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Zachary Whyte

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Everything posted by Zachary Whyte

  1. Hello, this sounds like you have a Match Plan that is making those changes for you? Can you remove any match plans you have? Can we also ask if you have a custom files installed?
  2. Hello @neva After investigating your save game, the issue arises when you make more than one enquiry to the same club. The game can only process one trade enquiry at a time per club as it is not a transfer offer for a specific player but an open negotiation with a club that could include any number of players, draft picks, finance etc. If the player makes one enquiry to a club and then clicks to negotiate the offer, this will work correctly. If the option to offer anything in return is unavailable then the user will likely already have an open trade negotiation with that club that has not yet been withdrawn. You can do this by going to: Transfers -> Transfer Activity -> Trades, and clicking on the red X underneath "Status".
  3. Thank you for the PKM and Information, we will investigate further.
  4. Hello @Purplejesus It seems your save files haven't come through to us. Can you please reupload them.
  5. Hello, this is most likely occurring because the clubs moves to an amateur status league, and so drops from pro or semi-pro to amateur and then the ticket prices start to drop. However, as we don't support the third or fourth divisions in Norway, I don't think there is anything we can do.
  6. Hello @js2121 This looks to be a custom file issue. Do you have any custom files/skins/databases installed/used on this file?
  7. Hello @Ard1988 Thank you for the save file and information. We are currently investigating this.
  8. Hello @Drejer If possible do you have a slightly earlier save file you could send to us.
  9. Hi, can you please create a support ticket where we can do some further troubleshooting. We're sorry for the inconvenience. https://fmofficial.support/Ticket
  10. Hello, unfortunately the forbidden words are controlled/decided by Microsoft, so there is nothing we can do. We apologise for the inconvenience.
  11. Hello the 24.0 is the latest database we have. The 24.2 is the Game Version. Which is different to database.
  12. Hello @Granite95 To give an update to this, my best guess would be this was caused by your custom database. We've had no other reports of anything similar occurring and have no way of bringing the tab back, as it shouldn't be gone in the first place. So unfortunately I don't think there is much we can do, apologises.
  13. Hello @adtsilva Thank you for the detailed information. This is a known issue we're currently investigating and should be resolved in our next game update, thank you for flagging.
  14. Hello, this is a known issue we're currently investigating, although we have not been able to reproduce this internally. Can we ask if this happened in just one match or many matches?
  15. Thank you for the update. Unfortunately, due to where we are in the development cycle this is just not something we can look into at this stage. Without access to a device with these exact specifications we'd be taking a stab in the dark. With the switch to Unity Engine for FM25 we can do further testing and look to get a setup similar to yours. I would suggest continuing to tinker with different settings in-game, on your PC and Monitor to see if you can find a good balance.
  16. Hello @b2khn I would ask in future you be more respectful when leaving comments. You opened this thread when I was on Christmas Holiday and I responded to it the first day I came back. As stated above when loading your save file the issue is not reproducing for us. This could be because of your custom skin/modified database. I've spotted other users make similar posts but we're confident the issue should be resolved in our next update.
  17. Hello @Mr Tonio Apologies I didn't spot that you had uploaded a save. Looking into your save, your not in charge of any of the training for those teams (team or individual) so if you set something (example screenshots below) then they should appear on your side task bar.
  18. Hello, can you please upload your save file to us, you can see how in the link below.
  19. If you have a save file showing this issue, then please can you upload it to us, thank you.
  20. Hello @heroiz7001 You have bypassed the verification process as the file attached is not verified but loads in game. Attempting to verify the file fails immediately so we're unable to test the requested error in normal conditions. If you can present a verified file then we can look at it.
  21. Hello @BangerOfYourLifee Can you please create a support ticket where we can provide further assistance. https://fmofficial.support/Ticket
  22. Hello @T-IceMan & @Lucas_27 We are currently investigating this issue, can you please upload save files showing this, thank you.
  23. Hello @J Kelly & @Jamaicaman90 We are currently investigating this issue, can you please upload save files showing this. You can see how in the link below.
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