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Zachary Whyte

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Everything posted by Zachary Whyte

  1. Hello @Elliot webber Thank you for the information, we now have this logged. However, this is not something we will be able to change in this FM cycle.
  2. Have you started a new save or is this one from earlier in the FM24 cycle?
  3. Hello, thank you for raising, we will be making adjustments to our weather system in FM25.
  4. Thank you for the save file and information, we will put under review.
  5. Hello @Amosifo We have been looking into this issue, but are not able to reproduce it anymore, we believe it will be resolved in our next game update. If you have a save file showing this issue (or ideally just before) I can check with your save also, thank you.
  6. Hello, can you please upload your save file showing this. You can see how in the link below.
  7. Hello, as some people have explained in your original post, this is by design and not an issue.
  8. Not something we've seen much of, if you upload your save we can take a closer look.
  9. Hello @gabox89 This feature is indeed possible. Can you please log in/out of your iCloud again then make sure your saving your game on the iCloud and not locally.
  10. Zachary Whyte


    Hello, can you please create a support ticket using the link below where we can provide further assistance. https://fmofficial.support/Ticket
  11. Is this happening on any of your other save files? Because I can't actually load your save file on our internal builds due to an error. That's what makes me believe this a custom related issue. Did you use the In-game or Pre-Game Editor at all?
  12. Hello, we can take a closer look but as you mention this is highly likely to be due to custom editor files.
  13. Hello, this is a known issue we're currently investigating. There should be changes made in our next game update that should stop this situation from occurring.
  14. Hello @Monóstico Can you please see the link below, and follow the guide under 'My In-Game Purchases Haven't Been Applied' https://support.sega.com/hc/en-gb/articles/19474159359633-Tech-Issues
  15. Hi @Sacioli We're going to be making some changes in our next game update that should stop this situation from occurring.
  16. Hi @keithbeaky While no money is given out specifically for league position, it is factored into the TV money given to the clubs, so the money is received as a total in 1 payment, rather than in 2 separate payments.
  17. Hello @Sysynho This is not reproducing for us internally. We're able to load the schedules just fine. Can you give us any more detailed information that may help us track down this issue?
  18. Hi, we can see in your save file that your players are unregistered but we need a save file from before the change takes place in order to figure out what went wrong.
  19. Hello @celtics95 There has been no official decision for AFCON 2025 to be moved to summer. The article linked only explains that this is something CAF are exploring, so we will need to wait for official confirmation before we could make the change in-game.
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