-contract, please create a support ticket with the following file and information so we can investigate further: Save game (just before your player receives a pre-contract from an AI club) uploaded to OwnCloud. Platform (Epic, Steam and Microsoft etc…)
  9. Hello @Newicp Thank you for raising this to us, unfortunately we do not have any more updates coming out for FM24. However, we can make sure this gets logged internally and resolved for the future. We apologise for the inconvenience.
  10. Hello @Tigas I'm guessing you used the IGE to give yourself a massive transfer budget. If you use the IGE again to lower your transfer budget below £1.5 Billion it will go through fine then.
  11. Hello, if possible can we get a save game from before the player turns 21?
  12. Thank you for flagging this to us, we have placed under review.
  13. Hi @JamesNatsu If you are experiencing any issues can you please create a support ticket. https://fmofficial.support/Ticket
  14. If you upload your latest save to our Cloud I can send it back in a Direct Message. https://oc.sigames.com/owncloud/index.php/s/Kzvhd0MdU3v4Nv4
  15. Hello, can you please upload your save file to us. Can we also ask if you have any custom files in this save?
  16. Hello @RagedSomar This is a known issue we're currently investigating. Thank you for raising.
  17. Thanks for that save, we can review that further. In terms of your current save if you'd like you can send that to me in a Direct Message and I can increase your Scouting Budget with the IGE and then send the save file back to you?
  18. Hello @nms1987 Thanks for the detailed information, what we would need ideally is a save file from the previous season, one from just before the promise is made, or just before you qualified to the champions league, it shouldn't be doing this with a competition that you're not in.
  19. Hello, we have this issue under review currently. Any additional information would be helpful. Does this happen for every team in Portugal? Is it always on the same date?
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