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Andrew Marines

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Everything posted by Andrew Marines

  1. I had the same kind of reaction when my team was losing 6-0 and there were like 10 minutes left. Nobody's motivated to play in that kind of scenario
  2. From personal experience, dictates tempo really changes how midfielders move and even make " stay wider" quite useless
  3. I've already talked about this in the general thead. The game's not easy itself. It's easy on the long run tho. The AI is really bad, it doesn't improve nor adapt. Imagine you're new at the game: Your "level" is 1. The AI is at level 7. You slowly start to improve and one day you're at level 10. The ai didn't improve so it's still at level 7. The game starts to feel a bit easy but you love the game so you keep playing. After thousands of hours you're at level 100. And the ai level? Well... It's still at 7. That's the main issue. The game becomes boring, every save becomes the same thing even if you try to limit yourself. You start to play challenges to get that old spark back again. It probably works the first few times but after not long it's meh again. I know coding something like this is really difficult but that's what could stop this wave of "is FM really easy?" Imagine a game where the AI tries to understand and make moves, slowly changing tactics and how they handle transfers for example. Imagine a game where the ai understands that if the opposition is playing with a double Segundo volante they can play a 2 forwards tactic and score a lot of goals just by counterattacking. Edit: watch out, I'm not asking to code every single possible combination. I'm asking that the AI will try to counter the oppositions, making mistakes but learning what works and what not. This would make FM really dynamic and there won't be a "meta" anymore
  4. I agree with @RDF Tacticson a lot of things. You can play everything and succeed if you know what you're doing. The main issue isn't the tactics tho. It's the AI. You can see it when you play online: if you play a 4231 gegenpress online and the opponent is an above average FM player, you'll get fu**ed a lot of times. The opponent's gonna counter it easily knowing how it plays. But what about the CPU? Playing against the AI feels like something scripted even if it isn't. Even the squad building and the playing time is really bad so, if you do a long term save it'll get worse. Until AI is massively improved, we won't see any kind of difficulty
  5. Yeah but i'm honestly surprised about it in a positive way. He actually bought me two great 19 y/o with little to none budget and is now trying to get a few loans on positions I really needed. He's also managing the contracts. DoFs are not that bad
  6. Hi, I just started using the DoF a lot more but I don't understand this thing: How does the dof know the players? Is he watching the scout reports or does he have like an internal db to get them from? I don't have a lot of money for scouts so I don't wanna waste them if the DoF doesn't actually watch the reports they give
  7. For the youth teams, I'm using the hoyd. He obviously won't buy 20-30 youth players but in a market session he bought Two 18 y/o, two 19 y/o and one 15 y/o
  8. Love how you're trying to play! It's a bit risky to suggest something without any in-game screenshots/videos to see the issues... You sure the 4231 is the easiest tactic to use in this situation? Your players are positioning themselves in a good way right from the start of the action?
  9. Watch the data analysis of a match he under-performed to see why he gets low ratings first thing first
  10. I've used at least a Treq(wide usually) on any tactic i created before FM24; The wide midfielder, if you're using a 3 at the back + a defensive midfielder is one of the best ways to attack; For the wide target man you gotta have a really complete player. Someone you don't find that easily but, once you have it, he's gonna be brutal; Thought a lot of people used the Regista and the RPM
  11. You could just ask the IW to stay wider. If you do that, i would probably ask the BWM to get further forward whenever possible to occupy the left half-space. Same on the right, stay wider to the IW. I would probably change the PF to a Poacher too
  12. The thing is... you don't know what you really want from him. How do you except him to do great? The AM C is not dead IRL and won't be for a long time. Examples in Serie A: It's the old n.10 that doesn't exist anymore like it was before. It changed, now he gotta defend and attack like anyone else on the field. The AMC is a really fascinating position even in FM. You can see how easy it is to build up when you select this position especially considered that the forwards on support won't drop as an AM would do. I get he won't score as much as a forward but think about it for a second. Are you building wide and crossing? How do you expect him to score if he's not great with his head? That position is constantly being man marked or needs to be everywhere on the pitch. For me he's the one man i need to be able to build up in the middle and retain possession but you could need him to cut. Remember that you could place him in an assymetric style or even use him as a second striker
  13. Right now i'm doing the world super league so i gotta buy only in those competitions. It's quite your choice on how many countries you load and how you behave on those who are not loaded. Remember that there's a limit on the computational power of our PCs and we cannot do anything about it. When i played a "normal" save, i usually load all europe+some countries i'd like to watch closely. My pc can support all that but it cannot support all the world
  14. Attribute-less saves at least make you watch the players section of the data centre. I paid less than 1M for a 25 y/o wingback found using that tool and performed really good. Still it's not enough. It isn't not because the tool isn't great but cause the ai is quite bad and you don't need it
  15. I quite disagree tbh. Obviously the player is a lot stronger than the ai creating tactics and you can make half-players play great but these skins really add immersion and difficulty layers. I'm one of the people playing an attribute-less save and playing really often full matches or close. I created some really strong tactics but I can see which players are suitable and don't make mistakes. Remember that reality is as you said. Players can perform much better in a certain context rather than an other, even if the tactic is quite the same. I got an example in my squad. I bought Oskarsson(don't know the full name rn) as an AM(L-R),striker cause I saw his scoring qualities and, in his old team, his technical abilities. He was playing striker but he was fast and complete so I thought about using him in the advanced midfield. Turns out he was below average with his passes and technicals and, even in the same role he was playing, he still made a lot of mistakes. He could score yes but you could still see he wasn't ready to play a full match. These are the essences of attribute-less saves. Not knowing the attributes makes you try to understand if the player is just good or if he's in a great shape at the moment or his old team was so efficient his lack of skill was covered by his teammates. In my case it was the last one mixed with the second. I got a bad player, still trying to make him play to get a bit more money when i'll sell him but i won't gain that much. With attributes i would have never made a mistake like this one
  16. It's because the AF is moving into the half-spaces and not coming to get the ball much. You probably already have IFs, Mez/CM-A so you already do have someone getting into the half-spaces. So no need for the AF. The poacher will just stay in the center of the pitch and make pressure on the defensive line without interfering with the movements of the other players. You could say even DLF and CF move into the spaces but at least they're dynamic and help the building phase, something the AF (and the poacher) won't do. Don't get me wrong, the AF is an awesome role but, in my opinion, used in a context where he's free to do the movements he gotta Do. 442, 4312,3412, 352 are some of the modules I love playing with it. There's a reason why IRL teams playing in a 433 search for really complete players to play forward
  17. If you're using a mezzala or a cm-A, at least have your FB on support so he'll try to receive the pass. He gotta have a second passing option. I'd try with a Regista or a RPM. If however your AM(RL) is playing really narrow and it's your wingback that is pushing on the flank, a Carillero might do the trick or, if you wanna try something a bit more strange an AP-s with stay wider
  18. I don't like the tactic either but let's work on your issue first. Could you send a screenshot of the moment you're talking about? He probably doesn't have any passing option available but it's a bit of a guess
  19. Yeah we all want that but it's different playing with a technical player or a runner. First one might want the ball on his feet, the second might want it passed into the space in front of him...
  20. Honestly depends. Are you building just fine even without the forward and your wingers are really technical? I'd go with a poacher. Are you having issues building up or your wingers need space to exploit? Any role that drops into the midfield would work(F9, CF, DLP, Trq). Hate using an AF in a 433
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