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Zachary Whyte

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Everything posted by Zachary Whyte

  1. Hello @999999ine Thanks for flagging this to us, I don't believe I've seen anyone else raise this. I do see your save has a custom database, have you spotted this in any other save files? We can keep an eye out for this on FM25.
  2. Hello, if possible do you have a save file from before the contract promise was generated? If you do can you please upload it to us.
  3. Hello, can you please create a support ticket with the link below. https://fmofficial.support/Ticket
  4. Hello, I checked your save file and yeah very odd, not sure if I've seen this before. I checked a bunch of other save files they all had the filter list. So my best guess is that custom skin might have removed those filter options causing this issue. But there's is nothing we can do to bring those filter options back in this save file. Sorry for the inconvenience.
  5. Hello, I'm not seeing your save file in our cloud service. Can you please reupload your save file you can see how in the link below.
  6. Hi @Cizzu This isn't something I've seen personally or I've seen raised anywhere else. Are you perhaps using a custom database? Can you make a separate thread and send us a save file to examine.
  7. Hi, it wasn't stuck for me, I loaded up your save advanced forward to June 6th and the Transfer retained percentage went from 0% to 15%.
  8. I wouldn't say this is particularly that unusual, but we would need a save file from just before the transfers first took place to examine further.
  9. Thank you for the information, we can review your save and try to figure out what happened (the IGE looks to be the cause) but we won't be able to solve this loan issue with the player. Sorry for the inconvenience.
  10. I'm not sure how but it seems this Sorin Stan has been duplicated many times in many different roles. My best guess is that the IGE might have done this. Your save says the IGE has been used, do you remember what you used it for?
  11. Was just about to comment, you had "only italian teams" selected.
  12. Hello @rusu83 If there is a first team match and U19 match both on the same day, then selecting 'Available For U19' will not work as the game will prioritize being available for the first team selection over youth team selection. Moving the player down to the U19 team the day before will work instead. So if your U19 match was on a different day, then selecting 'Available For U19' would work.
  13. Hi we're going to need more detailed information and your save file to examine. The Star Ratings is the opinion of your scouts/coaches when compared to the rest of your team. 2.5 stars does not mean a player is bad.
  14. Hi @cokoroch What are the names of the files you uploaded?
  15. Thank you for raising this to us, we have placed under review.
  16. Hello @CEEMayhem If you are still experiencing problems can you create a support ticket with the link below. https://fmofficial.support/Ticket
  17. Hello, can we what if any custom files you have used in this save (I see you have a custom skin) Have you used a third party editor in anyway?
  18. Hello, we can't offer support for third party add-ons. I would get in contact with the creators of the kit pack and see if they can help you.
  19. As Sealion points out the Inbox is being replaced by the Portal but it will work in a similar fashion.
  20. The only way I could see this working is if we used some kind of voice AI generator. The technology probably isn't ready yet, but could be something we might explore in the future.
  21. I don't think this would be possible as it would make the game look weird. But if you set the game to 'Very Low' settings there will be no crowd and your performance will improve. Or if you don't care for the 3D graphics you could switch to 2D Mode, which doesn't need as much performance.
  22. As Wolf points out, you can make this change in the editor, but we couldn't make it standard as that goes against the rules of the leagues.
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