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Zachary Whyte

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Everything posted by Zachary Whyte

  1. Looking at your save, you still have 80 days left of the promise. Can you continue to play Raya in the Cup Games and see what happens after the 80 days. You can also switch his playing time to 'Backup' without Raya getting angry.
  2. Hello, we will need a save file from before the news item was generated to investigate this further. If you would like to advance further in your save file, you can just go on Holiday for one day forward.
  3. Hello, @jonsnow10 This save is using an editor file. Possibly multiple editor files. Either the NACL was tinkered, or changing other nations had effect on the qualification. You should ask for help from the creators of the files.
  4. I see in your that you do have 3 friendlies booked for the next year. But it does seem odd you can't re-arrange them, we will investigate this further.
  5. Hello @DomLOL Unfortunately I can't max out your Youth Facilities as the IGE is disabled in your Save Game. Looking at your save I see your Youth Facilities are listed as 'Good' and the Board recently finished upgrading them. So they don't seem completely against it. They are many factors that go into a board interest, club vision objectives, (in your case none of your club vision objectives are to do with developing youth) what league are you playing in, what is your club reputation. etc. Plus if your Youth Facilities have been improved recently (say around 12 months) then it's unlikely they'll agree that soon again - they're not just going keep blindly upgrading, that's not how it works in game or IRL. I see your trying to do a Build a nation save in Gibraltar, this is a small nation where football isn't a priority and they have a very low rep for producing talent which means your board are more likely to be far less interested in upgrading the facilities. But if you keep doing well in the Champions League and growing your club/league reputation this can improve over time.
  6. Thank you for the saves, we will put this under review.
  7. Hi @AmazingSteve Can you please create a support ticket with the link below. https://fmofficial.support/Ticket
  8. A player who's Squad Status is 'Star Player' will ideally be looking to play every minute of every game. So I wouldn't recommend having multiple players with 'Star Player' status, but instead look to set them as 'Important Player' or 'Regular Starter'. Normally when I play, I regularly look to adjust a players Squad Status as the season progresses and I figure out my team more and more. I've sometimes been able to take players who are 'Star Players' at the start of the season to 'Squad Players' at the end, without any complaints.
  9. Thanks for the save, we will investigate further.
  10. Hi @DomLOL You can upload the save to our cloud which has no limit and we can take a closer look. However, as stated above it's likely due to board interest regardless if you have the money. https://oc.sigames.com/owncloud/index.php/s/Kzvhd0MdU3v4Nv4
  11. Hello @Krokknoff If possible could you send us an earlier save file from before the player was suspended.
  12. I'm not sure why it's fine for me and not for you. In your screenshot it looks like you have the IGE enabled, can you use that?
  13. Are you trying to upload the save to our Cloud system? The Cloud should have no upload limit on a save file.
  14. I imagine this would be because the managers contract expired on 30/6 and so agreed to join Lazio. Also the club world championship isn't a major competition so it's not really worth sticking around for a few more weeks.
  15. Hello, this is more of a Feature Request than a bug, but we appreciate the feedback and your idea. We'll put it under consideration.
  16. When loading your save the player does fail their work permit but they do then sign for Middlesbrough by using an ESC slot. I believe it is harder for UK clubs to get player work permits because of Brexit.
  17. Hmm not one I've seen before. I can see what you mean with Tulio dos Santos but other players with release clauses look fine for me. We will review further.
  18. Hello, can you please upload your save file to us. You can see how in the link below.
  19. I am able to adjust the Scouting Budget in your save. I see also that your Scouting Range was set to 'No Scouting.'
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