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Everything posted by HanziZoloman

  1. A M A Z I N G Just stumbled over this one and read the introduction. It’s brilliant and I will dive into it in the days to come. Great one!
  2. Sounds great! would like to read a bit about that part with training and DNA building.
  3. Shot! That’s bad luck. I like the style of play as well but it’s difficult to get results at the moment. The performance is not bad, it looks beautiful at times but mistakes cost us at the moment. Red cards, own goals and up front: nothing serious. now I took a look at your loaned players: wow! Those are complete packages.
  4. Yes! That’s perfect. The 4231 is a good option because of the two attacking roles up front. At the moment I am playing with a 433 and the (A) player is the one in MC, which means my striker is a (S) and it creates wonderful movements. Depending on situations in the match or in the planning before I can just play a BWM and an AF. Wonderful! do you believe that fluidity has a different impact than maybe structured shapes?
  5. I created something similar like you and especially try to find a fluid formation with max tactical familiarity. Right now we are close. I started with a careful, fluid counter-attack approach. The matches are close but we’re almost always against top teams from the league or league above where we conceded less than before, I am content at the moment. did you only use the above roles or did you have some players training other roles and played them in these different roles? For example did you sometimes use a BWM and sometimes a SV depending on the player profile? Also, did you switch training from tactical familiarity player roles into attribute growth at some point? thanks!
  6. Thank you, the IW(S) getting in front of the box being creative, the IW(A) cutting inside towards the box beating his man.
  7. Thanks for the advice @WhiteElf I will check those issues and think about your suggestions.
  8. @AceCream wow that’s fantastic with Bologna! Great work and great, inspiring write up. Thanks
  9. Great! You solved it with a L(D) ? I am facing a lot of Wingers, which is why I opt for WB(D). Do you face a lot of wingers too and how do you cope with your team? Plus: do you play an underdog?
  10. He‘s not, which is why I’ll take your advice seriously. Thank you @bosque
  11. We have another picture: This time it's a simple 433 which worked surprisingly well in a first match against a new promoted side (5:0) I switched to a 433 because I believe it is more flexible for changes against different opposition formations (Swiss Army Knife). Against the 442 especially I hope for better defending with a HB against the striker partnership. I have plenty of creativity in the MC spots and even a sniper with good longshots who can be easily trained for MC. I am eager to learn from your insights @crusadertsar and @Cloud9. I am tempted to be careful with any too early hopes because we did well several times after a tactical change and went back to usual laziness after a few matches.
  12. This is a bit of all your advice: I have two WB covering for the opponents Wingers, sometimes I put one of them on (S). The DLF(A) and SS from @crusadertsar and the double pivot where one is charging forward. The Wingers are switched due to opponents defenseline. If they play WB I let them cut inside IW(A/S), if they play IFB/ IWB I have stay wide as classic wingers. I note that it's easier to have the ball and dictate the game. Most opponents sit deep and wait for the counter attack on my vulnerable wings. Most goals conceded are bad defended crosses. Worst games are against League Two sides, we dominated the game and lost to a counter attack. We have a lot of opportunities but don't score much. I have two players I want to show you: Kristian Laine is one of the best defensive players I had in all the years. Sadly he's a bit short and can't jump. I used to play him as a L(D) in a 3-2 rest defense (with IFB) which suddenly stopped working after a strong campaign. Any suggestions regarding his development and role? The other one is James Graham who plays under his possibilities. He had strong debut season as an AF but is now struggling since last season. He had Jumping up to 17 .. How would you play him?
  13. That’s good advice @Jack Sarahs if I have a SV pushing up on the left and an IW(S) on the same side, the IW plays more like a narrow winger crossing (?) width is set on narrow/ fair narrow edit: he tries to beat the FB inside but still stays wide in the box pushing towards the touchline right (?)
  14. Thanks, anything special or out of the order you are doing? Especially the tackling is hard to develop
  15. Hi people, anybody experiencing the same thing, that central defenders or defenders won't develop as well and as easy as offensive players?
  16. AP has roam/f position MC(D) has more direct passes MC(S) has take more risks But(!) it stopped working after a few games because the downside is, that it’s to heavy relying on the AF as a goalscorer and lacks penetration from other areas. Check the discussion in „need help with a 433“ if you like
  17. All of the above mentioned is relevant especially the notes from @Cloud9 about the 442 and partnerships. Also try and upgrade the facilities as soon as possible, you‘ll need an income and there is no better income as selling prospects and reinvesting that money into stones. The stadium will take time and that means low income.
  18. Now that are the tactics I developed given your advice, I am sure they still need some refinement. I'd try to put my best players into spots to shine: This is the one with the classic double pivot. DML got hold position, AMC(A) got roam, the wingmen play IW/ W depending on opponents FB. If they play wide players like WB I let mine cut inside, if the play narrow like IWB/ IFB I play classic Winger. Against better opponents I try and play a midblock. This one has the SV as a support from deep and the Libero. The 433 I want to use against all those 442 which give me headaches. It could be something like this:
  19. Thank you as well @Cloud9 I appreciate your advice as always. I think I will build two shapes a 433 and a 4231. with the 4231 I will do a SV one because I have decent players who can pass and run and carry the game a bit but I‘ll do a DM(S) WB(S) with a box build out as well. Up front I imagine a P who pins one defender back and SS or AMC(A) coming in from behind. The P could easily change into a DLF(A) if it’s not the mighty James Graham who’s playing. I am looking at old posts here and there is still advice to follow. Some things are possible now with these players which had not before. Just look at this, it's a usual pattern this year. We are the better team but concede 4 against the 23rd of the table. It's not like they outplaying us or hit us on the counter, just fumbling the ball in from the wings and you hear my CBs snoring. Here is some data:
  20. Thanks to both of you @crusadertsar and @WhiteElf for your help. I think the Valencia set up looks a bit demanding for Billericay Town in EFL1 but I am thinking about a 433 to counter opposition with a 4231. I mainly face 442 and 433 with wingers they exploit my weaknesses down the flanks. the 4231 @crusadertsar looks interesting, it’s not a million miles away from what I am doing right now. - The DLP is hard to find at the moment (I am not doing transfers, it’s the YAC set up) maybe a DM(S/D) with hold position will do the trick as well. - The SV needs mobility which I now have (!) - The FB(A) will be difficult, I have a better one on the left but no true options. - all options up front are available My Most dangerous players are the strikers, I have one with 17 jumping and 15 finishing and the AMC where I have 17 Off the ball and some other nice options. We can pass the ball and have decent tacklers in midfield. The wingers are all fast. Weaknesses are clearly the defenseline
  21. Thank you @crusadertsar that makes sense, I went more conservative after we conceded more and more goals. Maybe it's time for a 433? I don't like the idea of a 442 because my best players are AMC/L/R and the striker
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